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eating meat & well rounded nutrition

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>i think your doing the right thing for now which is to raise her as a

>vegetarian as long as her diet is well rounded (this can vbe easily

>researched through VRG and other sources)


Whether you're a vegetarian or a carnivore...your diet should be " well

rounded " ....just because one eats carnivorously, does not mean they are

receiving the essential vits. and mins. offered in other food groups....


Infact, a vast majority of the general populace (so I've noticed by total

observation) center their meals around animal sources of protein which is

just as detrimental as eating no protein whatsoever....EVERYONE does NEED

to ingest an ample amount of fruits and veggies (fresh if possible, many

canned varieties of these contain too much sodium and corn syrup--not to

mention they are most likely of the genetically modified group) if not for

the fact that the vitamins and minerals found within these foods will

assist in releasing the " energy " capacity in the meals....they also aid in

the reparation needed by the body on a daily basis (esp. Vitamin C--but

don't run out and ingest mega-doses, everything in balance I SAY!)....


In regards to the child's nutrition...certainly make sure she is receiving

enough of the vitamin B12 as it is found mainly in animal proteins and

therefore lacking in the world of fruits and veggies...Soy and Spirulina

are good sources of this.....


Also, in regards to the husband...a sort of " marital conference " is

definitely in order as in your case, raising your child is a tandem effort

(I'm a single Mom), and both of you need to be on the same team....as with

everything, communication is the key....have you outlined your valuation of

raising your daughter vegetarian? Perhaps he is feeling a little put out or

" left out " in general....(so I've noticed with others since I've embraced a

vegetarian lifestyle)....it's a curious phenomenon to me in regards to food

and people feeling " judged " ....sort of akin to a bunch of kids drinking

alcohol and chiding the one of their group that refuses....mutual

discrimination.... " well if you aren't going to join us, then we are going

to hound you about it " ....sheesh, simply be healthy about what you choose

to do, whether vegetarian or carnivore, and there will be no reason to feel

dis-placed....heh, when I take people out to dinner, they must eat

vegetarian, I will not purchase any meat products, and they do

understand....hey, it's a free meal, can they complain? Additionally, it

provides me with a chance to demonstrate that there is life beyond deceased



One more thing in general...I've had many acquaintances begin " mock

battles " in regards to my personal eating (feeling threatened I suppose,

which is odd, I just go about my business, don't peer at their plate funny

or anything, like they do MINE...don't ask questions like " why do you want

to be carnivore? " and then launch into all of the physiological

explanations as to the reason eating flesh is actually harmful--like THEY

do in regards to my vegetarian lifestyle)...I respond with: " it is simply a

choice in life like any other, we don't have to be homogenous because we

share humanity as a trait, I am accepting of diversity....my body is one

that is happiest having no animal protein...period, end of story....one

more thing, if I'm not going to go out and kill it my-Self, I'm not going

to eat it....I'd be perfectly happy to go and plant and harvest these

carrots here.... " I'm a personal trainer (or lifestyle consultant if you

will, I produce nutritional eating plans tailored to individual bodily

constitutions and training needs--I'm currently training my Mother with

good, solid results) and I had a co-worker inquiring about my services (who

knows I'm a vegetarian) eye me and say " but I do eat meat " and I just

laughed and responded, " I'm not a missionary out to 'convert' carnivores

into vegetarians, I work with which ever can best be applied to your bodies

preferences.... "


Slante chugat,


Kat and Kegan





The Fulcrum Manifesto: Left of the Right, and Right of the

Left...Some-where in the center of the galaxy for the best measure of

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