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Fwd: A snippit on vaccines

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A chairde,


I have forwarded something to the group below for consideration....


I'm an undergrad of health sciences (environmental health option) and

kinesiology (exercise option)...and I would like to add that unless you are

attending an institution specifically geared towards a

homeopathic/naturopathic view on dis-ease prevention and abatement, what

one is being taught is a biased slant to the allopathic world....I

specifically do not trust large companies who advertise such things as " we

are not in the business to make pharmaceuticals, we are in the business to

make money " ....at least they were blatant about where their interests truly



Anyhow, whether or not to vaccinate is a personal choice...I agree with the

individual who sent this forward to me--in some cases, perhaps the

allopathic path can be helpful...but, if you CHOOSE to vaccinate you must

be just as educated about the matter....your bodies own natural defense is

the best student in learning how to deal with bacterial/viral

intrusions...if we keep facilitating an isolated response (which vaccines

are " programmed " to cause) then the chances that the body will know what to

do with the successive strains that come along are actually shortened....I

believe (yes, I am perhaps going out on a limb) that the next strain of the

bacteria/virus is actually encoded in the current circulation--but

ORGANICALLY....re-member that vaccines are manipulated by the human hand,

which is far from perfect since for some strange reason we force

homogeneity into EVERYTHING...but as most N.D.'s and Homeopath's know from

experience (I cannot speak for all of them) what works for one patient does

not work for all across the board....I wholeheartedly to letting

Mother Nature take the course of her intelligence and that we should LEARN

from her, not attempt to merely extract minute portions of information and

then toss her aside thinking we know everything...this is a fallacy of

humanity...I will end with a quote from the recent edition of Yoga Journal:


" The ayurvedic texts define the source of all dis-ease and suffering as

pragyaparadh or 'mistake of the intellect.' This occurs when individuals

(or even single cells) 'forget' their connection with the wholeness of life

and believe them-selves to be isolated entities. "


Heh, do you not think that we too are a bacterial/viral strain on the

biosphere? We are, after all, attempting to dominate the host....how

carcinogenic of us, eh?


" Food " for thought....


Read on in health...


Slante chugat,


Kat and Kegan








>Parents Seem Chicken Over Chicken Pox Vaccine

>The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends the chicken

>pox vaccine for all children, but it's proving to be a hard sell

>to some parents.


>Kahnment: You CANNOT protect children against everything. No more

>than you can cure hyperactivity with Ritalin. Basic immunization,

>which I'm not totally all against, depening on the circumstance

>and whether the parents consent, as opposed to immunizations for

>everthing under the sun is not only terribly wrong. It's end

>result will produce immune systems less capable of coping with

>anything new that evolves. Immune systems that have not learned

>cold by cold, or flu by flu how to handle the next strain that

>comes along---God and Natures way of learning.


>Now since these strains of virus's/bacteria are always evolving,

>by immunization this process of learning is broken. So is the

>immunization for chicken pox to save the the one in a million

>child who actually dies or gets severe complications from one of

>these chilhood sicknesses going to be worth the millions, upon

>millions we intend to inject. Of which a far greater percentage

>are going to get complications FROM THE IMMUNIZATION. What in

>God's earth is going on here? And when are we going to stop this

>nonsense and fixation with health from a pill or shot.


>Doesn't the fact that we have already reached the point that we

>are now facing virus's and bacteria that antibiotics have no

>effect on tell us something? That in the long run the bugs are

>gonna be made even stronger by the introduction of these things.

>Or using them to interfere with this process will only ultimately

>fail, as it has with the common illnesses that we each must get

>survive! So once again let me interject this quote: " Difference

>between genius and stupidity? Genius has its limits. " A. Einstein.


> ... " a no brainer. "



> Article: Germs Vs. Asthma


>Study funded by the National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute

>Sometimes, germs may be a kid's friend. A study published in the

>New England Journal of Medicine finds that exposure to other kids

>and their germs may protect children from developing asthma later

>in life...


>They found that children who had lots of exposure to other kids

>in their first six months of life either because they were in day

>care or because they had two or more older siblings were about

>half as likely to develop asthma...


>The researchers say their findings support the theory that the

>immune system needs stimulation (exposure to dirt and germs)

>early in life in order to develop properly...



>Once again evidence for the Immune learning theory. Though from

>my experience Asthma has much more to do with children born

>with not fully developed lungs from a mothers smoking, or drug

>use, poor diet, etc. And then combined with poor diets, and/or

>lack of breast feeding that doesn't let the body complete the

>process of lung development. And also exposure to being raised

>in a smoke filled enviornment, with any combo of the above to

>be already dealing with...



> Researchers Find Phytochemicals In Apples May Fight Cancer


>(ACS NewsToday) Phytochemicals in apples seem to slow the rate

>at which collections of cancer cells grow. Consuming these

>phytochemicals in the form of fresh fruit could be a better way

>to get the cancer protection of antioxidants than taking vitamin

>C supplements, according to a recent report in the journal Nature.



>Dare I say " an apple a day. " Couldn't resist. Excuse me. But let

>me say also that in apple's is the element pectin. And one of

>the main duties of this little combo is to help bind to metals,

>so they can flushed out the body!


>So maybe there really is more to it. As well as all those lovely

>phytochemicals which are truly good for you too.


>Hey! If the pectin can remove some of the cadmium, iron, lead,

>or what have you. Maybe those phytochemicals wouldn't even be

>needed to slow the rate of cancer. Because it would not exist in

>the first place from whatever metal induced toxicity that caused

>the cancer in the cancer to start with...


> ...duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

> ...and make that two apples a day for me!!






The Fulcrum Manifesto: Left of the Right, and Right of the

Left...Some-where in the center of the galaxy for the best measure of

Self-exhumation and gravitational equipoise...

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