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Kid Snacks/eating habits & introduction

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We lived in Smmit County for a while before we had our daughter. We are

thinking of moving to Boulder in a few years. You have that great health

food store. Boulder is so much better than most of the places that we drove

though getting back to the east coast.

We live in NY were there are vegan restaurants and such but I never find

people who I can really see eye to eye with. There are lots of people at

these places that just eat like this in restaurants or they are smokers (I do

not want to offend anyone but I really am allergic to cigarettes).



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Hi Summer & everyone,


First, I'll introduce myself (Emily) and my family: Doug -DH, Davis -

7.5 y.o. and Wyatt - 5 y.o. Doug and I have been vegetarian 10 years

and vegan for 9 (though I went back to ovo-lacto recently, more on

that in a minute). The boys have been vegetarian since birth. We

live in Boulder, Colorado and one would think that it would be easier

to be ve*an here, but it's not true. Yes, there are more

restaurant/grocery store options and many restaurant servers know what

" vegan " means, but it seems that most folks here are vegetarian for

health reasons and don't mind " cheating " on what they eat fairly

frequently. I'm interested in all the topics that I've seen

discussed so far, and I'm also interested in spirituality - mainly how

to instill our values as ethical vegetarians in our children, when

those values aren't respected in any religion that I've found so far.

(Most of the Buddhist groups here aren't even vegetarian....) BTW we

currently attend a Unitarian church.


Summer, I'm so relieved to hear from someone else with a picky eater.

I have two of them. I always gave them a variety of foods as they

were babies, but their choices have gotten narrower and narrower as

they've gotten older. My 7-year-old now says that his favorite food

is WHEAT - anything made from wheat!


I've gone from vegan with them to allowing a small amount of dairy

(occasional pizza with cheese since it's an easy-to-find

food-at-the-last-minute meal; they will no longer eat my no-cheese

version after sampling " real " cheese at a summer camp) and some eggs

(from a friend with pet chickens (no debeaking, etc.)). My 7-year-old

is just now choosing, occasionally, to try some of the more " exotic "

foods I eat around them. I remember what a picky eater I was as a kid

and what a hard time I gave my mom, and now it's hard to believe I was

that way - I now eat all sorts of ethnic foods and all sorts of

vegetables.... So my conclusion is, just try to give them foods based

on *different* grains (based on corn, soy, etc.) when possible, give

them a multi-vitamin from time to time, let them *choose* whether or

not to try stuff (don't try to force them - I know too many adults

with food aversions because of parental pressure to eat something!)

and be confident that they'll grow out of it someday....


Gee, sorry I rambled on so much.... I'll try not to let that be the









Friday, July 28, 2000 10:09 AM

Kid Snacks/eating habits



| This may sound odd but my son (4) has been a picky eatter since

| birth. He has always been very selective about which food he will or

| will not eat.

| His latest thing is not eatting anything messy or gooey. He only

| wants to eat things of the dry crunchy variety. His Dr sayes he is

| fine but I can't seen to think of any new things to feed him. He

| loves bagels, dry cereal, crackers, things like that. Sometimes

| burritos, tater tots, and french fries.


| It's making us a little crazy, that he won't eat very much. We used

| to be able to sneak vegetables in his food but not anymore. He has a

| container of Soy Dream original enriched every day and 3-4 cups of

| white grape juice. I don't really think his liquid intake is too

| high. It's been that way for quite a while and he used to eat more

| and a larger variety of foods.


| So If anyone has any ideas for snacks that might contain say

| vegetables that don't appear to be vegetables. Or anything else

| nutritous and not messy that he can pick up to eat.

| PLEASE let me know.


| Thanks, Summer




| --


| Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.

| http://click./1/4634/4/_/_/_/964800826/

| --



| For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG websi

te at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for

families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.



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, " Emily Goodin " <emilyg28@h...> wrote:


> Summer, I'm so relieved to hear from someone else with a picky


> I have two of them. I always gave them a variety of foods as they

> were babies, but their choices have gotten narrower and narrower as

> they've gotten older. My 7-year-old now says that his favorite food

> is WHEAT - anything made from wheat!



Oh my god that is so funny! I tell people Alex eats from the

Brown/Crunchy food group.




So my conclusion is, just try to give them foods based

> on *different* grains (based on corn, soy, etc.) when possible, give

> them a multi-vitamin from time to time, let them *choose* whether or

> not to try stuff (don't try to force them - I know too many adults

> with food aversions because of parental pressure to eat something!)

> and be confident that they'll grow out of it someday....



I know, it's just hard waiting for someday to get here. I was a big

vegetable and fruit eater as a child, that's all I wanted. Perhaps

Alex is just taking off where I left off.




> Gee, sorry I rambled on so much.... I'll try not to let that be the

> norm!


> Warmly,

> Emily


I am fine with rambling, I tend to do it often. By the way my husband

it from Greeley ( hope I spelled that right).

Thanks for your ideas,I too am glad someone else has super picky



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