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Hi PJ - welcome to the group. Many years ago, I used to do Yoga. It was reading a book on Yoga that first made me think I should stop eating animals, although it was many years before I did anything about it. Unfortunately I haven't done it for years, apart from a couple of positions that keep my back from becoming unsupple. Even though I haven't done Yoga for a long time I am still quite supple for my age (apart from a temporarily frozen shoulder) so it does you good. It is very balancing. I do Tai Chi now.






Thursday, July 29, 2004 7:19 PM

Newbie here!


Hi all,

I am new to the group, so I figured I would introduce my self. My frineds call me PJ. (yes, really) I am a new vegetarian, due to a book that I read Happy Yoga by Steve Ross, as well as discovering Yoga for my self. Does anyone practice yoga? I am trying to incorporate a meat-free lifestyle but find it rather difficult at times. Does anyone have any easy recipes favorates that they would like to share?

Hope to be hearing from you all.


"Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile."


With lots of love,




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Welcome to the group!

I am a total idiot with cooking, so will recommend some books instead

of anything I made up. How It All Vegan and Garden of Vegan are 2 of

my favorites. Before I bought these books, I used to go into the book

store all the time and write down recipes out of them.

Have fun exploring!



, PJ <pjsparkles80> wrote:

> Hi all,

> I am new to the group, so I figured I would introduce my

self. My frineds call me PJ. (yes, really) I am a new vegetarian,

due to a book that I read Happy Yoga by Steve Ross, as well as

discovering Yoga for my self. Does anyone practice yoga? I am

trying to incorporate a meat-free lifestyle but find it rather

difficult at times. Does anyone have any easy recipes favorates that

they would like to share?

> Hope to be hearing from you all.




> " Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile. "


> With lots of love,

> ***PJ***






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welcome PJ

(and to all the other newbes..i am very remiss in my duties as of late)

as fer recipes..check the archives here..the place is bursting with recipes



fragglePJ <pjsparkles80 wrote:


Hi all,

I am new to the group, so I figured I would introduce my self. My frineds call me PJ. (yes, really) I am a new vegetarian, due to a book that I read Happy Yoga by Steve Ross, as well as discovering Yoga for my self. Does anyone practice yoga? I am trying to incorporate a meat-free lifestyle but find it rather difficult at times. Does anyone have any easy recipes favorates that they would like to share?

Hope to be hearing from you all.


"Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile."


With lots of love,




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Hi Cecil :-)


There are lots of recipes in the archives - thanks to you. I have kept all your recipe emails on our pc, and when I checked them the other day I was really surprised to see how many there are. Maybe we should put them in the files section so they are more easily available.





welcome PJ

(and to all the other newbes..i am very remiss in my duties as of late)

as fer recipes..check the archives here..the place is bursting with recipes



fragglePJ <pjsparkles80 wrote:


Hi all,

I am new to the group, so I figured I would introduce my self. My frineds call me PJ. (yes, really) I am a new vegetarian, due to a book that I read Happy Yoga by Steve Ross, as well as discovering Yoga for my self. Does anyone practice yoga? I am trying to incorporate a meat-free lifestyle but find it rather difficult at times. Does anyone have any easy recipes favorates that they would like to share?

Hope to be hearing from you all.


"Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile."


With lots of love,




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  • 2 years later...
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Hi Danielle,


Welcome! Congratulations on discovering raw. I would recommend getting

started by removing the worst offenders from your current diet like meat,

dairy, fast foods, junk foods, fried foods and processed foods. Start adding

lots of fresh fruit. Pretty much everyone, especially children, loves



Wishing you all the best,






> " Danielle " <deeswholefoods



>[Raw Food] Newbie here!

>Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:44:30 -0000


>Hello to all,

>I just joined the Wholefood Farmacy, and I am so totally learning

>alot. I am not a good eater, and I really want to become one. I am

>looking around for good advice and food tips.

>Anyone who is in the farmacy, can you share some experiences and

>favorite foods with them?


>I have a two year old who won't eat anything healthy. It is my fault

>I let him have chips, cheese and meats all the time. Now he is anti


>I am on a mission to change my ways and the ways of this entire house.


>If you havn't seen it, the wholefoods website has some great video to

>share with people who just don't get the proper nutrition concept.


