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Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members

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We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR

QUESTIONNAIRE (New since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your

moderators by answering the following questions. It should only take a few



THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?


- I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey


2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

X- Avoidance of killing animals

X- Animal welfare

X- Personal health and well-being

X- Weight loss

X- Concern for the environment

X- Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

X- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

X- World economy

X- Personal economy


(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? x-x-x-x-YesWhat about the non-vegetarians in your



4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?x-x-x-x- " VERY DIFFICULT " !


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an



6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?x-x-x-x-No


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?x-x-x-x-Fresh,Organic Fruit & Veggies!


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?x-x-x-x-Yes


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)x-x-x-x-All of the above.


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?x-x-x-x-Over 65


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!x-x-x-x-USA,a






theodore h schmidkonz

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On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Piers Clement <piersalgarve wrote:

> THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

> - I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey


> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

X - Avoidance of killing animals

X - Animal welfare

X - Personal health and well-being

X - Concern for the environment

X - Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons



> Which one is your MAIN reason?


All of the above.


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?


I live alone.


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?


n a restaurant, yes. For buying food for myself? No.


> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?


Yes, for medications and for feeding my cats. I'm on birth control,

take Zyrtec, et cetera.


> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


Tons, actually. The first vegan recipe I learned how to make was a

really yummy faux egg salad using tofu and vegenaise.


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?




> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?




> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)


Recipes, support, et cetera.


> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?


Over 30 (31).


> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


I live in a Boston suburb with two cats.





My name is Andrea. :)





AIM: AndreaChai78 Y!: andrea_m_berman MSN: andrea_m_berman



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Piers Clement <piersalgarve


Thursday, July 30, 2009 17:23:25

Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members


We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE (New

since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill your

answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g. 'meat',

fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy products.


VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains from

eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids the use

of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN): abstains from most animal flesh

but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered strictly



OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or air.


And NOW for . . .


THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

-x I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

- I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

- I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian or vegan

(state which)

- I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

x- Avoidance of killing animals

- Animal welfare

-x Personal health and well-being

-x Weight loss

- Concern for the environment

- Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

- World economy

- Personal economy

(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?

I am a vegan who eat no eggs nor dairy or honey

3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

We all eat vegetarian food including non vegetarians in our household

4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

At times yes but we always ask  and check labels

5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

Nope we  are able to buy everything in Healthy options store

6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?

i would love to share but am not that confident 

7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite?  If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy? No preference I can eat any kind oof vegetarian food


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)? Yes


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to  vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

All of the above

10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

Over 40

AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!

Am from Manila,Philippines,I got a dog,and am a nature lover



Am Susan

Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.







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> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

> - I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)


> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

> - Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

> - Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason? Spiritual


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household? I cook vegetarian

for myself and very simple non-vegetarian food for my husband


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family? No, I shop in a food Coop. I

have a bigger problem with my gluten allergy


> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

Yes, I take gelatin capsules for meds for lyme disease


> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular? Since I acquired lyme, I

have done very little cooking because I am so tired.


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy? Yes, I like hot & spicy food. I think my

favorite is spicy peanut sauce.


> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)? Occasionally


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.) To follow the

vegetarian way of life and how it is wending its way into the greater society


> 10. What is your age group? Over 65? [66]


> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it! I live in far northern

California. We have lots of vegetarian food available in stores and restaurants

compared to other parts of the country that I have been in. I love knitting,

crocheting, gardening, and yoga. We have two [stray/rescued] cats and a

standard poodle named Sweet Pea. I am a political junkie. Right now, I am

hopeful that we will get a government option medical care system for the US.



Eureka CA

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, " Piers Clement "

<piersalgarve wrote:

> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?



I am a vegetarian who occasionally eats both eggs and dairy

(Lacto-ovo-vegetarian) and I avoid all animal products.



> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These

might be one or more of:

> - Avoidance of killing animals

> - Animal welfare

> - Personal health and well-being

> - Weight loss

> - Concern for the environment

> - Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

> - World economy

> - Personal economy

- X all of the above



> Which one is your MAIN reason?


- Avoidance of killing animals


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in

your household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?



I only cook vegetarian and raised my children vegetarian so my whole

family is vegetarian and some are vegan.


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are

present in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in

food you eat in a restaurant or the home of friends and family?



