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Introducing myself

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Hi Mike!


I too am a person in transition...not a vegan or vegetarian yet...but really

trying to change my life...I too cut out dairy and white sugar and white

flour and only eat very little meat...turned to veggie's and fruit, and

bought several cookbooks on vegan and macrobiotics..and I lost 30 lbs, never

have felt better, BUT...it is a problem convincing the family...I find I can

hide soy in a lot of stuff...soy milk, rice milk and TVP...were you raised

with the idea of building a plate of food around the meat item? That is

what is hard for me, planning meals without the main focus as a pork chop

or chicken...anyway, this list has been pretty quiet for awhile, if any of

you seasoned vegan's would like to say something on meal planning, I would

love it!



" Mike Schmidt " <nfli4freedom


Monday, December 18, 2000 10:04 PM

Introducing myself



> Hi!


> I just joined this eGroup. I'm not a vegan but I am interested in

> getting more vegetarian and vegan recipes.


> I have a friend who is a strict vegan. He has been encouraging my

> family to cut out meat, eggs, and dairy from our diet for a while

> now. We had him over for supper this evening, serving a pasta

> casserole with soy and a salad. It was a good meal, and my kids

> actually enjoyed it!


> My friend's recommendations have paid off. I eat more " live " foods

> than I used to and I do feel much better as a result. A couple of

> years ago I decided to aim for 75% fruits and vegetables in my diet

> -- I lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks and have maintained a comfortable

> weight since then. I was shocked at the difference.


> I look forward to sharing some of my favorites recipes and trying

> many new ones. :o)


> Mike Schmidt






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  • 4 years later...
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Hi Victoria,

I'm Lisa I'm new here as well.Hooray for you for making a change!

Hope we can help. Today for dinner we had a great pasta.Very easy.

The basic recipe is this

Saute a few minced cloves fresh garlic in some olive oil.Add lots

of fresh basil,and other fresh herbs if you like.To this add three

or four of the reddest juicest fresh organic tomatoes you can find

(prepared as below) Then add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice,salt and

pepper.Toss with any kind of cooked pasta.Either have this just like

that-with the tomatoes.OR you can add some sauteed veggies such as

summer squash,artichoke hearts,or mushrooms.Lots of variations.


For the tomatoes,boil some water.Drop the tomatoes in for no longer

than one minute,then take them out. The skins will slide right

off.Then chop them,saving the juice. Add to above pasta.


-- In , Victoria claridge

<victoria9199> wrote:

> Hi I don't know what to say

> I am 50years old

> I have 5 children Jessica 17

> Joshua 15

> Grace 14 who is multipule handicaped

> Abigail 12

> Kyrsta 11

> We live in Little River Christchurch New Zealand about 56ks from

central Christchurch

> My husband has a rubbish disposal business.

> I have eaten mostly uckky junk type food.

> Time for changes

> Help




> Victoria





> Make your home page

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  • 2 years later...
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Hi Karen,


Welcome. How can we help?




kegrimm <kegrimm wrote:



I just joined and want to introduce myself. My name is Karen. I'm

not a vegetarian yet but seriously considering it. It's something

I've thought about from time to time, for ethical and health

reasons, but never got around to learning how to change my cooking

and eating habits. Right now I am concerned about making too many

changes at once, getting enough protein (I need 42g per meal), and

that if I do it will be all soy this and soy that. My daughter (19)

is vegan, and I would like to share meals with her instead of what

we are doing now, cooking separately. It gets expensive, buying two

sets of groceries, we get in each other's way in our small kitchen,

and besides it just doesn't feel good not to share meals as a

family. She's not doing the program. She cooks some good stuff,

but her meals never have enough protein for me. Maybe not for her

either. And I think she's eating way too much soy. I'd like to have

more food in the house that she can eat, so I want to see if I can

plan vegan meals that meet my program needs and hers also. Maybe I

will make a gradual transition to being vegetarian. So hope you

don't mind me hanging around and learning.








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Hi Karen,

My name is Lacie, I'm new to this discussion group as well. I've been

vegetarian for 14yrs and occasionally vegan. I eat fish and eggs to help me

get enough protein in my diet. I would recommend getting a cookbook called

" How it all Vegan " (link to book below). This book is a great kick-starter

for reducing your meat intake. Although all the recipes are strictly vegan,

you can always add dairy back into the recipes. This book will give you the

foundation for healthy vegetarian cooking.


One word of caution.. try not to replace your meat with too many nuts and

cheeses. Although these are good for you and good to eat, often new

vegetarians will overload on nuts and cheese and notice a weight gain.


