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An Apology

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Hi PT,


I want to apologize to all that I offend discussing fish. I understand that some vegetarians do eat fish. I did not mean to be insensitive.


Susan R.



~ P_T ~

Monday, August 25, 2003 10:37 AM

Re: For those who eat fish...excellent source of good fat...recipe...

Okay, this just makes me sick. You realise it is a vegetarian list here don't you? Like I want to get my daily digest to read how you loves to debone and eats them fish? Please, for the sake of those of us who are actually vegetarians and sensitive to this type of thing, keep your fish eating habits and prep-info on the meateater lists and don't send them to us here.For the love of animals,~ PT ~

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Sorry, I did not want to offend anyone. I admit I am mostly vegetarian, but I have a malabsorption condition so don't absorb B12 very well. You are right, e can discuss this elsewhere.





Susan Rhee

Monday, August 25, 2003 11:07 AM

Re: An apology


Hi PT,


I want to apologize to all that I offend discussing fish. I understand that some vegetarians do eat fish. I did not mean to be insensitive.


Susan R.



~ P_T ~

Monday, August 25, 2003 10:37 AM

Re: For those who eat fish...excellent source of good fat...recipe...

Okay, this just makes me sick. You realise it is a vegetarian list here don't you? Like I want to get my daily digest to read how you loves to debone and eats them fish? Please, for the sake of those of us who are actually vegetarians and sensitive to this type of thing, keep your fish eating habits and prep-info on the meateater lists and don't send them to us here.For the love of animals,~ PT ~contact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowedcontact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you.please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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> I want to apologize to all that I offend discussing fish. I understand

that some vegetarians do eat fish. I did not

> mean to be insensitive.


For the record, I was not offended. I simply deleted those posts. Also for

the record, there ARE piscean vegetarians (vegetarians who eat fish), so the

discussion was not off topic! No one ever claimed this list was vegan as

far as I know. I, myself, am ovo-lacto.




Read about our experience with Child " Protective " Services at

http://members.freespeech.org/herod/ and scrolling down and clicking on

" Port Colborne " .

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I accept your apology. I wasn't even going to say

anything until it started to get way out of hand with

the talk of de-boning the fish and then disolved into

seasoning chicken ideas. *blech*


As to some believing that those who eat fish are indeed

vegetarians, well, they are misinformed. One must KILL

a fish and rip its bones out. Hardly how one would go

about preparing a vegetable. For anyone who has seen fish

swimming in a tank, a brook, or ocean, you have to

admit they are indeed animals and their flesh should

not be considered a part of a vegetarian diet. Now if this

list was a pescatarian list also, then I could see fish

recipes being allowed, but it is not the case, and so I feel

that only lacto-ovo vegetarian recipes and vegan recipes

should be allowed... but I am not the moderator here.

If a majority of people wish for fish recipes to

continue to be posted, then I shall leave.


~ PT ~


Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche


, " Susan Rhee "



> Hi PT,


> I want to apologize to all that I offend discussing fish. I

understand that

some vegetarians do eat fish. I did not mean to be insensitive.


> Susan R.

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For the record, Darlene, I am not a vegan either but am

lacto-ovo vegetarian. I do not think this list needs to be

open to pescatarian recipes as I see nothing of that in

the group description and I don't consider that to be

vegetarian eating at all. I was mostly upset at the graphic

descriptions of ripping the bones out...

Please. How can we all continue to think eating fish is

vegetarian? I find myself at a loss here if people want

to continue to believe that. It is no wonder that in my

life I get asked what type of meat I eat as a vegetarian

and I have to explain that I eat no flesh of dead animals.

You'd think people would all pretty much be on the same

page on this topic, but with people who still eat fish

continuing to call themselves vegetarian I can see why

people are so misinformed and confused to this day.


~ PT ~


Adversity is a trial of principle.Ê Without it a man

hardly knows whether he is honest or not.

~ Henry Fielding


, " Barry & Darlene " <

eph2vv89@g...> wrote:

> > I want to apologize to all that I offend discussing fish. I


> that some vegetarians do eat fish. I did not

> > mean to be insensitive.


> For the record, I was not offended. I simply deleted those posts.

Also for

> the record, there ARE piscean vegetarians (vegetarians who eat

fish), so the

> discussion was not off topic! No one ever claimed this list was

vegan as

> far as I know. I, myself, am ovo-lacto.


> Darlene

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As a new member of this group, and someone trying to incorporate vegetarianism into my life, I *do* hope there is room for those of us who are not "fully" vegetarian, but are trying to become so ...


Paula J.

Tulsa, OK



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Of course you are welcome. All are welcome here who

wish to read and share delicious quick vegetarian

recipes. All we ask is that only lacto-ovo or vegan

recipes be shared here; at least that is all I am asking.


I host a very active and large vegetarian cooking and

discussion list that is also welcome to all different

types of vegetarians (even pescatarians and pollotarians),

even straight on meat eaters; the membership is very

diverse. Only thing I ask is that all the members remember

it isprimarily a vegetarian list and refrain from posting

recipes that contain any sort of dead animal flesh.

I sort of hoped this list would follow the same sort

of guide. Namaste


~ PT ~



, " Paula Joseph Johnson " <

welshaires@q...> wrote:

> As a new member of this group, and someone trying to incorporate

vegetarianism into my life, I *do* hope there is room for those of us

who are

not " fully " vegetarian, but are trying to become so ...


> Paula J.