Sometimes, but I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years so I think I

have the hang of it now.



> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your

diet for medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which

have animal origin or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons?

Could you give an example?


Not often, but i don't sweat the small stuff.


> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with

our group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


No and no


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If

not, what kinds of food do you enjoy?


Yes - Indian and Thai


> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books,

magazines, on the web)?


Not so much


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg.

access to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support

for your vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)




> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?



59, turning 60 in November



> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your

country or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies,

activities, interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!



New Westminster BC Canada - main hobby is animal rescue, followed

closely by pet rat breeding (and no, there is no contradiction there),

have an 11 year old diabetic miniature poodle, a 1 year old black foster

cat who is available for adoption, 2 degus and 35 pet rats.


Lizzy & the evil SITH Ratties

New Westminster BC Canada


Little Mischief Rescue

http://littlemischiefrescue.org <http://littlemischiefrescue.org/>


SITH Rattery

http://www.ratanist.com <http://www.ratanist.com/>








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answering the questions was technically difficult because every time i

attempted to isolate a question and thus answer it with an in line reply,

the whole area deleted...so, i am a vegetarian who eats eggs and dairy, i

want to avoid killing animals,for animal welfare,personal health and

wellbeing....to keep the first precept of buddhist life which is to do no

harm, and am 61 years old...cook for myelf and occasionally others. Have no

problems finding the right ingredients.






On Behalf Of Piers Clement

Thursday, July 30, 2009 5:23 AM


Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members






We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE

(New since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill

your answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g.

'meat', fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy



VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains

from eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids

the use of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN): abstains from most animal

flesh but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered

strictly vegetarians.


OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or



And NOW for . . .


THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

- I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

- I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

- I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian or

vegan (state which)

- I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might

be one or more of:

- Avoidance of killing animals

- Animal welfare

- Personal health and well-being

- Weight loss

- Concern for the environment

- Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

- World economy

- Personal economy

(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?


4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are

present in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in

food you eat in a restaurant or the home of friends and family?


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal

origin or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give

an example?


6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines,

on the web)?


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg.

access to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for

your vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your

country or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities,

interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!





Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.









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> THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

> - I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)



> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

> X Avoidance of killing animals

> X Animal welfare

> - Personal health and well-being

> - Weight loss

> X Concern for the environment

> X philosophical reasons

> X Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

> - World economy

> - Personal economy

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason?


Avoidance of killing animals


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?



Mostly its not me who is cooking, but if im cooking then for my Wife sometimes

for Mom too. My Mom lives with us and cooking a lot for us, and she is

practically vegetarian, cuz when she is cooking than its something vegetarian,

and she is eating that too, not cooking separate for herself. My wife started to

eat fish, turkey and chicken during pregnancy and still eating it while

breastfeeding, just to be sure that our baby is recieving everything he needs.


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?


Well, in the shop i can read the ingredients. Im never sure in the restaurant

what im eating. Its very rare though that im not eating at home. At friends,

relatives or at parties mostly i cant find anything to eat.



> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?


Yes, gelatin capsule is a good example.


> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?



Im not a big collector, if i wanna cook something then im quickly hitting up

google and modifying the receipt for my taste.


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?


No i dont like it too spicy. Its hard to tell what i like cuz im hungarian, the

foods i like are different from the receipts im reading here sometimes or in the

vegetarian cookbooks and im lazy to translate for the group.


> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?


For a while i was interested how other people are dealing with it, but im

vegetarian 10+ years and are not much interesting news anymore.


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)


I was bored and was searching for groups that meet my interests and have some

activity, being vegetarian is one important part of me.


> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?




> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


I live in Hungary, im somewhat activist for cycling and liveable streets. I have

a 3 months old son, no need and no place for pets :)






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, " Piers Clement " <piersalgarve



> We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE

(New since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


> TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill your

answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




> VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g. 'meat',

fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy products.


> VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains from

eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids the use

of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


> PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN): abstains from most animal

flesh but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered strictly



> OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or air.


> And NOW for . . .


> THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

I am a Vegan.


> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

> - Avoidance of killing animals

> - Animal welfare X

> - Personal health and well-being X

> - Weight loss X

> - Concern for the environment X

> - Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

> - Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

> - World economy

> - Personal economy

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason?

