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I'm here.. well, I think!

I'm off to boy scouts with my son. We've got girl scout cookies to deliver

after the meeting there. LOL

I'm not sure about supper tonight. We may have company for dinner later too.

For Sat dinner we had Nacho Potato Soup and bread. For Friday's dinner we had

Broccoli and Cheese Tart with fresh melon. Yesterday we went to the MIL and

just ate the veggies she had on the side with her meat dish.

Have a great evening!

Robin in NC




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" ~ P_T ~ " <patchouli_troll> wrote:

> Just for fun, I thought it might be nice to read who

> is out there... maybe tell us what you are having for

> dinner tonight and who you might be dining with.


I'm still out here, sorta. Life has been crazy/hectic/out of control

for a few weeks, so I've been reading sporadically and not posting at



Dinner tonite is spinach salad, with cucumber, red and green peppers,

tomatoes, croutons, feta, and maybe some Light Life meatless " chicken "

strips, dressed with a fat free lemon/tarragon dressing.


I'll be eating alone, probably, though my roommate will likely be home.

The bf is watching his kids tonite, so won't be over to share dinner

with me. (He just found out his cholesterol is too high, as are his

triglycerides, so even when I'm not around he's doing more meatless

cooking in an attempt to get it under control. While I don't like that

he's at risk for heart disease, I DO like that he has more motivation to

stop cooking/eating animal flesh.)





" Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy. " - Janet Long







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Hey I am here. This is Meschell. I will just have a

personal pizza and watch my son and try not to

get sick. LOL Anyways just wanted to know what

part of NC does Robin live in. If it is Raleigh, I am

interested in ordering and buying some girl scouts

cookies from you. Let me know.



rwhitt1212 wrote:I'm here.. well, I think!

I'm off to boy scouts with my son. We've got girl scout cookies to deliver

after the meeting there. LOL

I'm not sure about supper tonight. We may have company for dinner later too.

For Sat dinner we had Nacho Potato Soup and bread. For Friday's dinner we had

Broccoli and Cheese Tart with fresh melon. Yesterday we went to the MIL and

just ate the veggies she had on the side with her meat dish.

Have a great evening!

Robin in NC




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Didn't download the Digest last evening, so here's what we had - as

close as I recall this morning ;=)


This is a what-do-we-have-in-the-fridge kind of meal - other veg. could

be substituted. We'd had a rough day, what with going to our tax man and

all LOL so we weren't exactly in the mood for fussing.


The non-vegan variety would be good too - try using blender-whooshed

cottage cheese, seasoned as you like, as a quick 'bechamel' sauce

topping. Of course, you could just use more tomato sauce on top, and

then add the mix of crumbs and 'cheese' but we look for a little more

protein in the tofu.




Preheat oven to 400 F. Put water on for noodles.


One pound of eggplant - sliced thin and sauteed lightly until tender

(steaming works okay) - but I didn't have enough eggplant, so sliced in

zuccini and yellow summer squash too.


One and a half cups homemade tomato pasta sauce (recipe at foot of page

- I make up a bunch and freeze mine)


Quarter pound or more mushrooms - sliced and sauteed/steamed


Half cup vegetarian mozzarella 'cheese' - grated


Quarter cup vegetarian parmesan 'cheese' - grated


Half pound tofu (I use firm and thin out with veg. stock) - whooshed in

blender and seasoned with salt, pepper, dash of tabasco, half the soy

'parmesan' - other seasonings, your choice.


Quarter cup brown breadcrumbs


Herbs: parsley, thyme, oregano - your pick


Lasagna noodles - However many you need for your usual lasagna. I used

five or six wholewheat noodles for an 8 by 10 inch baking dish (there

are just two of us here) and skimped on the middle layer of noodles)



Cook noodles for around ten minutes while the eggplant is being sauteed.

Lightly sauce the bottom of the baking dish, add layers of noodles,

sauce, eggplant, mushrooms, soy 'mozzarella', herbs, salt and pepper,

etc. Top with tofu sauce and breadcrumbs with soy 'parmesan' and bake

for 20 minutes or so.






(I double or treble this amount and freeze in batches)


One medium onion, half a medium carrot, and two or more garlic cloves

chopped/grated and sauteed in olive oil.


Two Tablespoons fresh herbs - oregano, thyme - whatever - or use half

amt. of dried


28 Ounce Can of crushed tomatoes.


Bring to boil, lower heat and simmer for around twenty minutes.












* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " - Albert Schweitzer


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


* " The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not

made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women

created for men. " - Alice Walker


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Oooh Jeanette, that salad sounds great! I also found a great recipe

at Newman's Own that used some light pasta sauce as dressing. Yummy -

thanks for sharing!


, jeanette thompson

<jazzy_jeanette> wrote:

> Hello, I am Jeanette....am a lacto-ovo vegetarian but finding that

eggs and the thought of them are making me nauseated most of the time

and dairy mostly consists of yogurt and cheese since I drink soy when

I drink milk. I have an 8 yo daughter that is not vegetarian but does

eat the things I make, but I do cook meat for her. I have been

vegetarian for almost 1 1/2 years now. I don't do alot of cooking

(wish I did) but find I don't like to cook for just me. So I eat

alot of pasta which I love but know isn't particularly healthy. So

right now (and I actually made this tonight) my ultimate salad is a

huge pasta salad with grape tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli,

mushrooms, baby carrots, and dressed with nothing but a bottle of

zesty Italian dressing. Since I am a nurse and work 12 hour shifts I

make a batch of this before my days to work and that's what I eat.

Ok enough about me!J






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Mmm . . . my favorite salad isn't very healthy but

it's sooo good! I fill salad bowls with baby spinach,

add hard-boiled eggs, croutons, diced red onions,

crumble Fakin' bacon (smoked tempeh strips) on top,

and top with chunky bleu cheese dressing.




The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo


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All's fair in love and salad...

Your salad sounds wonderful.

Thanks for posting those delicious recipes,

too. I just finished added them into the files.

That artichoke augratin recipe really caught my

eye. Mmmmm.


~ PT ~


Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will

vibrate in eternity.

~ Sean O'Casey


, Mary Boehler <mbb73>


> Mmm . . . my favorite salad isn't very healthy but

> it's sooo good! I fill salad bowls with baby spinach,

> add hard-boiled eggs, croutons, diced red onions,

> crumble Fakin' bacon (smoked tempeh strips) on top,

> and top with chunky bleu cheese dressing.

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Hi Mary, this looks very excellent and healthy to me. I have to give you a

bleu cheese high five. I love the stuff with a passion, LOL. Add some

sunflower seeds to your salad and consider me satisfied, heh.


There is a salad buffett called Sweet Tomatoes...I don't know if you have

any where you live or not. They actually have a container of bleu cheese

crumbles by themselves to add to your salad, not to mention the dressing

itself. I liked the option, good stuff.







Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live on nothing but food and


- W.C. Fields






----Original Message Follows----

Mary Boehler <mbb73



Re: Re: roll call

Wed, 16 Apr 2003 08:30:52 -0700 (PDT)


Mmm . . . my favorite salad isn't very healthy but

it's sooo good! I fill salad bowls with baby spinach,

add hard-boiled eggs, croutons, diced red onions,

crumble Fakin' bacon (smoked tempeh strips) on top,

and top with chunky bleu cheese dressing.




The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo





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  • 2 months later...
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I live with my Soulmate, our 15-yr-old son, a beagle (my 2nd soulmate), and a

cat in Oregon's capital city. I teach computer classes to real estate agents by

day & do arts & crafts and give tree card readings (similar to tarot cards) by



I'm a " vegan wanna-be. " I went veggie about 2 months ago (was vegetarian for

about 5 years after college but then reverted for several years.)


I'm not much of a cook...I heat up beans & eat lots of salads and wrap

sandwiches (veggies wrapped in tortillas) for the most part. I'm addicted to

red pepper hummus, which I make every 2-3 days.





(BTW...Hope I'm not being judged on grammar or punctuation. I belong to Mensa,

so IQ doesn't always go hand-in-hand with posting perfection.)








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It's been many years since I was in Boot Camp, and a veggie diet in those

days was impossible. I'm told that today everything has changed and a

veggie diet is quite easy to maintain. So, I'd conclude that you'll have no







Danny [dan65251]

Friday, June 20, 2003 7:14 PM


Roll Call



My name is Danny from Mid-Missouri.

I am a lacto-ovo (or was) vegetarian

who just joined the group about 5 min.



I am getting ready to go to boot camp

for the Navy and hope there is a way

to get around eating meat there. I can

tolerate fish as I eat fish about once

a week now (even tho it's gross). One of

my favorite things to eat/drink is tofu

and fruits and honey mixed together in a

blender, makes a yummy shake!! Danny

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Hi Danny,


Wishing you well in your time ahead at boot camp...and hope all goes well for

you to keep having those yummy shakes that you mentioned!


