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B12 for 2 year old (and vits)

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Hello all, I recently joined the list and am really enjoying it. We

have a 2 year old daughter who has been vegan since birth (as my

husband and I are). She has little interest in the enriched soy or

rice milk that I try to give her, wanting juice instead. She is

nursing a couple of times a day but my milk is certainly not

plentiful right now as I am expecting in January. I am concerned

about her B12 intake. She is very healthy and shows no signs of

deficiency that I notice.


I use nutritional yeast occasionally - once a week maybe and try to

crush a B12 tablet in our main meal now and again. Is this enough or

should I be giving her more B12 by way of supplementation? If I

should give more - how much and how often? Should I use the

sublingual form for her or are the pills OK? I've looked for

doseage info for children on the web and have found nothing. How

much is too much for a 2 year old?


Also, I am looking for prenatal vits (or any multivit) that is

vegan. All the ones I see have D3 which I understand is derived from

an animal source. Any suggestions gratefully received! (I am

already taking floridex as an iron supplement as my Hb is low.)


Thanks in advance for any advice, suggestions you may have.

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, AtlantaGaia@a... wrote:

> avoid juice for the babys; it is not good nutrition for them; even

water is

> better!


I disagree, there are nutrients in juice. Some have vitC others have

even more vitamins than that. If you have a kid that refuses to eat

fruit there is no other way to get them to consume it but through


I certainly feel better drinking a cup of orange juice or veg/fruit

juice. Also the stuff I buy is all juice, no added sugars or anything




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, " Gwyn Treharne " <gwynt@s...> wrote:


> Also, I am looking for prenatal vits (or any multivit) that is

> vegan. All the ones I see have D3 which I understand is derived


> an animal source. Any suggestions gratefully received! (I am

> already taking floridex as an iron supplement as my Hb is low.)


> Thanks in advance for any advice, suggestions you may have.


I am not sure if this link will work but


view_records=1 & db=shopit & SearchTerm=prenatal & SearchIn=Name


this is where I bought my prenatal vitamins. I bought the Freeda

prenatal 1 a day. I also bought a vegetarian cal/mag supplement at

Oasis marketplace made by Wild Oats, it is vegan. I also have a Luna

bar everyday, it has the vitK that the prenatal vitamins don't.



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Hi Gwyn,


According to what I have read, vitamin B12 is stored in the body for a while

so does not need to be consumed as frequently as some other vitamins. Do you

have Dr. Klaper's book on Pregancy, Children and the Vegan diet? That may

address the B12 issue in better detail. I have the book and will gladly look

up the information if you need it. (I left it at work today or I'd go ahead

and type it in right now!)


As for drinking soy, have you tried any of the soy-juice combinations?

There is one called Soy Fusion that has a berry/soy flavor (I have not tried

it yet myself, but it is vegan).


Finally, at the risk of breaking e-list protocol, I do have a source for

strictly vegan pre-natal vitamins for you - we sell them on our vegan

warehouse website! Feel free to email me privately for further details.


Caroline Jones

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In a message dated 9/6/00 4:51:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tasroe



<< disagree, there are nutrients in juice. Some have vitC others have

even more vitamins than that. If you have a kid that refuses to eat

fruit there is no other way to get them to consume it but through


I certainly feel better drinking a cup of orange juice or veg/fruit

juice. Also the stuff I buy is all juice, no added sugars or anything






My pediatrician and everything that I have read says to avoid giving juice to

children. If you do give it to them, then it should one part juice to three

parts water. There have been studies that say that juice is bad for their

teeth, and it does not provide much nutritionally. I would rather see my son

drink juice than soda or some other sugar drink, but would prefer him

drinking water than anything.



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> My pediatrician and everything that I have read says to avoid

giving juice to

> children. If you do give it to them, then it should one part juice

to three

> parts water. There have been studies that say that juice is bad

for their

> teeth, and it does not provide much nutritionally. I would rather

see my son

> drink juice than soda or some other sugar drink, but would prefer


> drinking water than anything.


