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Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to

these questions:


1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


I joined to learn more about being a vegetarian but my plan is to have

healthier eating with more vege dishes. I want to be able to better balance my

diet so need to better balance the food. (Hope that makes sense.... I need

all the nutritional needs filled so I don't under do some and over do

others.) I have this spot on the fence so I sit here and waiver as to do I or

don't I.....



2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is

that just a bonus?

That's a wonderful bonus and I really should lurk there more too! ;) Seems

I get so lost in searching archives (dial up is slow) I don't get too




3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?


I'm soooo busted! I have found that posting on a vegetarian group gets me

some nasty private emails as I'm a " terrible " person who eats non vegetarian

items. I have been chastised for mentioning that 4 letter word that starts

w an " m " and ends with a " t " . So I've found it safer and it " feels better "

to not post so I can stay out of trouble.




I'm probably in deep enough water at this point! ;)




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


So, I am replying and hoping I'm not stepping on any toes and that I don't

get hate mail for doing so. Yes, I'm out here, but in observation mode and

hope I can stay and learn. I do appreciate the group and all the work put

into it. You're great!


~*~ Shar ~*~




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1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.) I was

already vegan when I joined.


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus? Yep, I joined to get the recipes. Spice makes things more



3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not? I

used to be more active until my non-profit started to take up so much time,

and have been more or less a lurker, ever since. I read digests as time

permits and save some of the recipes, but don't post much any more.







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i guess i am a wanderer(lurker sounds dark) lol i joined mainly bcause i love

veggies and was looking for variations on cooking..i dont get online a lot but i

do so much enjoy this group when i can b on.i recently went in and deleated all

but about 2 groups..but i really enjoy this one~~~~omg~~~~im a lurker  smile








--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Miriam Cummings <grumpband wrote:



Miriam Cummings <grumpband



Friday, May 22, 2009, 9:30 AM









Hi!I'm still here. I'm sorry I'm not as an active member as I could be. Yes, you

caught me. I'm mainly here to access the recipies. Thanks you so much for making

them available. I became a vegetarian when my son was born 25 years ago, mainly

to lose weight. Since then, I have become involved in animal rights. I say I can

never eat anything with eyes like my dog. I don't believe I'm a lurker.

Your Friend,Miriam

http://www.jcurranp hotography. com


--- On Thu, 5/21/09, drpatsant <drpatsant > wrote:


drpatsant <drpatsant >



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 2:14 PM




Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)

















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, Donna Magee <hotflash wrote:


> Hi I was already vegetarian but need the spice to spice things up as I

> need to cut out most of the fat in my diet believe it or not. I am a

> veg with high cholesterol. Thanks for the spice


> Donna KB1RPP


> " Space and time are not conditions in which we live; they are simply

> modes in which we think. " - Albert Einstein





> >

Hi, I am Marthe from Montréal.

When I join this group, I was on my way to be vegetarian and looking for new

recepies. I tried many of those on the files and I liked it. I am curious and

always looking for something different. English is not my language, so I don't

write very often, but I read most of messages!

Longue vie à !


Marthe Lacroix

> >


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I'm here.


1. I'm not vegetarian or vegan, but I have a relative who is and I'm trying to

reduce the meat in my diet by finding new and exciting recipes.


2. Mostly for the recipes.


3. I guess I would say I am a lurker. I don't have many vegetarian recipes or

tidbits to share.




, " drpatsant " <drpatsant wrote:




> Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?


> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




> Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)


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Jenn in Oregon


1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) -

or were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


I was already when I joined, the only one in a house of seven.




2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


Recipes mostly but when I get a chance to join in I love that too, most of the





3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?


Yes, mostly lurker. With five kids I seem to be busy alot.. which is why it has

taken me days to do this...


Have a lovely weekend.




--- On Thu, 5/21/09, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:


drpatsant <drpatsant



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 2:14 PM






















Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these





1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)




2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?




3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?








Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!




Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)

































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Well, I think you should of course join in with conversations. My husband eats

meat too.


In my house breakfast and lunch are up to the person eating them, my kids all

learned how to use a toaster by the age of  2 and a microwave by 4. If they want

to eat what I am eating that is fine but, I won't make them anything special,

they have to make it themselves. Dinner is for the whole family and I make a

main vegetarian dish and sometimes will make the rest some type of meat side.


