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Vegetarian or Vegequarian?

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Hi guys,


I haven't posted since I joined this group, but I have been keeping up

with reading your posts. And I've gotta say, something has really

bugged me lately...


Now, I haven't been a true vegetarian all that long. After trying most

of life ( " trying, " then " falling off the wagon " ) I finally committed

to a vegetarian lifestyle in January. That means I don't eat *any*

flesh, I don't eat anything that comes from flesh (so that means no

chicken or beef broth, no gelatin, no red candy since the dye comes

from boiled beetles, etc.). If it weren't for my nutritionist, who

suggested I approach things gradually, I would be a vegan right now.

That's still what I'm striving for, but I realize it will probably

take some time. Although I'm not a dietary vegan, yet, I'm all about

the vegan beauty products, and I won't buy any leather, silk or wool.


I share this just to offer up my perspective; let me share what's

truly bothering me. I know this isn't just a group for vegetarians,

that it's also for people interested in vegetarianism and recipes. So,

please... could those of you who claim to be vegetarian but confess to

eating meat or fish once and a while... could you please use some

other term to describe yourself? I know this group is not an exclusive

club. But can't we recognize that being vegetarian means eating NO

flesh whatsoever? Isn't that the true definition?


Some people think one can be a vegetarian and still eat fish, but

that's not true. Then you're something else; I've heard people say

" vegequarian, " which is cute, but " pescetarian " is more accurate. And

those of you who still eat beef and poultry... I'm sorry. You may

really, really like vegetables and eat vegetarian meals most of the

time, but you are not *actually* a vegetarian.


Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm very

passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who

do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking

anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you

reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not

who you are?

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Couldn't agree with you more!


I'll be attending a Meetup group for vegetarians next week. Will be curious to

see ho many are true veggies and how many are " poseurs. "


My husband actually does describe his way of eating honestly. He will say that

he eats vegetarian at home, but may order chicken or fish out. He never claims

to be vegetarian but has vegetarian meals 85% of the time.


--- On Thu, 8/14/08, erinc_dale <erin.c.dale wrote:

erinc_dale <erin.c.dale

Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


Thursday, August 14, 2008, 3:21 PM












Hi guys,




I haven't posted since I joined this group, but I have been keeping up


with reading your posts. And I've gotta say, something has really


bugged me lately...




Now, I haven't been a true vegetarian all that long. After trying most


of life ( " trying, " then " falling off the wagon " ) I finally committed


to a vegetarian lifestyle in January. That means I don't eat *any*


flesh, I don't eat anything that comes from flesh (so that means no


chicken or beef broth, no gelatin, no red candy since the dye comes


from boiled beetles, etc.). If it weren't for my nutritionist, who


suggested I approach things gradually, I would be a vegan right now.


That's still what I'm striving for, but I realize it will probably


take some time. Although I'm not a dietary vegan, yet, I'm all about


the vegan beauty products, and I won't buy any leather, silk or wool.




I share this just to offer up my perspective; let me share what's


truly bothering me. I know this isn't just a group for vegetarians,


that it's also for people interested in vegetarianism and recipes. So,


please... could those of you who claim to be vegetarian but confess to


eating meat or fish once and a while... could you please use some


other term to describe yourself? I know this group is not an exclusive


club. But can't we recognize that being vegetarian means eating NO


flesh whatsoever? Isn't that the true definition?




Some people think one can be a vegetarian and still eat fish, but


that's not true. Then you're something else; I've heard people say


" vegequarian, " which is cute, but " pescetarian " is more accurate. And


those of you who still eat beef and poultry... I'm sorry. You may


really, really like vegetables and eat vegetarian meals most of the


time, but you are not *actually* a vegetarian.




Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm very


passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who


do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking


anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you


reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not


who you are?































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I've wondered the same think about how people label themselves. I had a

friend in CO. who said she was vegetarian but still ate fish. I just

didn't get that. I was eating a vegetarian diet at the time, then

started eating some poultry for health reasons. My friend got mad at me

for eating poultry while she was eating fish. Huh? What's with that? I

agree, that people should be more careful what labels they use, or not

label at all. Like now I just say I don't eat mammals because I will

still eat fish and poultry. I'm moving towards cutting out animal

flesh, but until then I won't call myself a vegetarian. I think

sometimes people just like to use popular terms without really knowing

the definition. That's my theory anyway, but I agree it's bothered me

too. Take care, Kat

, " erinc_dale " <erin.c.dale



> Hi guys,


> I haven't posted since I joined this group, but I have been keeping up

> with reading your posts. And I've gotta say, something has really

> bugged me lately...


> Now, I haven't been a true vegetarian all that long. After trying most

> of life ( " trying, " then " falling off the wagon " ) I finally committed

> to a vegetarian lifestyle in January. That means I don't eat *any*

> flesh, I don't eat anything that comes from flesh (so that means no

> chicken or beef broth, no gelatin, no red candy since the dye comes

> from boiled beetles, etc.). If it weren't for my nutritionist, who

> suggested I approach things gradually, I would be a vegan right now.