> Sara


Well, my son is a particularly picky eatter and his Dr. sayes it is a

perfecly good way to get some of his fruit/veg servings. Also if you

will look at nutrition charts for kids, juice is in the fruit

servings section. I would never give him soda, it is compleately

useless. He refuses to eat almost everything, but is still quite

healthy. I have tried smoothies too, he will not drink them. He does

not eat candy,cakes, or other sugary things and his teeth are fine.

I am sure you are trying to be helpful but,I am not concerned. I

spend my " free time " reading about veg diets and such, since I went

vegetarian 11 years ago. I am not a professional, but I am quite well

read. I grew up in a home of pepsi, frosted flakes, and pop-tarts,I

would never give those things to my son. They are unhealthy.

I am vegan for ethical reasons, I eat cookies and chocolate, not

daily by any means, but I do eat them.



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In a message dated 9/7/00 7:41:45 AM Central Daylight Time, pitasara



<< I would rather see my son

drink juice than soda or some other sugar drink, but would prefer him

drinking water than anything. >>


Does anyone in our group give their child rice milk or soy milk? I am

curious about what brands you use and why. We are currently drinking Westsoy




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<< Also, I am looking for prenatal vits (or any multivit) that is

> vegan. All the ones I see have D3 which I understand is derived


> an animal source. Any suggestions gratefully received! >>


Whole Foods Market sells vitamins labelled " suitable for vegetarians " . I

don't know if they have prenatals, but I just took a multivitamin when I was

preggo because the extra iron made me nauseated. For iron, I ate lots of

Total cereal, which I am not sure is vegan, but I was vegetarian at the time.



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, TFreyre@a... wrote:


> Does anyone in our group give their child rice milk or soy milk? I


> curious about what brands you use and why. We are currently

drinking Westsoy

> Plus.


> Tracey


We give our son Soy Dream original enriched. It seems to have the

most vitamins and minerals of any other soy drink I have found. If we

are unable to get it for him for some reason, we get the Westsoy plus

or Pacific Ultra. I usually drink Silk.



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Our daughter (5 years in Oct.) drinks water, enriched rice milk and Balanced

box drinks. She also likes Vitasoy chocolate soy milk, but we limit that.

Occasionally (mostly at other's homes - especially Nana's!) she drinks

juice. When she does drink juice I try to make sure it is 100% juice and

organic. I am thinking of hauling out our old Acme juicer and inventing some

apple/veggie juice combinations. She likes fruit but I worry that she

doesn't eat enough veggies -especially dark green ones. She loves those



As for the vitamins, please be wary of hidden animal ingredients. In doing

research for our vegan business, I contacted several major vitamin producers

(Twinlab, Schiff and Rainbow Light to name the main ones). None could offer

a truly vegan supplement. They all admitted that small amounts of animal

products (such as gelatin binder) did NOT have to be listed on the label.

This means that even if the formula is called " Vegetarian " , that does not

mean it is 100% animal free. Also, watch the vitamin D - in most cases if it

is D3, it is derived from lanolin (I think we've talked about this one).



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We drink VitaSoy, which we arrived at after a lot of taste tests. I also use

rice milk for cooking, and we make almond milk for drinking and cashew cream

for cooking.


I do agree that juice can be a valuable food, and if my kids are drinking

enough water and the appetite doesn't seem to be affected, I don't limit

juice intake -- there are so many other things to say " no " to!





> TFreyre [TFreyre]

> Sunday, September 10, 2000 8:31 PM


> Re: Re: B12 for 2 year old (and vits)



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> In a message dated 9/7/00 7:41:45 AM Central Daylight Time,

> pitasara

> writes:


> << I would rather see my son

> drink juice than soda or some other sugar drink, but would

> prefer him

> drinking water than anything. >>


> Does anyone in our group give their child rice milk or soy

> milk? I am

> curious about what brands you use and why. We are currently

> drinking Westsoy

> Plus.


> Tracey



> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the

> VRG website at http://www.vrg.org and for materials

> especially useful for families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.



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In a message dated 9/11/00 4:37:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time, TFreyre



<< Does anyone in our group give their child rice milk or soy milk? I am

curious about what brands you use and why. We are currently drinking




Tracey >>


My son is only nine months old, so right now the only milk that he gets is

human milk, but when he is older I plan on giving him soy milk. We prefer

White Wave's Silk soy milk, it is fortified but I just like the taste.



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