Best regards,





Friday, June 20, 2003 10:13 PM

Roll Call




My name is Danny from Mid-Missouri.

I am a lacto-ovo (or was) vegetarian

who just joined the group about 5 min.



I am getting ready to go to boot camp

for the Navy and hope there is a way

to get around eating meat there. I can

tolerate fish as I eat fish about once

a week now (even tho it's gross). One of

my favorite things to eat/drink is tofu

and fruits and honey mixed together in a

blender, makes a yummy shake!! Danny



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I'm Laura (veganvixenuk/child_of_the_80s) and i'm currently living in Cardiff,

Wales. I'm originally from Stevenage in Hertfordshire, England and am moving

back towards that area in September. I really really miss England. Hi

Michelle, meant to post earlier and let you know that you weren't alone in the

UK on this list. :-)

I'm a vegan.


My cooking style varies. I love mexican, italian and chinese. I cook a load of

different things really. Most of my meals are pasta or rice based though. I

use alot of tofu, tvp and tinned beans. I love baking but my boyfriend makes

the best vegan chocolate cookies!!! (although he is eats meat himself). My

favourites are probably chilli, bolognaise and any type of curry.




check out my at:








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YAY!!! Hi Laura :D Thanx for the shout, It's good to know I'm not

alone here on this little island of ours hehehe. I'm very envious

that your boyfriend makes cookies. I'm gonna have to start training

mine up in the culinary arts :D It'll be handy later on in the year

when I'm heavily pregnant & I can get him to make me food/cups of

tea/peel me grapes :D Well I may as well make the most of it eh?

So what do you do with your days? I'm hoping to start college in Sept

to do a massage/reflexology course. Then I want to do a course in

vegetarian cookery sometime next year. Maybe I should get my

boyfriend to do the course with me.....hmmm.


XxX Mi XxX


, Vegan Vixen

<veganvixenuk> wrote:

> I'm Laura (veganvixenuk/child_of_the_80s) and i'm currently living

in Cardiff, Wales. I'm originally from Stevenage in Hertfordshire,

England and am moving back towards that area in September. I really

really miss England. Hi Michelle, meant to post earlier and let you

know that you weren't alone in the UK on this list. :-)

> I'm a vegan.


> My cooking style varies. I love mexican, italian and chinese. I

cook a load of different things really. Most of my meals are pasta

or rice based though. I use alot of tofu, tvp and tinned beans. I

love baking but my boyfriend makes the best vegan chocolate

cookies!!! (although he is eats meat himself). My favourites are

probably chilli, bolognaise and any type of curry.


> ~*LaUrA*~


> check out my at:

> /







> Plus - For a better Internet experience




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Ronda, do you have a recipe you could share? I buy a very yummy

roasted-red-pepper hummus from my local store, but being able to make it myself

would be kind of cool...




Treebelly <treebelly wrote:

I'm addicted to red pepper hummus, which I make every 2-3 days.






~~blessed be~~


Alison, the ana-spryte






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  • 2 years later...

Hi, my name is Lisa. I too live in Southern Ontario. I am just outside of

Kitchener, where are you Pat?

I am married with three kids and three dogs.


I have been a member for awhile but am basically a lurker. Not sure if I

have ever posted.


I am still what I like to call an " aspiring vegetarian " . Can't seem to take

that final plunge.



Hope everyone has a great day!






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Hi everyone,


I'm still here too. It is cold, wet, windy and thoroughly miserable here in

Holland today (or at least it is in Haarlem).


In one way I really like this weather as it is the perfect time of year to

indulge in my all time favourite meal - home made soup. I make up a big pot

every weekend in winter and we have it for lunch on Saturday and again for

supper on Sunday.


I have to get into some serious dieting as I am suffering from the after

effects of " holiday overload " . We went to England for 3 weeks in August and

I am afraid to say that the good old English hot chips and other goodies

such as cheese and onion pasties were just too difficult to resist. At

least the vinegar on the chips didn't have any calories (LOL). In October a

school friend from Australia stayed with us for a few days. Of course it

would have been impossible to stick to a diet then!!! Last, but not least,

we have just returned from a week in Malta staying with friends. We were

treated like royalty and, once again, I'm afraid I ate far more than was

good for me. Fortunately we don't usually have more than one holiday a year

so it is relatively easy to " recover " from the extra holiday calories but

this year has been very difficult in that respect. I'm too scared to look

in the mirror!!


