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RE: Digest Number 22

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To LeahP,

Hi! I'm Jen, and I've been a vegetarian for 6 years. I don't have children

yet, but I d to this list to start getting ideas about the issues

I'll face, resources, and the like, as we plan to get pregnant soon. I live

in Eagan, Minnesota (suburb of St.Paul) and although I haven't yet had

occasion to seek a pediatrician, I would very much like to hear of your

successes/failures and I can also offer a little bit of info. First off, as

a nurse myself, I find I usually like Nurse Practitioners better than

Physicians. In general, I've found the NP's I've seen really LISTEN to me,

take more time than doctor's do, and are generally more open to " diverse "

people. Also, not to be prejudicial against men in any way, but a lot of

the NP's around are female, and I feel that they can relate better to me and

look at the world in a more " motherly " kind of way. The way nurses are

taught to look at patients is also generally more holistic and in terms of

the person and all the things going on in their lives, where I find doctor's

look more at the specimen of a disease process, which always seems less

personal to me. I plan to go with a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner or a

Family Nurse Practitioner rather than an MD when I have children. I have a

few friends from different " walks of life " that have gone to Fairview

Riverside Women's clinic to the midwives there for their pregnancies. They

would probably have an idea of where to start looking for a pediatrician or

a nurse practitioner that would be more open to diversity. I'd love to hear

about how you do, and good luck! I don't always have time to read through

all the vrg mail I get, so if you have any questions you'd like to ask me or

to comment on anything (especially being another veg in Minnesota :) ) feel

free to email me directly at jpierce blessed be, jen

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  • 2 years later...

Hi everyone,


i managed to order the soyzone now for £6. Thanks for the advice Allison, i

checked Barnes and Noble but they don't seem to have a UK site. Or maybe i

just didn't find it! ;)


Dave: thanks for your email. I've been so busy i've not had time to read it

properly til now. I think my problem with motivation is that, although i

have some, i'm fairly easily swayed. Not so much by people encouraging to

eat unhealthily, but just because alot of my colleagues are a bit bigger

than i am, and everytime i decline something or food comes up as a topic i

get " why do you need to lose weight!!! " , " so if you're too fat, then what am

i? " etc. Or worse, they just laugh. It shouldn't affect me, but it does.

I guess it makes me confused about why i want to lose weight, how much i

want to lose etc.

Your advice on the soy zone was very useful. I've read a few articles in

health and fitness magazines over here about GI levels and which foods

fitted into which. It did seem to make sense so i'm looking forward to

reading the book. To be honest i don't eat out very often so i'll probably

be ok.


>It's so wonderful to finally

>reestablish that mind-body communications that most have lost.


this is what i'm constantly striving for through yoga, meditation and a

healthy lifestyle. But some days i feel closer to it than others! ;)


>My yoga has been limited to Siddha Yoga, and I don't get the revved

>up heart and breathing from that, so running is my preferred method.


I think i might alternate or perhaps do jogging in the morning and yoga

after work. I think i've worked out now that what i need to do more than

lose weight is get toned up and fit. My asthma has prevented me from doing

many things in the past but i've got a new inhaler to try and it seems to

have worked wonders so i'll have to see how i cope with exercise!


I was really interested in your outlook on life. It was so positive! I

guess that i sometimes struggle with this because i'm not exactly where i

want to be in life. I have days when i feel great and i know exactly what

you mean but other days i struggle to get things into perspective. Perhaps

its because my job involves trying to help others with their mental health.

its very draining, and often i forget to look after my own! But i think in

the last couple of weeks i'm starting to change and becoming more satisfied

with where i am - and looking towards the future instead of the past.


>This is your first lesson. STOP all forms of this kind of " negative self

>talk! " Instead, say, " Getting up in the morning to meet another fabulous

>day is very easy for me! " Your self talk is the primary tool we use for

>sabotaging our life.


This is a concept i'm familiar with and have used with clients, but as i

said before, i can sometimes forget about my own emotional needs. I need to

CBT myself!!!


Thanks for the advice, i think we all sometimes need someone else to help us

gain a little perspective and point out things that we don't realise, even

though they're right under our nose!


Sorry for the lengthy email guys,

how is everyone this week?