I don't know if something along those lines would work for you. Just keep trying

the recipes and enjoying them.



 --- On Thu, 5/21/09, L.L. Scott <llscott2000 wrote:


L.L. Scott <llscott2000



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 3:22 PM






















> Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this


> interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to


> these questions:




> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or


> were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)




I would be a vegetarian If I was not married to a confirmed meat eater.


Too old and tired to cook two meals :-) But we are eating more veggies.


Your posters are an inspiration for me.






> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is


> that just a bonus?




Your recipe section is a bonus for me.






> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




I am a lurker, I do not feel accomplished enough to add to the












> Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!




> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)












> ------------ --------- --------- ------





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So, I am just catching up on this thread and am behind but I want to say that I

agree with Tina. I am, have been, and was vegetarian when I joined this group

and sometimes the things I read make me want to run in the other direction. I

know there have been a couple times already that something I said was not taken

with an open mind and started quite an uproar that our dear mods had to step in

and say subject closed, so yeah.. I tend to not say to much besides being busy

with the kids.


Great words Tina, in my opinion.


>>Quite honestly, I feel that I need to guard carefully what I say,

because I perceive a lot of antagonism towards myself and others who

may hold different beliefs. I understand perfectly what the purpose of

this group is and that you have the absolute right to run it in any

fashion that pleases you. If I may offer a suggestion, though, it would

be that honey draws more flies than vinegar. I know it is in your

hearts to reach people with your message, but the way you go about it

at times causes me to want to run quickly in the other direction for

fear of being pierced by your sarcastic darts.<<



   --- On Thu, 5/21/09, Tina <onevoiceforgod wrote:


Tina <onevoiceforgod



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 5:51 PM




















> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)




> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?




> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




I joined this group because I wanted to eat better and thought going veggie was

a good step in the right direction. I joined for the recipes, but also for

support, advice, and fellowship from experienced veggies. I mostly lurk, partly

because I don't have any experience or recipes to share, but also because I am

concerned that I will plant my foot firmly in my mouth.




Quite honestly, I feel that I need to guard carefully what I say, because I

perceive a lot of antagonism towards myself and others who may hold different

beliefs. I understand perfectly what the purpose of this group is and that you

have the absolute right to run it in any fashion that pleases you. If I may

offer a suggestion, though, it would be that honey draws more flies than

vinegar. I know it is in your hearts to reach people with your message, but the

way you go about it at times causes me to want to run quickly in the other

direction for fear of being pierced by your sarcastic darts.




I understand if you wish to remove me from your group, and I'll go quietly.

But, since you asked, I felt that I should give my true reasons for lurking. I

wish the very best to all of you.





































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That is a wonderful way to support your daughters decision. It makes me happy to

read that, so many parents would not be as supportive. I happen to know from

personal history, my parents were divorced and I spent a little time with my

father who was against the idea though I had been for 3 years by then.


I believe some people just are, that not everyone knows their reason why. I am

not particularly a big animal advocate rights type person or a big ecological

type supporter. I just would rather not eat meat. My husband says it is because

my teeth are not shaped for meat, I have flat canines. I think he might be a

little kookoo, I don't know.


Anyways, great for you supporting your daughter in her quest to find herself.






--- On Fri, 5/22/09, amy_and_al <amy_and_al wrote:


amy_and_al <amy_and_al



Friday, May 22, 2009, 4:28 AM


















1. I joined this group because my 14 year old daughter announced she

" thought " she was vegetarian. I wanted ideas and some support on how to support

her with finding herself. I've now been cooking vegetarian for almost a year.

My one year old only eats veggies! I've found some great soy substitutes for my

husband and he doesn't even know the difference.




2. I love the receipe files. They're very helpful and diverse.




3. Consider me a lurker. I've asked a few questions, but I'm mainly on for the


































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> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


I was just becoming a Veggie when I joined, Our 12 year old daughter was a

Veggie for 1 1/2 years and has been a Vegan for almost 3 years now.


> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?


Joined to access files, plus learn new recipes from other people. I can not eat

nuts or soy items so I am having a little trouble finding recipes for me.


> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?


I am a lurker right now. We are in the middle of moving into our RV and then

hitting the road. Once we get all moved in I hope to share some of our recipes.



I look forward to learning new recipes and sharing ones that I have.