> Weight Loss

> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

> Household of one

> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

>If by " prepared " you mean processed,I no longer consume those types of foods.I

am fortunate to live in an ares where I can purchase natural foods at health

food stores.Also,there are a few very good vegetarian restaurants that offer

vegan fare in my area as well.However,I always bring my own food when I eat at a

family members home.

> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

>With a little groundwork,no exceptions have been necessary in my case.

> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?

> Braised Tempeh And Cabbage

1t olive oil

4 medium onions,chopped

10 garlic cloves,chopped

21/2 lbs cabbage,cut into 1 inch pieces

1T caraway seeds

1/2 T sea salt

16 oz Tempeh

2c sourkraut(or pickle) juice

Heat pot over medium-high heat and add oil.Add onion and saute 6 minutes.Add

garlic and cabbage and cook 8 minutes.Add caraway seeds and sea salt and cook 3+


While the cabbage is cooking,steam the tempeh 20 minutes.Cut tempeh into 1/4

inch strips.Rub oil on tempeh strips.Heat a large skillet over medium to

medium-high heat.Add tempeh,seal/brown one side,then flip over(you may need to

add 1t of oil),seal/brown other side.When browned,add sourkraut juice and cook

over medium-high heat until all of the liquid is is absorbed.

At this point,lower the heat a little and cook until the tempeh has dried

out,and if possible,has become a little crisp again-be careful not to burn


Serve on the braised cabbage.

Serves 6


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?

> I do like hot and spicy food.Here is one that can be adjusted to preference.

Pan Seared Cauliflower

1 c Cauliflower,cut in big pieces,partially cooked,drained

2T oil

red chili powder to taste

dry mango powder to taste

1 onion,sliced,slices cut in half

Heat griddle over medium-high heat with oil;mix cauliflower with a little

oil,salt and red chili powder-mix well.

Arrange on griddle and flatten slightly with a spatula,being careful not to

break up the cauliflower pieces.Continue to flatten as cooking,cauliflower will

soften as it cooks.When you get a good caramelization on the bottom,flip the

pieces over,pushing to one side of griddle,continuing to flatten.Add onions to

griddle,keeping onions and cauliflower separate.Watch cauliflower and add more

oil if needed.Do not salt onions until browned and some of the water has cooked

out of them.

Add dry mango powder and more dry chili powder at plating.

Serve cauliflower over bed of onions

> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?

> Mostly online-though I did buy and read the China Study

> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

> When I first saw the join page,it looked like it was a busy group,so I thought

It could not be all recipes being posted-I thought there would be a fair amount

of information being posted as well.

> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

> 50's

> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!

> Western NC,USA



> Rob

> Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


> Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.


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" Susan Baylon " <sansunick2004


Thursday, July 30, 2009 5:32 AM

Re: Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members









Piers Clement <piersalgarve


Thursday, July 30, 2009 17:23:25

Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members


We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE

(New since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill

your answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g.

'meat', fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy



VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains

from eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids

the use of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN): abstains from most animal

flesh but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered

strictly vegetarians.


OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or



And NOW for . . .


THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian) YES

- I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

- I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

- I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

- I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian or

vegan (state which)

- I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might

be one or more of:

x- Avoidance of killing animals

- Animal welfare

-x Personal health and well-being YES

-x Weight loss

- Concern for the environment

- Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

- World economy

- Personal economy

(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? YES What about the non-vegetarians in your household? NONE

4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are

present in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in

food you eat in a restaurant or the home of friends and family? SOMEWHAT


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal

origin or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give

an example? GELITIN CAPS I USE

6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? I DID SHARE ONE Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? YES If so, what is your favourite? ALL

If not, what kinds of food do you enjoy?


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines,

on the web)? Yes


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg.

access to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for

your vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

All of the above YES

10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? YES Over 65?


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your

country or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities,

interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!






Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.







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THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?


- I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might

be one or more of:

- Personal health and well-being

--Weight loss



(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?

- Personal health and well-being


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

I do not eat a great deal of meat, but I am not opposed to cooking it for

others in my household, (though I do not always provide a meat dish either).

On the other hand, I do not eat fish or seafood at all, and do not cook it

either. If someone wants this, they can cook it when it's their turn to

make the meal, and I can choose not to eat it, provided that there are

sufficient other choices on the menu.