Laura x


" It is my belief, for the world in general,

that compassion is more important

than 'religion' "

- The Dalai Lama, 1963


" We need 4 hugs a day for survival.

We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.

We need 12 hugs a day for growth "


- Virginia Satir



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*****Laura x wrote.....

>>...my problem with motivation

is that...i'm fairly easily

swayed...my colleagues are a

bit bigger than i am<<


In your situation, it seems that tact and motivation might be useful in just

about equal portions.



>It's so wonderful to finally

>reestablish that mind-body

>communications that most have lost.


>>this is what i'm constantly striving for through yoga, meditation and a

healthy lifestyle. But some days i feel closer to it than others! ;)<<


Great!! Sounds like signs of change to me. Once your " future state " is

firmly in your mind, it might be a little easier to stay focused.



>>...I think i've worked out now that what i need to do more than lose

weight is get toned up and fit.<<


Sounds like a fine " future state " to me!!



>>...My asthma has prevented me

from doing many things...<<


It's VERY important to listen to your body.


I don't know the answer, but with the resources of the Internet, you

**might** locate a natural solution to dealing with/overcoming your asthma.

Just an idea.



>>...because i'm not exactly

where i want to be in life.<<


This is the primary reason to build a life plan. When you start to feel

like the road is way too long, you can read your plan to remind you that all

good things in life just take a little more time.



>>...other days i struggle to

get things into perspective.<<


I have a couple of dear friends who I've known for years, think much the

same about life as I do, and invited me to seek " kind yet truthful words "

from them when the world caves in around me. Being able to finally ask for

that kind of help took a long time for me to learn.


Find someone you admire and ask them for that kind of support. It's

surprising how one bad inner feeling can ruin a whole day.



>>...often i forget to look after my own!<<


What is it they say? " The cobbler's kids have no shoes. " You MUST give

yourself shoes FIRST!! If you cannot provide your own shoes, you have none

to share with the rest of the world. ;-)



>>...i am...looking towards the future instead of the past.<<


Wonderful. Keep talking like that. Each day, it'll be a little brighter.



>>...we all sometimes need someone else to help us gain a little perspective

and point out things that we don't realise, even though they're right under

our nose!<<


I find that most people are simply too afraid to ask for what they

want/need. The only crime in that is in *never* asking.



>> " We need 4 hugs a day for survival.

We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.

We need 12 hugs a day for growth "

- Virginia Satir<<


I love this quote. Thanks for using it.



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, " daveo " <daveo@m...>


> *****Laura x wrote.....

> >>...my problem with motivation

> is that...i'm fairly easily

> swayed...my colleagues are a

> bit bigger than i am<<


> In your situation, it seems that tact and motivation might be

useful in just

> about equal portions.



Are you suggesting i'm less than tactful!! ;)

I was trying to put it tactfully. I just meant that when i pass on

fatty or sugery foods they tell me i'm being ridiculous, which makes

me feel guilty for being so " silly in thinking you need to lose

weight " , although i am overweight. And i care alot about those

around me and what they say.

Some of my colleagues can be quite cutting in their remarks!


Anyway, i'm off to reflexology. I got my soyzone beek today so

looking forward to reading that.

Must go or i'll be late,



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>>Are you suggesting i'm less than tactful!! ;)<<


Not hardly, not even on the worst emotional day of my life...





Laura <child_of_the_80s


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:34 AM


Re: Digest Number 22



, " daveo " <daveo@m...>


> *****Laura x wrote.....

> >>...my problem with motivation

> is that...i'm fairly easily

> swayed...my colleagues are a

> bit bigger than i am<<


> In your situation, it seems that tact and motivation might be

useful in just

> about equal portions.



Are you suggesting i'm less than tactful!! ;)

I was trying to put it tactfully. I just meant that when i pass on

fatty or sugery foods they tell me i'm being ridiculous, which makes

me feel guilty for being so " silly in thinking you need to lose

weight " , although i am overweight. And i care alot about those

around me and what they say.

Some of my colleagues can be quite cutting in their remarks!


Anyway, i'm off to reflexology. I got my soyzone beek today so

looking forward to reading that.

Must go or i'll be late,






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