>Danielle Schaffer





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Start my getting rid of the biggest culprits, maybe, but it is easier

to not forbid and to just keep ADDING MORE GOOD. Little ones get

healthy quick when not given a choice. They may refuse a meal, but we

all know that doesn't hurt you. Don't put the crap in the house and it

won't be a problem anymore. Remember, YOU are the parent, so be firm.

GREEN SMOOTHIES are a GREAT GREAT start, and your tastes and cravings

will soon CHANGE. :-)

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Hi Danielle,


Congrats on your new mission! You can do it.


I have three kids who I raised as whole foods vegetarians, then

transitioned to mostly vegan with an even higher percentage of plants,

and now am moving towards all raw with them.


I also had a home daycare for several years and had many children who

at mostly fast food and processed foods like mac and cheese, hot dogs,

frozen pizza, crackers, and cookies at home. I served a vegetarian

whole foods menu to these kids.


Here are some tips that I've learned along the way...


1) Kids usually like the food group that is actually the best for them--

fruit. Offer a big variety of fresh fruit whenever he shows interest.


2) Kids WILL eat healthy food if there is nothing else to eat. There

is never any processed food, meat, or dairy in my house. If it is

here, certainly my kids would choose it. Since it is not, they happily

eat the healthy foods available. When I had daycare, the kids really

had two choices, eat what was served or go hungry. Usually, although

not always, they ate. No healthy child will starve himself.


3) Children, especially toddlers, like foods in isolation. Instead of

a salad with chopped red pepper, sliced celery, and grated carrot, kids

prefer lettuce, pepper, carrots, and celery in individual piles.


4) Children, especially toddlers, may need exposure to foods many times

before they'll try them. Continue to offer the same food many times

even if it goes untouched on their plate. Eventually, they will try it.


5) Children like to dip. Make a healthy sauce to dip veggies or fruit

in and it may encourage them to eat it.


6) Don't make food a big " issue " --a mistake I made with my oldest child

and have not repeated since (I hope!). Don't give long lectures, don't

get upset, don't try to coerce your child to eat. When he's hungry,

give him a list of options (or just a plate with a few things on it).

If he starts demanding specific processed food items, just calmly

explain that you don't have any and offer an alternative.


7) Don't give attention to tantrums. If whining in the grocery store

is an issue, stop taking him for awhile until the storm passes.


However, the grocery store can be fun. Take him to the produce section

and let him choose whatever he wants.


Finally, my unsolicited opinion...I think you're better off spending

your money on food rather than supplements.


Take care. All the best to you on your journey.




rawfood , " Danielle " <deeswholefoods wrote:

> I have a two year old who won't eat anything healthy. It is my fault

> I let him have chips, cheese and meats all the time. Now he is anti

> veggie.

> I am on a mission to change my ways and the ways of this entire


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  • 1 year later...
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Hello Gypsy, welcome to the group, My name is Erika, 32, ?(veggie since 3/8/08)

and have three kids ages 10, 8 (also a veggie), 5. I am the same way. I haven't

bought meat in over three months. I can't be around meat it just makes me sick.

My family doesn't understand why I gave up meat. There meals are made around the

stuff. I am having a blast making veggie meals with my kids.




nicki_in_cincy <lovemylocks


Thu, 29 May 2008 1:46 pm

Newbie Here!







Hello everyone I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself. My

name is Gypsy (nickname). I am 37 y/o and the mother of two beautiful

daughters (15 and 4). I am new to the group as the subject suggests,

but I am also new to the Vegetarian way of life. I had thought about

it over the years, but decided I was a hard core omnivore. Well, one day were

watching the news and they

showed the inhumane treatment of several cows that were obviously

sick. I was horrified. At first I thought I would continue to

eat seafood. But I just can't see myself even doing that. Since I

have eaten very little meat. And now I can't even stomach it anymore.

The smell that I used to love, now seems off. I really believe that

it is a change that happens deep from within. I am prepared to hear

flack from family members and friends about my change. And I am even

more prepared to hear it from strangers who will find out that I am a

vegetarian and no longer eat any meat. What will be shocking is that

it will be the same for my daughters. My oldest one is onboard with

it and is excited. My youngest one did not realize that meat came

from animals that once were alive. She said, " We should be ashamed of

ourselves. " I had to bow my head. So, here I am refusing to eat or

feed any animal to myself or my children.


