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New Member Cheryl - Welcome - Questionnaire included

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Hi Cheryl and welcome to our group! (Everyone, Cheryl's completed questionnaire

is below)


Good for you for cooking for your son in this way. We have no problem with your

family not being vegetarian - although please understand that any fish or

seafood is not considered vegetarian and we have no discussion of it on the

group nor inclusion of recipes which include fish. I do however understand you

to mean that you also cook vegetarian meals for him, and you will certainly find

lots of good recipes here :) The best thing, it would seem, would be to find

vegetarian meals suitable for your son, suitable for your own dietary

requirements (all those things you cannot eat) as well as interesting to the

rest of the family (for whom you will probably include non-vegetarian foods).

There are lots of those kinds of recipes and there are here on the group several

members who are in your kind of position with a 'mixed' family. It's not as

tricky as it seems.


Considering your own dietary prohibitions, you will probably want to look for

ovo-vegetarian or vegan dishes in our Files are (access from the Home Page). In

the 3-starred folders marked Main and Side Dishes you will find that the kind of

vegetarian they apply to is included in the title/subject line of each recipe as

well as a notation of whether or not the recipe is 'spicy', meaning hot and

spicy. Some of the spices you mention, however, may be included, so you will

have to scan the ingredients list. Actually, this IS a spicy food group and the

spices you mention are frequently a necessary part of the recipes. Please bear

that in mind, because it can be frustrating to find that most recipes we offer

would trigger illness in you. (Not to suggest you're not welcome here - you

certainly are - but I'd be remiss not to mention that there are groups which do

not rely so heavily on hot and spicy foods.)


I can't see any problem with your meeting your son's nutritional needs.

Vegetarianism is a good way to go provided that one remembers to include a wide

variety (think colour!) of vegetables each day and not to rely completely on

prepared foods. Lots of colours, lots of green leaves (cooked or raw) plus

enough complex carbohydrates to fill up the tum of a growing boy should do the

trick. Think brown rather than white rice, wholwheat pasta rather than white,

etc. etc.


As for cooking time, that's something you must work out for yourself. Most

recipes do not include cooking/preparation time. Often dishes can be prepared

quickly if you use canned or frozen versions of various suggested vegetables,

although of course they may not be as nutritious or as tasty. Look through the

folders and see what you can find, and by all means ask if you need help :)


It's nice to have you join us. Enjoy the group.


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Piers)


----- Forwarded Message ----

Cheryl Parkerf . . .



Hi Vetetarianspice owner. I look forward to being part of this group.


My answers are in blue.


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am not vegetarian but I cook for someone who is pescetarian.


2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

- Avoidance of killing animals

- Animal welfare


Which one is your MAIN reason? avoidance of animal cruelty


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself? For how many people do you cook? I cook

vegetarian food for my son. We have a family of 4.


4. Do all the members of your household follow a vegetarian diet? If not, do you

cook non-vegetarian meals for the others? There are 3 other members in our

family that are not vegetarian. Most of our meals are pescetarian but we cook

fish or veggie burgers for my son if our meal isn’t pescetarian.


5. a) Are you careful to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present in

prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store? We try not to eat too much

processed food so that’s really not a problem. But no, we don’t check the

ingredients for animal ingredients.


b) Are you careful to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present in food

you eat out (e.g. in a restaurant or at the home of a friend or relative)? No


6. Do you find you need to make an exception to your diet for medical reasons

(e.g. gelatine in capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?I must

avoid spices like ginger, turmeric, curry, cumin, paprika, and mint because they

trigger migraine headaches and contribute to the symptoms of my fibromyalgia.

Milk and milk products, bananas and peanuts are also off limits for the same



7. Have you any recipes which you would like to post on our list? Are you

looking for any recipe in particular? No


8. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy? No, my son prefers foods that are not spicy or hot

in any way.. No salsa, barbecue, onions, etc. He doesn’t even like Ranch Style

Beans. The rest of us like spicy foods. My pescitarian is a picky eater and so

is my other son. Many times, if one kid likes it the other kid doesn’t.


9. Do you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on the

web)?Not really.


10. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.) I’d like to get

recipes and ideas so I can feed my son meals that meet his nutritional needs.

I'd like to learn from others who have experience at this.


11. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65? I’m over 40 but

my pescetarian son is 12.


12. Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country or

region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests, indoor

and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!

My family lives in northeast Texas and we’re very busy. We have 2 sons, ages 7

and 12. They’re both involved in Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts and my husband and I

both work. I’m a teacher so I’m off work for the summer and can stay home

with my boys. When school is in session, we have little time or energy to plan

and prepare difficult or fancy recipes. We need meals that are cheap and

nutritional requiring 30 minutes or less to prepare and cook. I don’t want to

spend the evening in the kitchen cooking. I enjoy step aerobics, needlecrafts,

reading and messing around on the computer. Of course, I enjoy spending time

with my family and am heavily involved in their scouting activities. My dream

house in on the beach close to Disney World. However, I don't see that

happening for many years if at all.


Cheryl aka imabeachlover19@xxxxxxxxx




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