Take care everyone.


Cheers from Marie in Holland

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I'm a little slow responding but here is tonights menu.


Baked Sweet Potatoes (if you oil them even the skin is good)

Broccoli with onions baked in a covered casserole

Succotash (Northern style) 1 15 oz can corn with 1 8 oz can baby lima beans.


I would be losing more weight if I came up with menus like this more often.


Jane Wall

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Ragnhild

Location: Kragerø, Norway

Fave Thanksgiving food: don't celebrate Thanksgiving - " obviously " .. but I

enjoy reading abouot your fave foods


Thanks for all informative tips and nice chattering here :)








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1. What is your name?




2. Where are you currently living?


Southwestern Ontario, Canada


3. Just for fun: What time of the morning do you

typically break your nightly fast?


In two stages: around 5.30 for coffee and piece

of fruit. Around 9 for breakfast.


4. What is your favorite breakfast dish?


Oatmeal. Or toast with Marmite. Or quickbread

with ginger marmalade. Or . . . Guess I don’t

have a favourite :=)


Nice to see you all - sorry for lurking :=)







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> Oatmeal. Or toast with Marmite. Or quickbread

> with ginger marmalade. Or . . . Guess I don't

> have a favourite :=)



Ginger marmalade?? What's that, Pat? It sounds just too yummy! :-)

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1. What is your name?

Bron (short for " Bronwen " )


2. Where are you currently living?

Augusta, Georgia - CSA


3. Just for fun - What time of the morning do you typically break your fast?

Well, I usually drink hot Twinings decaf Irish Breakfast tea, with a little

Very Vanilla Silk and sugar, when I first get up. That is usually around

7:30, so I see my dh off to work. Then I do a few things before going back

to bed around 8 (I am NOT a morning person!) and back to sleep. When I next

get up, around 11 or noon, generally, I eat " blunch " <g>.


4. What is your favorite breakfast dish?

Now, that's a toughie, as my breakfast-of-choice changes quite a bit. I like

cold cereal; current favorites include Barbara's Oat Flakes and Vanilla

Almond Pillows with plain Silk. I also like my own devised recipe for

muesli. Dh takes that with him in a Rubbermaid container along with a little

water, and eats it in his company van in the mornings between calls. He says

it keeps him goin' up till 'long about 2 or thereabouts. :>) I also like

just plain oatmeal, the slow cookin' kind, with sugar and plain Silk.


But then there are some days I would prefer a salad. This mornin' was one of

those. I had a composite salad made of shredded lettuce, half a can of

(drained) blackbeans, a coarsely chopped plum mater, taco cheese (a couple

of spoonfuls; am working to wean myself off of dairy cheese), and some

drained jarred red peppers. Also some organic Green Goddess salad dressing.

Stirred it all up right fine, so all the colors blended good. Along with

that I had a big glass of the wonderful new Celestial Seasonings' Tropic of

Strawberry tea, which I made up last night in the icetea pitcher. Man! That

was some great blunch there! I wasn't hungry again until a couple hours ago,



I also like wholegrain toast with soybutter and blackberry jam, or

strawberry jam, or blueberry preserves, or Damson plum jam, or fig

preserves...you get the idea...basically, I love jam, despise jelly, but

cannot stand anything citrus.

And I like cashew butter spread on aforementioned bread with strawberry jam

in a sandwich. Or just the cashew butter, sans jam. Homemade walnut or pecan

butter is also very good.


Sometimes I like Boca burgers for blunch, topped with ballpark mustard and

maybe a pickle (dill OR bread 'n' butter) or two. Or whatever we had last

night for supper. Like a brown rice/vegie salad I finished off from



I do love French toast but have realized I can't eat it out anymore, due to

the egg factor. I'm gonna try and see if I can somehow make it with flaxseed

meal one of these days soon. I know I can make pancakes that way, so why not

French toast?


Well! This is certainly a lot more than you bargained for, isn't it? <wink>


So sorry, but when I get started on the topic of food (glorious food!) it's

hard to stop!






On 12/6/05, vegmin <littlemin wrote:


> 1. What is your name?

> Vegmin/Malinda


> 2. Where are you currently living?

> Delaware USA


> 3. Just for fun: What time of the morning do you

> typically break your nightly fast?

> Between 8:00-8:30


> 4. What is your favorite breakfast dish?


> Tofu Scramble or sometimes ill just marinate tofu slices in the

> scramble mix & eat on english muffin with tempeh bacon.



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