We are off to the whole food store to change our lives and pick up the

staples that will support this lifestyle. So, I am eager to trudge

through and receive all the recipes that I can that will aid in this

and keep me out of a dietary rut, like I was with eating chicken 1001

ways. I never made much ado about veggies and whole grains, and

fruits because I was tunnel focused on the main course being centered

around meat! My health, the animals, and the environment will thank

me for this amazing change!


Sorry it was so long!










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Hello Erika! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I see that you are armed

with some younger ones as well. I thought it would be harder to have my

oldest one accept this, but it just made so much sense when I looked into

her eyes. She has eyes like Bambi. And I knew it would be a good thing for

her and she would adapt rather easily. I haven't had the greatest eating

habits in the world and that translated over to my children too. I am

drowning myself in literature until this becomes old hat. It took me 3

hours just to grocery shop today reading all the labels. I can see that

this is going to be an adventure well worth taking. I did not put any meat

in the cart whatsoever and that was a FIRST! Yeah, I am so proud of myself.

Old habits wanted to creep back in because I felt I was not really feeding

my kids properly without meat. And then I had to remind myself of all the

reading I had done and how this REALLY is the right way to feed my children

and it WILL provide everything that they need to grow and be healthy. I

guess it does take a minute for it all to absorb and truly sink in.




It does not bother me to be around it yet. But I do feel guilty when I let

them continue to eat some of the few meat items that we have left in the

fridge. Thank goodness it is not that much to even worry about. I am so

excited to start trying some of these wonderful looking recipes too.




I just told my mother the other day that I was giving it up and also the

girls would be too. I have not figured out if we will consume dairy

products yet. But in its own time, I am sure that will be go away once this

gets under way. Hopefully, your family will respect and accept your

decision. It is still new for them. There is no better example than for

them to see you looking great and feeling great eating a vegetarian diet.

You may find that they will become interested and give it a try too.

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Hello everyone I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself. My

name is Gypsy (nickname). I am 37 y/o and the mother of two beautiful

daughters (15 and 4). I am new to the group as the subject suggests,

but I am also new to the Vegetarian way of life. I had thought about it

over the years, but decided I was a hard core omnivore that really

enjoyed her meat. Well, one day were watching the news and they showed

the inhumane treatment of several cows that were obviously sick. I was

horrified. I guess I wanted to believe that there animals were being

treated humanely in the process of them dying. And it made me sick to

my stomach to see this cow being treated this way. And it made me even

more sick to know that they are feeding the public at large very sick

animals to keep their pockets lined with profit. After watching that it

began a process that led me to here.


I watched that horrible video, " Meet Your Meat " and that was the straw

that broke the camels back. At first I thought I would continue to eat

seafood. But I just can't see myself even doing that. Since I have

eaten very little meat. And now I can't even stomach it anymore. The

smell that I used to love, now seems off. I really believe that it is a

change that happens deep from within. I am prepared to hear flack from

family members and friends about my change. And I am even more prepared

to hear it from strangers who will find out that I am a vegetarian and

no longer eat any meat. What will be shocking is that it will be the

same for my daughters. My oldest one is onboard with it and is excited.

My youngest one did not realize that meat came from animals that once

were alive. She said, " We should be ashamed of ourselves. " I had to

bow my head. So, here I am refusing to eat or feed any animal to myself

or my children.


We are off to the whole food store to change our lives and pick up the

staples that will support this lifestyle. So, I am eager to trudge

through and receive all the recipes that I can that will aid in this and

keep me out of a dietary rut, like I was with eating chicken 1001 ways.

I never made much ado about veggies and whole grains, and fruits because

I was tunnel focused on the main course being centered around meat! My

health, the animals, and the environment will thank me for this amazing



Sorry it was so long!







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.._,___ Hi.....Gyspy.......


I " m Lathika from India.. about 48 years.....My family is always vegetarians..