4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are

present in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in

food you eat in a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

Since I am not strictly vegetarian, I do not place too much concern in this

area. My main concerns are with chemical additives and origins of the food

stuffs in prepackaged foods. I do not like to eat imported food, because

non-US standards are different than ours, and try to keep my consumption of

chemicals to a minimum as well. It is very difficult to determine what is

added to processed foods, and nearly impossible to determine the true

country of origin. It is even harder to find out what has been sprayed on

fresh grocery store produce, or added to deli items. I am also allergic to

MSG, and find eating in many restaurants difficult, since oftentimes MSG is

used without disclosing it.


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal

origin or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give

an example?

Yes. Parties are the hardest for me because it's difficult to determine

what is in potluck dishes, and even more difficult to avoid eating things

without sounding pompous or hurting feelings.


6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular? No, I'm more of a

lurker and right now I am too busy to even collect new recipes much less try



7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?

I love hot and spicy foods. Thai, Szechwan, Middle Eastern, Southwest and

Mexican, African, you name it!


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines,

on the web)? Not really.


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg.

access to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for

your vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.) This

group adds variety to my menus and to my outlook. With the exception of the

occasional curmudgeon comment, the positive energy of the group usually

lifts my spirits as well.


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65? Over 40.


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your

country or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities,

interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!

I'm Diogenes36 in the group.




Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.

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> THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

> - I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy


> - I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

> - I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

> - I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or no honey X

> - I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

> - I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian

or vegan (state which)

> - I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

> - I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state


> - I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become

vegetarian or vegan.



> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These

might be one or more of:

> - Avoidance of killing animals X

> - Animal welfare X

> - Personal health and well-being X

> - Weight loss

> - Concern for the environment X

> - Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons X

> - Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

> - World economy

> - Personal economy

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason?

Avoidance of killing animals


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in

your household? I cook Vegan food for my daughter and myself

What about the non-vegetarians in your household? I still cook

non-vegetarian food for my husband and son, But they are eating more and

more Vegan food now.


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are

present in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in

food you eat in a restaurant or the home of friends and family?Yes I do.


> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your

diet for medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which

have animal origin or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons?


Could you give an example?We do not take medication or supplements in

our house.


> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with

our group? I have a one pot dish I would like to share. Everything is

based on how many people you are feeding. I cook Pasta and frozen

veggies in the same pot until done. Then while I am straining the

pasta/veggies I cook sauce in the pot, one pot, one mess.

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?Cheese made with not nuts

of any kind.


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? I love hot and spicy but they do

not like me to much.

If so, what is your favourite? If not, what kinds of food do you enjoy?

I love all kinds of food.


> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books,

magazines, on the web)?Not really


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg.

access to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support

for your vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people,

other.)Meeting like minded people and recipes.


> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

> I am over 40, but closer to 50. LOL

> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your

country or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies,

activities, interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


Just wanted to share a little about my family and myself. We are a stay

at home family. We have a home based business and we homeschool, so we

are always together as a family. We just moved from Wisconsin to

Virginia in June. Could not take the cold anymore. We sold everything we

own and moved into an RV. We have 4 children, John is 26, in the Navy,

Robert is 20, lives in WY, at home is Leah 12, Joshua 7 and a Bassett

Hound named Susie Q. Leah was a Vegetarian for 1 1/2 years and has been

a Vegan for 3 years now. I was a Vegetarian for 1 month and have been a

Vegan for 2 months now. I like to spin wool into yarn with a drop

spindle, knit, cook, read, But mostly spend time with the family. I can

not eat Nuts of any kind. That is all I can think of for now.


Thank you for your time,








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THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):



1. Which description BEST fits your situation?


- Vegetarian - ova-lacto


2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

- Avoidance of killing animals X

- Animal welfare X

- Personal health and well-being

- Weight loss

- Concern for the environment X

- Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons X

- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

- World economy

- Personal economy

(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?

Animal Welfare


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?


Cook for myself and sometimes my wife. My wife is an omnivore.


4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods

you buy in a store and/or in food you at in a restaurant or the home of

friends and family?


Somewhat difficult.


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements

or medications which have animal origin or are encased in gelatin capsules)

or other reasons? Could you give an example?


All supplements/vitamins I take are supposedly vegetarian. If gelatin is

used, it is a vegetable based geleatin.