> That's still what I'm striving for, but I realize it will probably

> take some time. Although I'm not a dietary vegan, yet, I'm all about

> the vegan beauty products, and I won't buy any leather, silk or wool.


> I share this just to offer up my perspective; let me share what's

> truly bothering me. I know this isn't just a group for vegetarians,

> that it's also for people interested in vegetarianism and recipes. So,

> please... could those of you who claim to be vegetarian but confess to

> eating meat or fish once and a while... could you please use some

> other term to describe yourself? I know this group is not an exclusive

> club. But can't we recognize that being vegetarian means eating NO

> flesh whatsoever? Isn't that the true definition?


> Some people think one can be a vegetarian and still eat fish, but

> that's not true. Then you're something else; I've heard people say

> " vegequarian, " which is cute, but " pescetarian " is more accurate. And

> those of you who still eat beef and poultry... I'm sorry. You may

> really, really like vegetables and eat vegetarian meals most of the

> time, but you are not *actually* a vegetarian.


> Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm very

> passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who

> do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking

> anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you

> reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not

> who you are?


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Ya, I think alot of people use it as a general term not really understanding

the true definition. I bought a book that explained the different types of

vegetarian/vegan terms and explaining the different eating choices.



Susan, Tabitha & Pumpkin Pie, Six & Drifter, Jordan, Iceberg, Peanut, Samantha,

Baily & Nokki


-------------- Original message --------------

" mini_blond " <mini_blond


I've wondered the same think about how people label themselves. I had a

friend in CO. who said she was vegetarian but still ate fish. I just

didn't get that. I was eating a vegetarian diet at the time, then

started eating some poultry for health reasons. My friend got mad at me

for eating poultry while she was eating fish. Huh? What's with that? I

agree, that people should be more careful what labels they use, or not

label at all. Like now I just say I don't eat mammals because I will

still eat fish and poultry. I'm moving towards cutting out animal

flesh, but until then I won't call myself a vegetarian. I think

sometimes people just like to use popular terms without really knowing

the definition. That's my theory anyway, but I agree it's bothered me

too. Take care, Kat

, " erinc_dale " <erin.c.dale



> Hi guys,


> I haven't posted since I joined this group, but I have been keeping up

> with reading your posts. And I've gotta say, something has really

> bugged me lately...


> Now, I haven't been a true vegetarian all that long. After trying most

> of life ( " trying, " then " falling off the wagon " ) I finally committed

> to a vegetarian lifestyle in January. That means I don't eat *any*

> flesh, I don't eat anything that comes from flesh (so that means no

> chicken or beef broth, no gelatin, no red candy since the dye comes

> from boiled beetles, etc.). If it weren't for my nutritionist, who

> suggested I approach things gradually, I would be a vegan right now.

> That's still what I'm striving for, but I realize it will probably

> take some time. Although I'm not a dietary vegan, yet, I'm all about

> the vegan beauty products, and I won't buy any leather, silk or wool.


> I share this just to offer up my perspective; let me share what's

> truly bothering me. I know this isn't just a group for vegetarians,

> that it's also for people interested in vegetarianism and recipes. So,

> please... could those of you who claim to be vegetarian but confess to

> eating meat or fish once and a while... could you please use some

> other term to describe yourself? I know this group is not an exclusive

> club. But can't we recognize that being vegetarian means eating NO

> flesh whatsoever? Isn't that the true definition?


> Some people think one can be a vegetarian and still eat fish, but

> that's not true. Then you're something else; I've heard people say

> " vegequarian, " which is cute, but " pescetarian " is more accurate. And

> those of you who still eat beef and poultry... I'm sorry. You may

> really, really like vegetables and eat vegetarian meals most of the

> time, but you are not *actually* a vegetarian.


> Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm very

> passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who

> do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking

> anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you

> reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not

> who you are?







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 Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm very  

passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who 

do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking  

anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you  

reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not 

who you are?



Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions'.

No one  at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will  remove myself from this





How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look

like wrong, and wrong like right.

 - Black Hawk


























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Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions' .


No one  at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will  remove myself from this



I am so very saddened to see this happen - vegetarians, vegans, non-vegetarians

and  those in transition are all welcome here.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner, Vegetarian Spice)



--- On Fri, 8/15/08, Lady Jexie <jexiebee wrote:

Lady Jexie <jexiebee

Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


Friday, August 15, 2008, 8:00 PM












 Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm very  


passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who 


do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking  


anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you  


reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not 


who you are?




Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions' .


No one  at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will  remove myself from this





How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look

like wrong, and wrong like right.


 - Black Hawk

























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Don't go getting all dramatic! My message wasn't meant to alienate

anyone. That's why I said that I understand this is not an exclusive

group. Hellooo. We all need to lighten up a bit! I'm talking about

being vegetarian versus eating poultry and fish. It's that simple. No

one has to leave the group if they're still a meat-eater. Keep reading

and learn about vegetarianism! We should all welcome any kind of

interest we get. :) Pleeeeease don't leave!



