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My son is 1 1/2, and still breastfeeding. When he

goes to the babysitter I send soy milk, whatever I can

find that's enriched. I can't seem to find any that

isn't low-fat. I know it's going to be lower in fat,

but which is the closest to " whole " milk?

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Vitasoy is about the closest to WHOLE MILK they have Vitasoy enriched which

is great and it also has the texture of Whole Milk try it my son loves it

and so do I.

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 20:25:05 -0700 (PDT), wrote:


> My son is 1 1/2, and still breastfeeding. When he

> goes to the babysitter I send soy milk, whatever I can

> find that's enriched. I can't seem to find any that

> isn't low-fat. I know it's going to be lower in fat,

> but which is the closest to " whole " milk?




Tahnyah Baht-Israel







Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, all you parents:


Perhaps the dangers of soy have been addressed already, but as I'm just

catching up on back email I thought it imperative to share some of the latest

info in the event you hadn't seen it.


For the record, Natural Hygiene (the science of health) Philosophy has long

pointed to the dangers inherent in soy and, for that matter, all concentrated

high protein foods.


Gerry Coffey

Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Health Educator, Reporter




By Brian Ross and Richard D. Allyn


June 9 - From tofu and tacos to burgers and baby formula, soy products have

swept the nation as a healthy source of high protein, with a reputation for

being all natural and all good.

But a 20/20 investigation has found that amid all of this praise, some

scientists are now challenging this popular wisdom, and suggesting there may

be a downside to this " miracle food. "

" The safety issues are largely unanswered, " says Daniel Doerge, a

research scientist for the Food and Drug Administration and an expert on soy.

New studies have raised questions over whether the natural ingredients

in soy might increase the risk of breast cancer in some women, affect brain

function in men and lead to hidden developmental abnormalities in infants.

This unresolved scientific debate continues to develop. Just last

October, soy enjoyed a huge boost when the FDA issued a health claim,

concluding that soy may lower both cholesterol levels and the risk of heart


But two of the FDA's experts on soy - Doerge and his colleague, Daniel

Sheehan - have stepped forward to criticize their own agency's claim and even

attempted in vain to stop the recommendation. Their main concern: that the

claim could be misinterpreted as a much broader endorsement for soy protein,

beyond benefits solely for the heart.

Signing a highly unusual letter of protest to their employer, Doerge and

Sheehan pointed to research that demonstrates a link between soy and

fertility problems in certain animals. (You can find a copy of the letter in

the related stories section on the right-hand column.)

" The animal data is a clear indication for adverse effects, the

potential for adverse effects in humans, " Doerge says to 20/20.

Debate Over Soy Infant Formula

The core of their concern rests with the chemical make-up of soy: in addition

to all the nutrients and protein, exists a natural chemical that mimics

estrogen, the female hormone. Some studies in animals show that this chemical

can alter sexual development. And in fact, two glasses of soy milk a day,

over the course of a month, contains enough of the chemical to change the

timing of a woman's menstrual cycle.


About 3 to 4 percent of babies must ingest soy formula because they are

allergic or can't digest regular milk formula. (ABCNEWS.com)

" We are doing a large uncontrolled and unmonitored experiment on human

infants, " Sheehan says. " We're exposing infants to the chemicals in soy

infant formula that are known to have adverse effects in experimental

animals, and we have never looked in the human population to see if they have

adverse effects. "

The infant formula industry, along with some scientists, have blasted

this criticism of soy, calling it " scientifically unjustified claims that

could unduly frighten thousands of parents. "

Kenneth Setchell, a pediatrics professor at Children's Hospital in

Cincinnati and a leading advocate of soy, contends that scientific studies on

soy show promise in fighting a number of diseases and that adverse effects

seen in animals do not apply to humans.

" There have been literally hundreds of thousands of infants that have

been raised on those soy formulas, " Setchell says to 20/20. " Some of those

infants would be well into their late 30s, early 40s now. And you know, I

don't see evidence of tremendous numbers of cases where there are

abnormalities. "

The debate over soy formula for infants poses a major issue throughout

the country. Soy infant formula is an undeniable lifesaver for the 3 to 4

percent of babies who are allergic to or can not digest cow's milk. However,

heavy marketing of soy infant formula has led to its much wider use,

extending well beyond just those infants who are allergic to 25 percent of

the entire formula market.

" My careful and considered professional opinion is that it makes more

sense not to needlessly expose your baby to these compounds, " says Dr. Claude

Hughes, director of the Women's Health Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

in Los Angeles. He adds that while breast-feeding is preferred, mothers who

don't breast-feed should use a milk-based formula and choose soy as a last


Other Health Concerns

Aside from his concerns about soy's health effects on infants, Hughes has

also raised potentially more serious questions about soy and breast cancer.

In some cases, soy is thought to protect against breast cancer. But some

studies now indicate, for other women, the chemicals found in soy may enhance

a widely found kind of estrogen-feeding breast cancer.

" It can speed up divisions of those cells that are already cancer cells

that depend on estrogen for their growth, " Hughes tells 20/20.

The multibillion dollar soy industry has insisted that the health

benefits of soy significantly outweigh any potential risk.

Soy - consumed in the form of tofu - may have a connection to

accelerated aging in the brain, according to a three decade-long study begun

by the National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Lon White of NIH says that he found greater brain aging and

shrinkage among elderly men - all Japanese-American and living in Hawaii -

who had eaten tofu at least twice a week during middle age.

" Their brains, looking at them in terms of how their brain functions,

memory cognition, their brains seemed to be showing an exaggeration of the

usual patterns we see in aging, " White says.

The soy industry countered that White's study only shows an association

between tofu consumption and brain aging, does not prove cause and effect and

is in conflict with research on Asian populations and animals.

While the scientific research on soy is still emerging and is often

contradictory, there are now some serious questions being raised about this

miracle food, and some of its staunchest defenders acknowledge that these

questions need to be answered.









In a message dated 9/18/00 5:18:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

daniellej0 writes:


<< My son is 1 1/2, and still breastfeeding. When he

goes to the babysitter I send soy milk, whatever I can

find that's enriched. I can't seem to find any that

isn't low-fat. I know it's going to be lower in fat,

but which is the closest to " whole " milk?



For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to



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