You made a great point about soy as well.. I love soy, but have found it has

a negative impact on my thyroid.. so I try to moderate my soy intake, which

doesn't leave much in the way of meat substitutes. Beans are a great

alternative to soy. You may consider trying to find more ethnic foods like

Indian, Thai, Afghani and Ethiopian foods which use a lot of beans, veggies,

and lentils.


Good luck! I wish you many tasty vegetarian meals!


And to the rest of the list-- Hello! I look forward to delicious


Take care,



http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y & EAN=978155152067\

4 & itm=1






On 6/22/07, kegrimm <kegrimm wrote:


> Hi,


> I just joined and want to introduce myself. My name is Karen. I'm

> not a vegetarian yet but seriously considering it. It's something

> I've thought about from time to time, for ethical and health

> reasons, but never got around to learning how to change my cooking

> and eating habits. Right now I am concerned about making too many

> changes at once, getting enough protein (I need 42g per meal), and

> that if I do it will be all soy this and soy that. My daughter (19)

> is vegan, and I would like to share meals with her instead of what

> we are doing now, cooking separately. It gets expensive, buying two

> sets of groceries, we get in each other's way in our small kitchen,

> and besides it just doesn't feel good not to share meals as a

> family. She's not doing the program. She cooks some good stuff,

> but her meals never have enough protein for me. Maybe not for her

> either. And I think she's eating way too much soy. I'd like to have

> more food in the house that she can eat, so I want to see if I can

> plan vegan meals that meet my program needs and hers also. Maybe I

> will make a gradual transition to being vegetarian. So hope you

> don't mind me hanging around and learning.


> Karen








" You are gods who have forgotten who they are. You are emperors who

have fallen asleep and are dreaming that they have become beggars. Now

beggars are trying to become emperors, in dreams they are making great

efforts to become emperors, and all that is needed is to wake up! "

- Osho




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Hi Karen,


Can you talk a bit about what step you're on and how it's going? You're right

that making too many changes at once can be overwhelming. There are lots of

part-time vegetarians in this group, so don't worry, you're in the right place.



Also, you might want to check out the " files " section of this group. There are

good lists there of protein sources, protein values, and even the isoflavone

content of different soy foods. Also some good recipes.


Welcome to the group!



Sharon in CA




kegrimm <kegrimm


Friday, June 22, 2007 4:10:18 PM

Introducing myself




I just joined and want to introduce myself. My name is Karen. I'm

not a vegetarian yet but seriously considering it. It's something

I've thought about from time to time, for ethical and health

reasons, but never got around to learning how to change my cooking

and eating habits. Right now I am concerned about making too many

changes at once, getting enough protein (I need 42g per meal), and

that if I do it will be all soy this and soy that. My daughter (19)

is vegan, and I would like to share meals with her instead of what

we are doing now, cooking separately. It gets expensive, buying two

sets of groceries, we get in each other's way in our small kitchen,

and besides it just doesn't feel good not to share meals as a

family. She's not doing the program. She cooks some good stuff,

but her meals never have enough protein for me. Maybe not for her

either. And I think she's eating way too much soy. I'd like to have

more food in the house that she can eat, so I want to see if I can

plan vegan meals that meet my program needs and hers also. Maybe I

will make a gradual transition to being vegetarian. So hope you

don't mind me hanging around and learning.











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  • 2 months later...

Hi Michelle,

I have been off email for awhile and just saw your message. Welcome! I can't

speak to how the program changes food preference (except that chocolate now

tastes greasy and sweets are intolerably sweet, whereas vegetables are

just-right sweet) as I have been vegetarian all of my adult life (did

Macrobiotics for a few years many years ago). Happy to help!



Michelle Auerbach <michelle.auerbach wrote:



I just joined the list and wanted to introduce myself. I am, not so

strangely, a vegetarian, and have been since I was nine. I live in

Colorado, and am on step two of the program. In my pre-children life (three

kids: 12, 9, 9) I was a chef and food writer and was trained as a

macrobiotic cook also. Now I am a college professor.


I am really interested to see the ways this program works for vegetarians

and how it will change my food preferences and habits.










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  • 2 weeks later...

> Problem is that I'm not sure what to count as protein

> and what to count as a brown. For instance, if I make a stew with

> hulled barley (a brown) and chick peas (a protein), it is a complete

> protein but also full of complex carbs. Can I count that one dish

> both ways?



Yah <smile>...