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Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to

these questions:


1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


I have been Vegetarian for 19 years. Since I just learn to cook, I need more

varities and ideas for

my cooking. Cooking a vegetarian food is not an problem but how to cooking in

better way and healthier way is my concern.


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is

that just a bonus?


I have been enjoying getting ideas from this group. I have the whole bunch of


since I join the group. It's a great bonus for me.. since I don't need to repeat

the same recipe everyday.


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?



It’s not that I am shy but generally I don’t have any awesome recipe to add

to your group. I have been reading your group since i join few months ago and I

find it highly useful. Thanks for taking all the time to write so many useful

recipes. and keep the group intact.



I'm probably in deep enough water at this point! ;)


Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


So, I am replying and hoping I'm not stepping on any toes and that I don't

get hate mail for doing so. Yes, I'm out here, but in observation mode and

hope I can stay and learn. I do appreciate the group and all the work put

into it. You're great!







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1. already veg

2. files ok

3. busy creating recipes and reading romance, changing cat liter and working to

be much of a lurker


i'm using on-screen keyboard since last month. my bio here tells a little about

me http://www.pandora.com/people/dsteve16


as you will note i am in a zone which is heavily populated by non veg people. we

don't have one veg only resturant. but we have asian and middle eastern stores

with all of it!


cajun, creole and southern foods are easy for me. i also do mex and asian. last

week i got some jack fruit and later roasted the seeds for a hearty panini wrap

thing. APRIL-vegan boudan wrapped with bean curd sheets or jambalayla using

freekha. MARCH-before it was a stew with red palm paste and a roux. vegie

crawfish bisque, the Taiwanese have so many ready substitutes for textured

cooked foods. i woron a dish until it could sell in a resturant. most of my

meals, when they turn out perfect i give a price and a name to.


i use a lot of 'thit chay' from vegeusa. as well as fermented bean curd from

china to focus on replicating very regional dishes made in the usa.


last week - in the food proessor for tortillias - golden corn hominy mixed with

masa preparada para tamales.


i just tell you it is awesome. one of the best this month was oyster mushrooms

fried, the flour being -- cornstarch dry dip and a batter of sweet rice flour,

tapioca flour and .... dah dah, the secret ingredent to make it golden, besan at

20 or 15 percent. haha tooo much. try it or coconut milk tempura batter.


i have not harmed living beings in over seven years and tell you, it is easy to

do and i miss nothing.


around the first of the month it was fried, round, asian gluten [they call it

veg abalone] poboys. shredded lettuce and sliced tomato.


i eat the normal stuff, but i have come to a new high on replacement issues and

went beyond the lazy killer person values.


i should write a bad book because my meals scream bad for you! but i totally

promise they are vegan and healthy. of course some people like light or raw or

fresh. i do that too. but i specalize in 'this has got to be bad for me' dishes.

somehow it makes me laugh when i kill a false myth.


this month is exeriment with gum arabic month. my coffee grinder, my gum arabic

and black pepper has done well on many things including olive oil french fries,

purple, sweet, japanese\satsuma, yucca on a jackfuit seed, mushroom pizza.

progression. killer. today is not a leftover. it is a segue into tomorrow.


i guess my motto ought to be.... if it does not walk, figure out to make it

taste great and eat it.


i am also type ii diabetic trying to keep diet controlled without meds. which

may have to change soon because ten years has worsened my pancreas.


--eat great, don't make others pay for it.


PAT-- You do a great job for a good club.


i hope where people can they get these great world foods which are at a low cost

when bought around native populations, instead of as imported gourmet items. you

can do it all youself istead of buying corporate goods.


experiment to go forward.


ps. 'pink' back salt [kala namak] from indionesia is very good. also remember

the broad variety of flours to interact with oil/fat, heat and moisture to

effect flavor and texture.


, " drpatsant " <drpatsant wrote:




> Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?


> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




> Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)


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1.  neither  ;)

2.  a package deal...chatter w/recipes!

3. i mostly lurk & save recipes I particularly like. 


Thank you for letting me stick around!







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--- On Thu, 5/21/09, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:



drpatsant <drpatsant



Thursday, May 21, 2009, 5:14 PM











Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)





















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--- On Mon, 1/6/09, Kathleen Pelley <kmpelley wrote:


Kathleen Pelley <kmpelley



Monday, 1 June, 2009, 11:37 PM


1.I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since 1976--33 years.