, " drpatsant "

<drpatsant wrote:


> >

> Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions' .


> No one at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will remove myself

from this group.


> I am so very saddened to see this happen - vegetarians, vegans,

non-vegetarians and those in transition are all welcome here.


> Best love, Pat (Co-owner, Vegetarian Spice)



> --- On Fri, 8/15/08, Lady Jexie <jexiebee wrote:

> Lady Jexie <jexiebee

> Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


> Friday, August 15, 2008, 8:00 PM






Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me.

I'm very


> passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who


> do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking


> anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you


> reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not


> who you are?




> Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions' .


> No one at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will remove myself

from this group.




> How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make

right look like wrong, and wrong like right.


> - Black Hawk



















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Exactly...everyone needs to lighten up a bit.




Click on the " Fund Food for Animals " button at The Animal

Rescue Site and give food to an animal living in a shelter

or sanctuary -- at no cost to you.







erinc_dale <erin.c.dale


Saturday, August 16, 2008 3:08:41 PM

Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?



Don't go getting all dramatic! My message wasn't meant to alienate

anyone. That's why I said that I understand this is not an exclusive

group. Hellooo. We all need to lighten up a bit! I'm talking about

being vegetarian versus eating poultry and fish. It's that simple. No

one has to leave the group if they're still a meat-eater. Keep reading

and learn about vegetarianism! We should all welcome any kind of

interest we get. :) Pleeeeease don't leave!


, " drpatsant@. .. "

<drpatsant@. ..> wrote:


> >

> Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions' .


> No one at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will remove myself

from this group.


> I am so very saddened to see this happen - vegetarians, vegans,

non-vegetarians and those in transition are all welcome here.


> Best love, Pat (Co-owner, Vegetarian Spice)



> --- On Fri, 8/15/08, Lady Jexie <jexiebee@.. .> wrote:

> Lady Jexie <jexiebee@.. .>

> Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


> Friday, August 15, 2008, 8:00 PM






Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me.

I'm very


> passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who


> do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking


> anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you


> reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not


> who you are?




> Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions' .


> No one at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will remove myself

from this group.




> How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make

right look like wrong, and wrong like right.


> - Black Hawk



















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Maybe I should leave also. I am just a vegetarian wanna be. All vegetarians are

born vegetarians, right?




--- On Sat, 8/16/08, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:


drpatsant <drpatsant

Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


Saturday, August 16, 2008, 7:10 AM



Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions'



No one  at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will  remove myself from this



I am so very saddened to see this happen - vegetarians, vegans, non-vegetarians

and  those in transition are all welcome here.


Best love, Pat (Co-owner, Vegetarian Spice)



--- On Fri, 8/15/08, Lady Jexie <jexiebee wrote:

Lady Jexie <jexiebee

Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


Friday, August 15, 2008, 8:00 PM












 Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm



passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who 


do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking  


anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you  


reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not 


who you are?




Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions'



No one  at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will  remove myself from this





How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look

like wrong, and wrong like right.


 - Black Hawk

























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That's not the point of this discussion. I was not talking about

people transitioning to the vegetarian diet. If you're on your way

there, that's great. I'm just saying, don't call yourself something

you're not. It's frustrating enough for vegetarians to have to deal

with misunderstandings from a non-sympathetic meat-eating culture, and

people who further confuse the definitions are just making it worse.

Your sarcasm on this issue is childish. I'm sure other people on this

forum, vegetarian or otherwise, do not appreciate it.




, Betty <bicannon wrote:


> Maybe I should leave also. I am just a vegetarian wanna be. All

vegetarians are born vegetarians, right?


> Betty


> --- On Sat, 8/16/08, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:


> drpatsant <drpatsant

> Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


> Saturday, August 16, 2008, 7:10 AM


> >

> Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions'

> .


> No one at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will remove myself

from this

> group.


> I am so very saddened to see this happen - vegetarians, vegans,


> and those in transition are all welcome here.


> Best love, Pat (Co-owner, Vegetarian Spice)



> --- On Fri, 8/15/08, Lady Jexie <jexiebee wrote:

> Lady Jexie <jexiebee

> Re: Re: Vegetarian or Vegequarian?


> Friday, August 15, 2008, 8:00 PM






Sorry for being cranky, but this issue really irks me. I'm

> very


> passionate about animal activism, and while I don't hate on people who


> do eat meat, I can't deny how much it bothers me. But I'm not asking


> anyone on here to change their diets; I'm just asking that you


> reconsider the terms. Why define yourself as something if that's not


> who you are?




> Point taken. Apparently I had been given incorrect 'label definitions'

> .


> No one at Spark saw fit to set me straight. I will remove myself

from this

> group.




> How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make

right look

> like wrong, and wrong like right.


> - Black Hawk



















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