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Cider Recipe

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Raw Cider & Raw Vinegar & Raw Milk products are the healthiest, also raw

nuts--but even those can't be bought at the stores anymore!

snip: Making cider is easy. The press I've got is an

antique very similar to one that you can buy from Lehman's at the link below.


Being a lazy sod I've motorized the one I've got, but it involves simply

grinding apples into a mash, pressing out the juice and then filtering it

through cheese cloth or in my case an undershirt.


Tastes best if your not too hygienic and can enlist a few kids to help gather

apples. We'd make an afternoon of it and everyone would bring a gallon or two

home with them.


I've never made vinegar, but if I was to try, I

think I'd buy an organic vinegar that still has the mother and just pour a

bottle into a couple of gallons of unpasteurized cider and let it work.


My wife buys a brand called Braggs that is

unfiltered and contains the mother.






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Dunno about raw milk products :( but I used to be able to buy some

great raw cider from a farmer years ago in Massachusetts. Ah those

were the days. Thing is, though, you have to be careful to refrigerate

well or you have quite an alcoholic content in that apple juice!

Thanks for the instructions on how to make, motorized or not - and no

I'd never dream of calling you a lazy sod LOL (But tell me, is there a

particular brand of undershirt you like to use for this method???? For

how long should it be worn??? Yeah yeah, I'm teasing you!)


As for Braggs Cider Vinegar, it's great, I agree - we've been using it

for some years now, although not exclusively.


Btw, I can't recall, but are you going raw in other ways (apart from -

wait for it - removing your undershirt)? (And yeah yeah, I'm teasing

again - about the undershirt, not about going raw.)


I think there are a number of raw foodists - at least highly raw

people - on this group. I'm working at it myself.


Love and hugs, Pat

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