2. I mostly use the recipes and the recipe files.  I also try to supportive to

other vegetarians and struggling vegetarians.


3. When I am very busy or ill [i have lyme, bartonella, and babesia], I mostly

lurk since I can do very little cooking right now.




1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe

Files or is that just a bonus?  3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so,

why? If not, why not?








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1. Already Veggie

2. To access recipe files

3. Nope.









drpatsant <drpatsant


Friday, 22 May, 2009 2:44:21 AM









Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?




Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)






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Answers in blue below....




drpatsant <drpatsant


Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:14:21 PM








HI !!!!

Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)

Neither.....I like having interesting ways to prepare vegetables as side dishes.

I do make a mean veggie spaghetti sauce and veggie lasagna though...lol



2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that just

a bonus?


Um, see answer to #1

3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?


Lurker.....How about a " Viewer of Veggies " ? or a " Earthy Edibles Eyer " ?

or....well, you get the idea. Why?, well, " so many things to do....so little

time " . It's quicker to " view " and move on than view and answer and check back

and answer some more.....trust me...I'm a member to more than one group. It can

become more time consuming than expected/intended. No offense intended to

anyone. I actually had to quit some groups because I was spending way too much

time " viewing " .





Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)









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  • 2 months later...

, " drpatsant " <drpatsant wrote:




> Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these



> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or were

you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


already veggie. about 20 years.


> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?

>to see how to join a .

> 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not? not

that i'm aware of.




> Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)


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Hi alohaseamonkey


Thnx for replying to that last roll call. But do you really mean you joined this

group just to learn how to join a ? Amazingly innovative response :-)


Nice to re-meet another longterm veggie.




Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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Well this roll call was a while ago, we've done a lot since then!


Maybe there's a problem of definition here - just for clarity, a " lurker " is " a

person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file

sharing or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates actively. "




, " alohaseamonkey " <alohaseamonkey



> , " drpatsant " <drpatsant@> wrote:

> >

> > HI GUYS!

> >

> > Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these


> >

> > 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


> already veggie. about 20 years.

> >

> > 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?

> >to see how to join a .

> > 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not? not

that i'm aware of.

> >


> >

> > Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!

> >

> > Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)

> >


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Hey Piers - Your (correct) definition of Lurker below leads me to wonder at this

sleepy hour (0630 here) what one would call those who DON'T read messages on the

groups or boards to which they belong :-) Rhymes with?? LOL

Going to catch another 40 winks then see and read you all later.




Piers wrote:

'Maybe there's a problem of definition here - just for clarity, a " lurker " is " a

person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file

sharing or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates

actively. " '

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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> > 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


Have been on again, off again vegetarian for 20 yrs, but more off than on. This

time, I want to do it right. So, either answer works for me.


> > 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?

I wanted real recipes that work and support if I should slide back.

It works.


> > 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not?

You could say that, but I read every message. I just don't have enough to offer

to post.



Thanks for being here!


Lynn in PA

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> > HI GUYS!

> >

> > Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep this

interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response to these


> >

> > 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)

already a vegetarian wanting to become a vegan

> >

> > 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is that

just a bonus?

> >to access recipes and because I want to hear from other vegetarians and know

what's going on with all the different products and controversies

> > 3. Are you now or were you ever a lurker? If so, why? If not, why not? not

that i'm aware of.

> > I think I am a lurker, but only because I don't like to contribute unless I

have something important to say. I read the posts I just don't always respond

unless I have a valid point that has not been voiced by someone else.

> >

> > Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!

> >

> > Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)

> >










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" alohaseamonkey " <alohaseamonkey


Tuesday, August 11, 2009 7:32 PM





> , " drpatsant " <drpatsant wrote:




>> Time to check in again so we know who is active etc. But just to keep

>> this interesting, why not see if you can also give some kind of response

>> to these questions:


>> 1. Did you join this group to help you BECOME vegetarian (or vegan) - or

>> were you ALREADY veggie? (Additional comments would be helpful.)


> already veggie. just a few mos


>> 2. Did you join this group to be able to access the recipe Files or is

>> that just a bonus?

>>to see how to join a .

>> 3. I try not to lurk, as I do comment, but I work, so I mostly read.




>> Thanks, everyone! Let us know if you're out there!!!!


>> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)






> ---



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