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1. I joined this group because my 14 year old daughter announced she " thought "

she was vegetarian. I wanted ideas and some support on how to support her with

finding herself. I've now been cooking vegetarian for almost a year. My one

year old only eats veggies! I've found some great soy substitutes for my

husband and he doesn't even know the difference.


2. I love the receipe files. They're very helpful and diverse.


3. Consider me a lurker. I've asked a few questions, but I'm mainly on for the


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I was already a veggie and looking for new ideas on tasty meals.  My son is a

high-functioning autistic and since we've made the switch to a vegetarian

lifestyle, his mood swings have gotten better and he's able to focus better in



Vegetarian dinners can get ho-hum after a while and luckily, my son likes to try

new things with food.  This group has helped us to expand our meal plan and

experience fresh vegetables in exciting ways.


Thanks for helping a mom out!



--- On Thu, 5/21/09, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:



drpatsant <drpatsant



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 5:14 PM











Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)





















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Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? Already a veggie


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus? Recipes and daily posts


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?

Always a lurker, just busy and don't feel I have anything relevant to add




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)







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Hi I was already vegetarian but need the spice to spice things up as I

need to cut out most of the fat in my diet believe it or not. I am a

veg with high cholesterol. Thanks for the spice


Donna KB1RPP


" Space and time are not conditions in which we live; they are simply

modes in which we think. " - Albert Einstein







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Thanks to all those who responded to the questionnaire. Here's my answer:


> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


Been vegetarian on and off since 1968, on for last 14 years though there are two

recent tendencies: one towards more vegan and less ovo or lacto, and one towards

occasional pesco (partly as a convenient way of getting certain elements into

the diet, also to make eating out less of a problem).


> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?


I hardly accessed the files at all, partly because I tend to cook without

looking at recipes (some say I make the same recipe all the time) and also

because I found the message search more convenient. But recently I've paid more

attention to the Files and been amazed at the great variety of wonderful cooking

experiences to be found there!


> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?


Well as co-owner of the group I should post more, but am active backstage

accepting (or rejecting) moderated members or messages, brainstorming about

possible changes etc. So, sort of lurking but will try to post more.




Yesterday at a family get together someone asked the question I haven't had for

some time " Why are you vegetarian? " and I was a bit lost for words - the real

answer is perhaps to turn it round and ask them why they persist in eating me*t

but that seemed a bit impolite. In the beginning it was a question of preference

(we didn't eat much me*t at home) coupled with convictions about health, the

environment, the economy etc. then later a spiritual element was there too. But

really that's the only answer - why should we eat me*t?



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Hi!I'm still here. I'm sorry I'm not as an active member as I could be. Yes, you

caught me. I'm mainly here to access the recipies. Thanks you so much for making

them available. I became a vegetarian when my son was born 25 years ago, mainly

to lose weight. Since then, I have become involved in animal rights. I say I can

never eat anything with eyes like my dog. I don't believe I'm a lurker.

Your Friend,Miriam



--- On Thu, 5/21/09, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:


drpatsant <drpatsant



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 2:14 PM





























Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these





1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)




2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?




3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?








Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!




Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)






































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1. I was motivated, and this group helped on making decisions and planning.


2. I thought there would be recipes, since I didn't know what to eat. However,

the variety and flavor of the recipes is amazing!


3. No






Thu, 21 May 2009 21:14:21 +0000











Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)











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Hi there :)  I'm Jess, in Madison, Wisconsin.


I did join to have access to the recipes, and am quite the lurker.  I think this

is only my 2nd post to the group since joining.   I am not veg*an, but do have a

strong lean that way.


See ya!








There is only one religion, the religion of love


There is only one language, the language of the heart


There is only one caste, the caste of humanity


There is only one God, and he is omnipresent. ~~ Sai Baba


--- On Thu, 5/21/09, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:


drpatsant <drpatsant



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 5:14 PM






















Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these





1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)




2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?




3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?








Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!




Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)

































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Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)

Already veggie and like being on groups with like-minded individuals. I

like new and interesting recipes as well, we do like spicy recipes :)


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus? Bonus


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?

Mostly lurker. Have health issues which

limits computer time, etc. But do enjoy the group.




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)









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I am still here, but have not been so active recently since I encountered lyme

disease and a gluten allergy problem. I still read lots of recipes for gluten

free food and interesting spice/flavor options.


1. I have been a vegetarian since 1976 so my uphill grade toward vegetarianism

was many years ago.


2. No, I did not really join to access recipe files--I have 100's of vegetarian

recipe books.


3. I have become a lurker due to my health problems from lyme--I just don't have

the energy to cook as much as I used to. Thank God for a good quality deli @ my

local food coop.



Eureka CA

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1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian

> (or vegan) - or were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional

> comments would be helpful.)


I was already a vegetarian, working on going vegan. I was just looking for

people like me who could give me pointers and ideas of how to move forward in my

new lifestyle. I have been a vegetarian for almost three weeks or is it a month



> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe

> Files or is that just a bonus?


The recipe files is just a bonus.


> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If

> not, why not?


I was kinda a lurker. I get a lot of email and sometimes I just don't have

anything to say on the subject...




I became a vegetarian for ethical reasons; however, I also like the health

benefits that I've been getting. Now if I could get some non-dairy chocolate,

life would be perfect. I know some sites sell them but maybe I could start

looking in stores that specialize in that kind of thing...



In Caritate et Ratione,




Christian Ambrose Wade



There is no murky pit of hell awaiting anyone ... Mind cannot arise alone

without body, or apart from sinews and blood ... You must admit, therefore, that

when then body has perished, there is an end also of the spirit diffused through

it. It is surely crazy to couple a mortal object with an eternal...

-- Lucretius, quoted in 2000 Years of Disbelief, by James A. Haught


Receive a FREE vegetarian starter kit and a FREE DVD at VegetarianStarterKit.com


Got beer? I prefer Guinness.


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src= " http://www.eggindustry.com/img/banners/30-days-banner-468x60.jpg "

height= " 60 " width= " 468 " /></a>

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