Sometimes if I eat something at a restaurant which has cheese I will not

verify whether or not it has

animal based rennet. I actually try to not eat cheese based foods when I go

out unless it is at a vegetarian

restaurant but sometimes when I'm eating with friends it is difficult.


6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


None at the moment.


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?


Yes. Can't think of a particular favorite at the moment.


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?


No really


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about

vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian decision, chatting with

like-minded people, other.)


- to find spicy vegetarian recipes


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?




AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion

animals, hobbies, activities, interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)?

Let's hear it!


San Francisco Bay Area (East Bay/Tri-valley area)

Two dogs in the household.

Reading, gardening, movies, etc.








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THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):




1. Which description BEST fits your situation?




- I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)




2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:



- Avoidance of killing animals


- Animal welfare


- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food






Which one is your MAIN reason?

Either avoidance of killing or animal welfare.  They sort of go together.  And

the thought of those things leads to my dislike of the taste.




3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?



I do very little cooking, which will hopefully change, due to all the recipes




4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

Prepared and packaged foods are not so hard.  I contact food companies with

questions about things like rennet and gelatin.  I don't ask at restaurants or

people's houses.





5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

I find gelatin very repulsive.  When I have to take a medication that's in a

gelatin capsule, I'll open it and empty the substance into one of my empty

veggie caps.




6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


Nothing to share yet, I'm sorry. 

7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?



I like hot and spicy, especially Italian, Mexican, Thai, Chinese.



8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?



Not too much.



9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)



Recipes, and info on things like egg substitutes, etc.



10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

Over 20




AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!

I have one very difficult cat.  I rescued her from the " pound. "   I really enjoy










Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!

I hardly ever post, but you may just call me by my screen name here, spotterfly 













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THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am now in transition to vegan. I consider myself mostly vegan.


2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

- Personal health and well-being

- Concern for the environment


Which one is your MAIN reason?


Personal health.


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?


Only myself because I live alone.


4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?


Not really.


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?




6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


Will try to make a point of doing so.


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?


I live Asian and Latin flavors.


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?




9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)


Access to recipes. I find that the best recipe is one that someone else has

tried and loved.


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?




Dena Jo



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On Jul 30 2009, Piers Clement wrote:



THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

X I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)


from vegetarian to vegan at the no diary, but still eggs and occasional

honey stage! Being intolerant to most fruit, tomatoes and uncooked onions

has made this a little harder I was expecting to be honest. Being alergic

to diary has in some areas made it easier.


2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might

be one or more of: X Avoidance of killing animals X Animal welfare X

Personal health and well-being X Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian

food (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?


Hard to go with just one really - animal welfare and avoidance of killing

animals unnecessarily - no issues with ending suffering though - we live in

the countryside and have had a bad year with myxomatosis in the wild rabbit

population. I have no issues in shooting those.


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?


only have vegetarian's in household. He knew what he was getting into when

we met, and is what he calls an economic vegetarian, but generally chooses

to eat veggie but will eat meat instead of going hungry, I go hungry

instead! husband has goat's milk on cereal but all visitors to our home

follow the restrictions of my diet with the exception of milk and when it

comes to cooking - then they are all on vegan +goats milk and rarely even



4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are

present in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in

food you eat in a restaurant or the home of friends and family?


Eating out is difficult and I sometimes end up having cheese, but that is

only once every 2 or 3 months. desserts are a much bigger problem becuase I

can't have most fruit - friends tend to ask what I can and can't have -

family are used to it or have even stranger diets than mine! But none of my

friends and family bat an eyelid to me turning up with my own food and just

getting on with it.


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet

for medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have

animal origin or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could

you give an example?


Yes - I am a severe asthmatic and would just not be alive without my

medication. 2 are inhaled capsules that get pierced but not consumed, the

rest is anyones guess. (been resusitated twice, so have just had to come to

terms with it) - but herbal supplements are always suitable for vegans.

Biocare do a very good range.