But a small period i tried seafood. , now I totaly changed into vegetables.. I

like its taste realy.. And I saw a heart paining scene inT.V..that killing the

chicks cruely... and read some history of animals which are going tobe

killed.. This all are changed me. Men & animals are realy a part of the living

earth.. But animals cannot getting any kind or love... So I decided that never

eat our animal friends.. Now Iam happy.. feel that our loving God is near to



with love from Lathikamenon..







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When I became vegetarian, I realized that I could make a lot of the

dishes I enjoyed by simply leaving out the meat and substituting

beans for protein. For example, I add black beans to pasta sauce and

kidney beans to chili. During the summer we have salads using

romaine and slaw mixed together with garbanzo beans and a few walnuts

over it.


Recently, I've been experimenting with what I call a " burrito bowl " ,

where I make rice and then mix in some cilantro and lemon, and then

top it with black beans, salsa, and whatever else (broccoli is good

at the very top). I like basmati and jasmine rice and sometimes cook

it with a couple teaspoons of curry powder, diced potatoes, green

pepper, and/or broccoli.


I guess the point I'm trying to make is that going vegetarian doesn't

necessarily require a whole lot of effort to have great meals. You

can go to as much or as little trouble as you have time for. When I

have no time to cook, I sometimes rely on Amy's low-salt chili or

minestrone soup (found at whole foods), add a can of unsalted beans,

and serve with tortilla chips.


I hope I've given you a few mealtime ideas to chew on, and I applaud

you for setting a great example for your children!



, " nicki_in_cincy "

<lovemylocks wrote:


> Hello everyone I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself.


> name is Gypsy (nickname). I am 37 y/o and the mother of two


> daughters (15 and 4). I am new to the group as the subject


> but I am also new to the Vegetarian way of life. (snip)>

> We are off to the whole food store to change our lives and pick up


> staples that will support this lifestyle. So, I am eager to trudge

> through and receive all the recipes that I can that will aid in

this and

> keep me out of a dietary rut, like I was with eating chicken 1001


> I never made much ado about veggies and whole grains, and fruits


> I was tunnel focused on the main course being centered around

meat! My

> health, the animals, and the environment will thank me for this


> change!


> -Gypsy

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I was reading that about Indian Cuisine. I have been to an Indian

restaurant once a few years ago. We have quite a few of them here,

especially around the university. I will take my daughters there and

have a few more meals.


You're lucky that it has been a way of life for you. It makes this so

much easier. The treatment of the animals being done so inhumanely is

the first reason why I decided to do this. And it will be by far the

most lasting impression on why I can't go back. It outweighs the

health and earth benefits IMO.

It is so nice to hear from others around the world that feel and are

doing the same.




, Lathika Menon

<lathikamenon1216 wrote:


> ._,___ Hi.....Gyspy.......


> I " m Lathika from India.. about 48 years.....My family is always


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Reading your reply and Marie's have given me so much hope and more

faith in my ability to being able to do this. The first week I

avoided the kitchen because I was no longer sure what to do in there.

I have been cooking well for many years, but felt dumbfounded. I had

read so much information about vegetarianism and checking out many

cookbooks too.


Finally, I went into the kitchen the other day and was no longer

overwhelmed. Just because I have gone vegetarian does not mean I have

be afraid of the kitchen. I can still cook, right? LOL


I put the cookbooks aside and made some sauteed veggies(red peppers,

green onions, mushrooms), added some tomatoes, black beans, baby

spinach, and roasted red pepper hummus to an all wheat tortilla. It

was one of the best wraps I have ever had. The take home is what you

said, " I guess the point I'm trying to make is that going vegetarian

doesn't necessarily require a whole lot of effort to have great meals.

You can go to as much or as little trouble as you have time for. "

That what you said and the few suggestions woke me up! THANK YOU SO

MUCH!! It really isn't that hard.




, " bigoldog " <bigoldog wrote:

> I guess the point I'm trying to make is that going vegetarian doesn't

> necessarily require a whole lot of effort to have great meals. You

> can go to as much or as little trouble as you have time for. When I

> have no time to cook, I sometimes rely on Amy's low-salt chili or

> minestrone soup (found at whole foods), add a can of unsalted beans,

> and serve with tortilla chips.


> I hope I've given you a few mealtime ideas to chew on, and I applaud

> you for setting a great example for your children!

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