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Welcome to new member Sarah Nicole

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Hi Sarah, welcome to the group. From your questionnaire it sounds as if you will

feel at home here and find a lot of the things you are looking for. A lot of our

members are lacto- and/or ovo-vegetarian and several have made or are making the

transition to vegan. As far as recipes, you can find them in the Files (see menu

bar on the group website) or via the message search facility; you'd be very

welcome to post recipes but please remember that recipes have to be tried and

true (i.e. not copied from a website or book, but ones you've actually made

yourself), and should not contain any animal ingredients (but can contain eggs

or dairy).


As far as economy is concerned, opinions differ about this - I think that a

vegetarian diet (certainly one which is ovo-lacto) is more economical than an

onmivorous one but a lot depends on location, life style and other



Looking forward to hearing from you on the group! Piers (co-owner Vegetarian



Answers to questionnaire:


1. Which description BEST fits your situation? - I am a vegetarian who eats both

eggs and dairy and am interested in becoming vegan

2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life?

- Avoidance of killing animals

- Personal health and well-being

- Concern for the environment

Which one is your MAIN reason?

- I do not want to continue to put disgusting hormones into my body which come

especially from meats nor do I want to think about eating animals that are often

killed in a painful and inhumane ways and live in horrific situations before

that not to mention are dragged through their own waste before reaching my


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself? Yes, I cook for myself

4. Do all the members of your household follow a vegetarian diet? No, I live

with a roommate who is not vegetarian, but I do not cook for her

5. a) Are you careful to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present in

prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store? b) Are you careful to

ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present in food you eat out (e.g. in a

restaurant or at the home of a friend or relative)? For both a and b I have not

been in the past, but I hope to become more aware of what I have been eating now

that I am becoming more serious about it.

6. Do you find you need to make an exception to your diet for medical reasons

(e.g. gelatine in capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example? No, in

fact I think that becoming a complete vegan would be a healthier lifestyle for


7. Have you any recipes which you would like to post on our list? And are you

looking for any recipe in particular? I have a couple recipes, but I would like

to expand my vegan cook book because I really do love food and cooking

8. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy? I love hot foods and especially love indian and

mexican foods which is why I'm looking for groups to help me discover new

recipes because 90 percent of mexican food at least has cheese in it

9. Do you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on the web)?

Yes, in fact I recently read a book called skinny bitch which proved to be very

enlightening and was one of the main reasons I decided to make the shift.

10. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.) I want to find

new recipes and I want to gain insight and advice from people who have been

eating this way for awhile.

11. What is your age group? I'm 22

12. Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country or

region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests, indoor

and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it! I recently graduated from college and

will be starting grad school in one month I really want to start this lifestyle,

but I can't afford a drastic increase in the grocery budget. Is it impossible

for me to change and still maintain a relatively small grocery expense?

Sarah Nicole

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