6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


I made a mean mushroom risotto... its the quick meal after work option...

serves 4-6 or so quantities can be varied easily chop as much fresh thyme

as you want into a frying pan of hot olive oil (be generous) add the

chopped quartered (or 6th/8th'ed) chestnut mushroons (usually about 250g

but varies). the pan needs to be hot enough that than mushroom squeak. wait

til they are at the starting to release the water stange and add chopped

onion - can be 1 normal and 1 red onion or just 1 normal large onion. you

want to get to the very hot frying pan, just starting to burn the bottom

stage with the mushrooms starting to brown slightly add the rice - I use 5

handfuls of white basmati rice but pearly barley is also an option stir

quickly and add the 1 liter of stock (I use vegan, but can be vegetarian)

add as much garlic as you want - I usually add 3 large cloves or more at

this stage - usually a clove per person. simmer until the water is almost

completely absorbed and then take off the heat, but the lid on and give it

5 mins to absorb the rest without burning the rice to the pan!


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?


Yes - like Indian a lot - but then I could live off rice or potatoes

anyway... love thyme, garlic, cumin, corrander,


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines,

on the web)?


I have tonnes and tonnes of cookery books - all vegetarian and vegan. but I

hate magazines that give a perfectly good recipe but then say chicken stock

when vegetable stock would have made the recipe suitable for



9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg.

access to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for

your vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)


generally seeing why others are vegan and how to help with that transition

and how to get around some of the issues that make my life hard enough

being vegetarian - I do a lot of winter mountaineering and have over the

years worked out or found dried evening meals that are suitable - now they

are not and when you are carrying everything it makes a difference!


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?


Over 30... (36) been vegetarian since I was 11.


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your

country or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities,

interests, indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


I'm in the UK - so all of those US cookery books that I have that are vegan

drive me mad either working out what the ingredient is called in the UK or

trying to source it... hobbies include winter mountaineering - perfectly

do-able for vegetarians even those allergic to diary challenging me more as

a veagn, but I love nuts which helps, swimming, mountain biking and

photography (http://www.aramok.co.uk)- finance ran out for any more

expensive hobbies at that point! the only real issues I have had is that I

have been totally unable to find suitable winter mountaineering boots that

take crampons that are not animal based and that most of my clothing is

wollen - I haven't quite gotten my head around the no wool debate.





Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.

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, " Piers Clement " <piersalgarve



> We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE

(New since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


> TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill your

answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




> VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g. 'meat',

fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy products.


> VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains from

eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids the use

of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


> PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN): abstains from most animal

flesh but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered strictly



> OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or air.


> And NOW for . . .


> THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

> -


> - I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

- I do eat honey on occasion.

> -


> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

> -

> - Personal health and well-being

> -

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason?


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?


all vegetarians in my house


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?



I have done research but know that there is a lot of dairy or eggs

everywhere..... then ordering beans at many places- have a Hock or lard


> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?


Itake some supplements ( Glucosamine/chondrotiin and gel caps



> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?


I have bunch of faves


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?



I like many Thai, Indian and mexican specialties



> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?


magazines, web and books


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)


friends, info and ideas


> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?





> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


football player through ccollege- runner, hiker now, Garden and have 3 cats and

a dog soon. Live In Virginia,USA







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Piers Clement wrote:

> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

> - I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)

> - I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

> - I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

> x I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

> - I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

> - I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian or vegan

(state which)

> - I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

> - I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

> - I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

> x Avoidance of killing animals

> x Animal welfare

> x Personal health and well-being

> - Weight loss

> x Concern for the environment

> - Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

> - Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

> x World economy

> - Personal economy

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason?

> Personal health.


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

> We are a vegan household and we both cook.


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

> Prepared and packaged foods are generally well labeled in Canada. Servers in

many restaurants are unaware of what goes in the food, so we try and eat at

vegetarian/vegan restaurants only. We always take a vegan entrée unless we know

for certain our host can cook vegan LOL!


> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

> Not yet!


> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular?

> I don't usually cook from a recipe.


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy?

> We enjoy anything hot & spicy.


> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?

> When time permits.


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

> All of the above, when time permits.


> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

> Over 45.


> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it.

> I'm a full time music teacher both at the university level and in my private



> Cheers,

> Craig

> www.youcansing.ca







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> 1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

X I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)

But, the more I read, the more VEGAN lifestyle becomes appealing.


> 2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

x Avoidance of killing animals

x Animal welfare

x Personal health and well-being

x Weight loss

x Concern for the environment

x Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

moving into this camp: - Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

x World economy

x Personal economy

> (Please place an X against the ones which apply)


> Which one is your MAIN reason? personal health


> 3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

Yes, and some of the cooking is shared, especially more and more so now that I'm

declared vegetarian.


