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My name is Marcie and I'm from San Antonio, Texas. I just recently

became a vegetarian in January. I am hoping to become a vegan within

the year. I am a journalism major at UTSA and work at a local grocery

store. I share my home with 2 spoiled rotten cats named Dory and Zebah

as well as my boyfriend(who refuses to live meat-free). I'm hoping

that through this group, I can find more intresting recipes to make

since I seem to make the same meals over and over again.

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Welcome, Marcie :)


Well first of all congratulations on become

vegetarian - a nice feeling to be able to say

you're vegetarian now, isn't it? Good for you!

Being vegan isn't a huge stretch from that imho,

although it took me a looooooong while. But that

was mainly because it took a long while before my

lifestyle caught up with my conscience, I'm

afraid :( Others tell me they do the whole thing

- from omnivore to vegan - at once, and never

look back, never regret. Awesome!


This isn't a health group, but I would just point

out that it's a good idea to think of your health

as well as the animals (they're not opposed) and

that might mean cutting back on all the animal

fats that are in milk, cream, cheese - you can

get health problems as quickly on those as you

can on eating me*t. Okay, finished now LOL


And you are another cat lover/rescuer! We share

living space with a lovely brown/white tiger tom

called Misha and a pair of beautiful strictly

non-hunting beagle bitches, Casey and Made'. Joy

of our lives, I always say, and (sometimes) our

cross to bear, eh? LOL Mischief!!!!


I think you can manage quite easily with your

bf's omnivore style if you do a couple of things:

cook/prepare things that are veg*n for yourself

but to which you can add the me*t things he

thinks he needs near the end. This works well for

a whole bunch of things. Members here can help

you with that if you run out of ideas or can't

find what you want in our Files. Otherwise, you

can simply indulge his bad habits but get sneaky

about offering more and more decadent dishes that

are meat-free. (One of our Members, Vida, has

just posted on that subject.) You never know, you

might change his mind after a while. I'm lucky in

that my dh and I both eat the same kinds of

things - totally vegan - but that means I don't

have any first-hand experience to share.


Let us know how you're doing - ie. post often.


Best, Pat (Group Owner)





Raw Vegan: http://www.care2.com/c2crAw_vEgAn

Vegetarian Spice:

BeanVegan Food Blog: http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada


" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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Hey Marcie.

I just joined this group and already love it. But I kinda jumped right into

the vegan thing, and feel so good I kinda love everything.

I did have a bit of a break on the second day of my veganism. We have so many

eggs and turkey bacon left that I made some for breakfast. When I tried to eat

them, they didn't taste the same. They were bland and icky. Seriously.

I already gave up dairy a while back, so that part isn't difficult. Maybe

that is why I can just jump into vegan stuff.

I'm allegic to cats, but love them...sigh.

My boyfriends 2 fave foods are meat and cheese, so I totally get you on that.

Worse of all, he likes the meats and cheeses that are abosoluty in no way shape

or form good for you.

But the other day he said that, no matter how much he complains and whines and

acts like a 5 yr old, part of why he loves me is that I try to get him to eat

better. So last night I handed him a vegan cookbook I own and love, and asked

him to pick at least one meal for me to cook this week. He said ok, without an

arguement... and all night was going on about how such and such would be good,

this sounds great, and so on.

I hope your boyfriend can at least get over some stubborness and try some new

stuff. You can eat vegan meals, or vegitarian meals, and not be

vegan/vegetarian yourself.




Marcie <marcie0503 wrote:



My name is Marcie and I'm from San Antonio, Texas. I just recently

became a vegetarian in January. I am hoping to become a vegan within

the year. I am a journalism major at UTSA and work at a local grocery

store. I share my home with 2 spoiled rotten cats named Dory and Zebah

as well as my boyfriend(who refuses to live meat-free). I'm hoping

that through this group, I can find more intresting recipes to make

since I seem to make the same meals over and over again.







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