The idea is not to get lost in the numbers but simply to make sure

that you

are having a reasonable amount of protein with each meal.


I really support being vegetarian...and I think your body will guide

you. here are

two URLS that might help. The first provides the protein counts of

different foods,

the second will allow you to see more specific details. If you are

dealing with depression,

check the ratios of tryptophan.












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hi Lottie, welcome!

I had the same problem sorting out the brown /protein. In the end I

didnt worry too much, just prioritised the protein - " bean and onion

pie, right , protein ok, so add a bit of rice in for brown " and I was

all set.


Dont want to overload you with info :) but my favourite resource is

in files, here, top left. Theres a brilliant chart of protein foods.

I use it as a quick reference for all my pulses, got it printed out

ans tucked in my journal.


I used to worry about complete proteins as well, and debate it for

hours with my friend, then we found an article somewhere ( I'll ask

her, vegetarian society I think (UK)) saying that overall through the

day things average out.


Good luck with the journal too - baby steps like everything else! its

worth the effort, looks like you are well tuned in already!





, " lottiewill "

<lottiewill wrote:


> Hi, my name is Lottie and I'm working on Step Two toward Radiance.

> I'm taking it slowly because journaling isn't easy for me. I'm fine

> with writing out my foods, exercise, etc. My moods and feelings are

> harder.


> Anyway, I went to a yoga retreat at an Ashram this summer and ate

> vegetarian for a week. The food was delicious and I felt fabulous

> eating it. I was worried before I went because they only offered


> meals, at 10am and 6pm, but the people at the ashram were very nice

> about my need to eat first thing in the morning. I worked around


> by eating before morning meditation at 6am and having a shake before

> yoga asana practice at 4pm.


> Since returning, I've been increasing the number of vegetarian

meals I

> prepare for myself and my family, trying to help my husband lower


> cholesterol. Problem is that I'm not sure what to count as protein

> and what to count as a brown. For instance, if I make a stew with

> hulled barley (a brown) and chick peas (a protein), it is a complete

> protein but also full of complex carbs. Can I count that one dish

> both ways?


> Typically, I use 3x the legumes as browns, since that holds me


> well. 1 1/2 cups of chickpeas gives me about 23gms incomplete

> protein, which is complemented by 1/2 cup hulled barley.


> I guess I shouldn't be worrying about all this till I get to step

> three, should I?


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Hi Mosaic


I just found this list - it's really good. Howver, can you remind me

what a 'cup' is in UK measurements - how much is a cup? And is a

tablespoon (tbsp) the same the world over?!




Linda E


(Newbie to list because I want to slowly introduce more veggie meals to

my programme. )



> Dont want to overload you with info :) but my favourite resource is

> in files, here, top left. Theres a brilliant chart of protein foods.

> I use it as a quick reference for all my pulses, got it printed out

> ans tucked in my journal.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there,


My name is Katherine. I enjoy vegetarian food and although I don't have a

huge amount of recipes, I do have quite a few and look forward to sharing

them. Some of them are vegan and some are lacto-ova. As I am in Australia,

if you don't understand my recipes, please don't hesitate to ask for a





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Hi there, Katherine! Hey, another Aussie!!!

Welcome to the group :)


You don't say whether or not you are actually

vegetarian, but that doesn't really matter as

long as you remember to edit out anything from

messages or recipes that refers to animal flesh

or dead animal products (like stock and

gelatine). We have lots of non-veggies here and

all are most welcome!


About your recipes: some you say are lacto-ovo

and some vegan - again, all welcome here because

we have vegans as well and we are always looking

for new ideas. The group however does indeed

welcome recipes with eggs, dairy and honey.


About the ingredients - usually people ask if

they have trouble with measurements. It's pretty

easy to convert measurements to American or

vice-versa by typing something like 1 pt in

liters in a google search and the result comes up

at the top. Sadly, cups versus weight is more

tricky, so we often need help on that. Me, I use

both/either system, to everyone's confusion LOL

So don't worry, okay? As for the names of

ingredients themselves, ahhhh that does indeed

sometimes need translating! So thanks for

offering - you may indeed get taken up on

it.Funny, we all think we speak the same

language, but . . . .


Where are you in Oz? My dh and I spent 25 years

in Sydney before retiring back to Canada :) (COLD

here in our winter!!!!)


Enjoy the group - and you be sure to ask any

questions you like, okay? We love to help!!!


Best, Pat (Group Owner) - in Ontario, Canada.





Raw Vegan: http://www.care2.com/c2crAw_vEgAn

Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada


" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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