> 4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

A little; I'm on the learning curve, although I've been vegetarian before. I'm

really taking it very, very seriously now though.


> 5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?



> 6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our

group? Are you looking for any recipes in particular? I'll be posting soon.


> 7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not,

what kinds of food do you enjoy? Yes, mexican and cuban.


> 8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)? YES.


> 9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access

to vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your

vegetarian decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.) Recipes that are

used regularly.


> 10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65? 47 on Monday. :)

Never too late to take it seriously, right?


> AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


One goal I have is to work in more canine sports, but my dream is to be fit and

doing it.


Thanks for your kind work! Lynn

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, " Piers Clement "

VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g. 'meat',

fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy products.


THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


Which description BEST fits your situation?

I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)


What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be one

or more of:

Avoidance of killing animals

Animal welfare

Personal health and well-being

Concern for the environment

Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons


Which one is your MAIN reason?

Avoidance of killing animals

Animal welfare


Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your household?

What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

Cook for myself and non-vegetarian DH. However, he eats 50%+ Vegetarian.


Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present in

prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in a

restaurant or the home of friends and family?



Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

NO, have been lucky to found alternatives.


Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group? Are

you looking for any recipes in particular?

Although I am Vegetarian, I always looking for good TNT Vegan recipes.


Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?

Yes. Enjoy food from around the world.


Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on the




What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

To learn from other like minded people.


What is your age group?

Over 40


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


I've worked for a charity 18+ years. I live on 1 acre in a semi-rural area with

3 " rescue " chickens, 5 dogs (3 were rescues) and DH. Currently raising 27

hand-held 5 day old baby chicks. Chainmaille & wirewrap jewelry is my hobby.


Ms Charlie

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My responses are below.


Ashlee Keele-Lien






Piers Clement <piersalgarve


Thursday, July 30, 2009 4:23:25 AM

Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members



We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE (New

since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill your

answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g. 'meat',

fish/seafood and poultry/birds) , but may eat eggs and/or dairy products.


VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains from

eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids the use

of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN) : abstains from most animal

flesh but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered strictly



OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or air.


And NOW for . . .


THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetari an)

- I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

X I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

- I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

- I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian or vegan

(state which)

- I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

X Avoidance of killing animals

X Animal welfare

- Personal health and well-being

- Weight loss

X Concern for the environment

X Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

X World economy

- Personal economy

(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason? Animal Welfare/ Avoidance of Killing Animals


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household?The entire household is vegetarian, I only cook vegan food - spouse

occasionally makes vegetarian (non-vegan) food for himself. What about the

non-vegetarians in your household? Spouse is non-vegetarian, but eats mainly

vegetarian and cooks much vegan food. Our home is vegetarian, mostly vegan, and

no meat is brought into the house.


4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family? The store is not difficult. It

is more difficult at friends homes and in restaurants.


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

No. Any supplements I take are of plant-origin.


6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular? I do not cook from recipes!


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy? LOVE spicy foods. Especially hot Thai foods. I also

enjoy Ethiopian food and Indian food.


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)? Yes, in books.


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)Support from like-minded

individuals, ideas for new recipes.


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65? 20-30


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!





Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.









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Hi, Piers & Pat!


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- We (2) are vegetarians who eat both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetari an)


2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life?

X - Personal health and well-being

X - Weight loss

X - Cutting food costs, especially in the current economic climate

X - Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons


Which one is your MAIN reason?


3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

- Cook vegetarian food yourself & also for others in your household, take

to pot-lucks, etc.


4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

- Not that strict. We'll still eat out for chinese, etc. but partake of

only the obviously non-meat dishes. We do check for lard in refried beans, etc.

Will still eat ice cream, Jell-O, etc.


5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

- Again, not that strict. Will use capsules, even if gelatin.


6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?

- Still a confirmed lurker;) Always looking for more Indian, Mexican,

Tex-Mex, Middle Eastern Thai, Chinese, Japanese. Salads. Smoothies. Energy

drinks. (We have & use a Vita-Mix) We're " empty nesters " , so quick, easy and

downsizable are great.


7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy?

- Yes, see above.


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)?

- Casually, mostly on the Web.


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

- The recipes and hints/help to make vegetarian cooking less intimidating.


