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my recent absence

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Hi everyone,


I have had a pretty rough ride recently, having lost three very good friends to

cancer within the last month and another one is not expected to be here this

time next week.  I feel a bit emotionally shattered and I have to admit to

having deleted many messages without even reading them, let alone responding.


I'm in my mid-60's and the inevitable reality is that, at my age, losing friends

is to be expected. Even with this in mind, the indescribable pain these friends

have faced is so difficult to understand. 


Thanks for bearing with me recently.  I know I haven't been posting like I

should.  Each morning I would think 'today is the day I am going to catch up'

but by the end of the day there were always more messages in my inbox than there

had been earlier.  It was a sort of vicious circle as I would feel guilty for

being so far behind then that would get me down and I felt even less like

writing.  Rather that even try to catch up with previous posts I think all I can

promise is to start afresh from tomorrow.


Special thoughts to everyone from Marie







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Oh Marie - you really have been going through it, hugs coming your way and I

hope things settle down for you soon.


The Dragon (aka High Priestess Enchanting Even weave)

Current stitching - RSPCA Perfect Pets, Map of Durham, Cat Ornaments, Green Man

http://tempewytch.blogspot.com/ - stitching/house

http://tempewytchdiet.blogspot.com/ - diet/angst




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marierieuwers wrote:

> I have had a pretty rough ride recently, having lost three very good friends

to cancer within the last month and another one is not expected to be here this

time next week. I feel a bit emotionally shattered '


Ohhhhhhh, honey!! I don't say this to people often, because it's

rarely true and usually presumptuous, but. . .this time, I know EXACTLY

how you feel. It's very, very hard and debilitating to get hammered

with one loss after another, and another, and another; it's

like the support pillars are getting kicked out from under our lives,

one by one or in bunches.

All I can offer is this. Come get another when you need it.

((((((((((( HUG )))))))))))))

((((((((((( HUG )))))))))))))

(((((((((((( HUG ))))))))))))




\ \ \ \ \




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> I know I haven't been posting like I should.




Right now, there is no " should " ; you take care of YOU, okay?

The list will still be here when you're up to it. (Do you have

a co-mod who could handle things on h/er own temporarily?

Grieving people need REST, and plenty of it.)









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Hi Marie ~


I'm so sorry to hear about all of your recent losses. This cannot be easy for

you. Don't worry about us, we'll be here, but I understand about feeling bad for

just deleting messages, etc. :-)


May you find comfort and peace and hold on to the fond memories you have of

those you've lost.

Hugs ~ Cindi


--- On Sat, 3/21/09, marierieuwers <marierieuwers


marierieuwers <marierieuwers

my recent absence

" Vegetarian Spice " ,


Saturday, March 21, 2009, 8:34 AM

















Hi everyone,




I have had a pretty rough ride recently, having lost three very good friends to

cancer within the last month and another one is not expected to be here this

time next week.  I feel a bit emotionally shattered and I have to admit to

having deleted many messages without even reading them, let alone responding.




I'm in my mid-60's and the inevitable reality is that, at my age, losing friends

is to be expected. Even with this in mind, the indescribable pain these friends

have faced is so difficult to understand. 




Thanks for bearing with me recently.  I know I haven't been posting like I

should.  Each morning I would think 'today is the day I am going to catch up'

but by the end of the day there were always more messages in my inbox than there

had been earlier.  It was a sort of vicious circle as I would feel guilty for

being so far behind then that would get me down and I felt even less like

writing.  Rather that even try to catch up with previous posts I think all I can

promise is to start afresh from tomorrow.




Special thoughts to everyone from Marie




























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marierieuwers wrote:


I have had a pretty rough ride recently, having lost three very good

friends to cancer within the last month and another one is not expected

to be here this time next week. I feel a bit emotionally shattered '


Marie darling this is awful - and of course you feel/are shattered. This is one

of the things that is _not_ good about increasing age, I have found. Please

accept my hugs too! And remember, Piers and I as owners will carry the load here

on the group until you're feeling up to it. We did it before you came along and

as much as we treasure you we don't want to have you worked to a nub. That would

never do.


All my deepest condolences over your lost friends - and I do so empathize.

Approaching 69 myself this year, I find that each holiday season I have fewer

and fewer greetings to send :( Take care of yourself and forget 'catching up'

on our emails, at least - we all understand I'm sure.


Love and hugs as always, Pat






" As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it. " Mahatma












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