> Tulsa, OK

> -

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<<<As a new member of this group, and someone trying to incorporate vegetarianism into my life, I *do* hope there is room for those of us who are not "fully" vegetarian, but are trying to become so ...>>>


Of course! I don't think the people who were offended by the fish recipes (myself included) were making broad judgements about people who eat fish. Many of us came to this group though, to be free from hearing descriptions about how to "debone" anything. For myself, I do not differentiate the flesh of a fish from the flesh of a chicken from the flesh of a cow from the flesh of a dog--they all have bones and faces (much like myself). But I spend my days and nights with people who look at a cow and think "food" and a dog and think "companion". The point is, there needs to be a place where vegetarians can share and encourage one another--including those hoping to make changes towards vegetarianism--without being bombarded with such unpleasant recipes and descriptions. I'm sure most people, whether striving to be vegetarian or simply looking for a meatless recipe now and then, can find support and encouragement (and great vegetarian recipes) here. But, I'm equally sure they can go to many other forums or Allrecipes.com and get plenty of fish recipes if they choose. This just isn't the place in my opinion.







~~~It is most selfish to love someone in only the ways you want to love them.~~~

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I know what you are saying. I don't think piscean " vegetarians " should

actually be calling themselves vegetarians, either. But having said that,

they do and many people agree with them. That was why I wasn't offended.

But I WAS surprised.


I also hope I didn't offend you with my post. I don't know if I'm reading

your tone wrong, but you really sound offedned by what I wrote. I didn't

mean to offend anyone and my post was intended to be entirely friendly, just

as this one is. I am sorry if I sounded harsh or judgmental in any way.




Read about our experience with Child " Protective " Services at

http://members.freespeech.org/herod/ and scrolling down and clicking on

" Port Colborne " .


" ~ P_T ~ " <patchouli_troll


Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:27 PM

Re: An apology



For the record, Darlene, I am not a vegan either but am

lacto-ovo vegetarian. I do not think this list needs to be

open to pescatarian recipes as I see nothing of that in

the group description and I don't consider that to be

vegetarian eating at all. I was mostly upset at the graphic

descriptions of ripping the bones out...

Please. How can we all continue to think eating fish is

vegetarian? I find myself at a loss here if people want

to continue to believe that. It is no wonder that in my

life I get asked what type of meat I eat as a vegetarian

and I have to explain that I eat no flesh of dead animals.

You'd think people would all pretty much be on the same

page on this topic, but with people who still eat fish

continuing to call themselves vegetarian I can see why

people are so misinformed and confused to this day.


~ PT ~


Adversity is a trial of principle.Ê Without it a man

hardly knows whether he is honest or not.

~ Henry Fielding


, " Barry & Darlene " <

eph2vv89@g...> wrote:

> > I want to apologize to all that I offend discussing fish. I


> that some vegetarians do eat fish. I did not

> > mean to be insensitive.


> For the record, I was not offended. I simply deleted those posts.

Also for

> the record, there ARE piscean vegetarians (vegetarians who eat

fish), so the

> discussion was not off topic! No one ever claimed this list was

vegan as

> far as I know. I, myself, am ovo-lacto.


> Darlene





contact owner: -owner

Mail list:

Delivered-mailing list

List-Un: -


no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed

contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list

or anything else. Thank you.

please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list





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I wasn't offended by your post at all, Darlene. It is difficult to

read tone in the written/typed word. No worries. :)

I was just trying to clarify that it wasn't my intention

to dictate what direction this list will go...as in " vegan only " .

I didn't mean for my anti-fish recipe rant to come across

that I was a vegan animal rights activist (not that there is

anything wrong with that) as I in truth do eat a lacto-ovo



~ PT ~


There are two kinds of fool. One says, " This is old,

and therefore good. "

And one says, " This is new, and therefore better. "

~John Brunner, science fiction writer (1934-1995)


, " Barry & Darlene " <

eph2vv89@g...> wrote:


> I also hope I didn't offend you with my post. I don't know if I'm


> your tone wrong, but you really sound offedned by what I wrote. I


> mean to offend anyone and my post was intended to be entirely



> as this one is. I am sorry if I sounded harsh or judgmental in any



> Darlene

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  • 4 years later...

I'd like to apologize to the group.

Instead of reacting from embarrassment I should have viewed the message

as simply the an expression of another person's feelings.


When I err I do try to learn from it.

Carry on. lol.



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, " jexiebee " <jexiebee wrote:


I'd like to apologize to the group.

Instead of reacting from embarrassment I should have viewed the message

as simply the an expression of another person's feelings.


When I err I do try to learn from it.

Carry on. lol.





I was hoping my apology would bring harmony ... apparently not

I don't know what else I can say. I will not use any label here.


Someone at a Bulletin Board referred to herself as a vegetarian who

eats fish.

Someone else posted a list of definitions. I fit the semi-vegetarian



I certainly never meant to cause all this. :(

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You shouldn't have to apologize. All different viewpoints are

appreciated here. And I certainly didn't mean for people's knickers to

get in a twist over this! But I must admit that the debate is a good

way to call attention to animal rights. We shouldn't have to stay

silent when it comes to " lending a voice to the voiceless. "


Still, I understand the purpose of this forum is for people eating all

kinds of different things; I just wanted to get the definition

straight. But I'm sorry if I upset you and am glad you're not really

going to leave the group. :)



, " jexiebee " <jexiebee wrote:


> , " jexiebee " <jexiebee@> wrote:


> I'd like to apologize to the group.

> Instead of reacting from embarrassment I should have viewed the message

> as simply the an expression of another person's feelings.


> When I err I do try to learn from it.

> Carry on. lol.


> jexie



> I was hoping my apology would bring harmony ... apparently not

> I don't know what else I can say. I will not use any label here.


> Someone at a Bulletin Board referred to herself as a vegetarian who

> eats fish.

> Someone else posted a list of definitions. I fit the semi-vegetarian

> definition.


> I certainly never meant to cause all this. :(


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