10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

- Over 55.


AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!


- NWFloridians, cats, sewing, gardening, music (mostly classical, Middle

Ages, 60's, 70's, Scottish), history and cultures of all sorts.


levan_53 in NWFlorida






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  • 6 months later...

Just one change for all my replies.....am now residing in Havana,Florida and the

family name am using is Whittaker from my husband and am glad am still part of

the group






Susan Baylon <sansunick2004


Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:32:26

Re: Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members








Piers Clement <piersalgarve


Thursday, July 30, 2009 17:23:25

Questionnaire (or Survey) for All Members


We'd like ALL members who have not filled in THIS PARTICULAR QUESTIONNAIRE (New

since June 2009 and slightly revised here) to assist your moderators by

answering the following questions. It should only take a few moments.


TO RESPOND: simply hit 'RETURN' and scroll down to each question and fill your

answers in as appropriate. But first . . .




VEGETARIAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh (and its products such as

gelatin, stock, etc.) including creatures of the land, sea and air (e.g. 'meat',

fish/seafood and poultry/birds), but may eat eggs and/or dairy products.


VEGAN: abstains from eating all animal flesh, as above, but also abstains from

eggs, dairy and usually honey (i.e. eats plants only) and often avoids the use

of animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk.


PESCETARIAN (sometimes called PESCO-VEGETARIAN): abstains from most animal flesh

but sometimes eats fish/seafood. Pescetarians are not considered strictly



OMNIVORES, NON-VEGETARIANS, ETC. - Sometimes do eat animal flesh and/or its

products; by animal flesh is meant any creature of the land, water, and/or air.


And NOW for . . .


THE QUESTIONS (and there are no right or wrong answers here!):


1. Which description BEST fits your situation?

- I am a vegetarian who eats both eggs and dairy (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats eggs (Ovo-vegetarian)

- I am a vegetarian who eats dairy (Lacto-vegetarian)

-x I am a vegan who eats no eggs, dairy or (usually) no honey

- I am a pescetarian (I am vegetarian except for fish/seafood)

- I am not vegetarian but have to cook for someone who is vegetarian or vegan

(state which)

- I am now in transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am planning to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan (state which)

- I am interested in vegetarian food but do not plan to become vegetarian or



2. What are your reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life? These might be

one or more of:

x- Avoidance of killing animals

- Animal welfare

-x Personal health and well-being

-x Weight loss

- Concern for the environment

- Religious, spiritual and/or philosophical reasons

- Dislike of the taste of non-vegetarian food

- World economy

- Personal economy

(Please place an X against the ones which apply)


Which one is your MAIN reason?

I am a vegan who eat no eggs nor dairy or honey

3. Do you cook vegetarian food yourself only or also for others in your

household? What about the non-vegetarians in your household?

We all eat vegetarian food including non vegetarians in our household

4. Do you find it difficult to ensure no hidden animal ingredients are present

in prepared foods or packaged foods you buy in a store and/or in food you eat in

a restaurant or the home of friends and family?

At times yes but we always ask and check labels

5. Do you ever find you sometimes need to make an exception to your diet for

medical reasons (e.g. taking supplements or medications which have animal origin

or are encased in gelatin capsules) or other reasons? Could you give an example?

Nope we are able to buy everything in Healthy options store

6. Have you any favourite recipes which you would like to share with our group?

Are you looking for any recipes in particular?

i would love to share but am not that confident

7. Do you like hot and spicy food? If so, what is your favourite? If not, what

kinds of food do you enjoy? No preference I can eat any kind oof vegetarian food


8. Do you find you read a lot about vegetarian topics (in books, magazines, on

the web)? Yes


9. What is your MAIN reason for deciding to be part of our group? (eg. access to

vegetarian recipes, information about vegetarianism, support for your vegetarian

decision, chatting with like-minded people, other.)

All of the above

10. What is your age group? Teens? Over 20? Over 40? Over 65?

Over 40

AND NOW Is there anything else you would like to tell us (such as your country

or region, household pets/companion animals, hobbies, activities, interests,

indoor and outdoor sports, etc.)? Let's hear it!

Am from Manila,Philippines,I got a dog,and am a nature lover



Am Susan

Thanks so much - this will help the group a lot!


Piers and Pat, Owners of Vegetarian Spice group.







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