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halloween treats

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Tropical Source in the past has made bags of mini chocolates for

Halloween, I think maybe Sunspire or someone else does too.

At the moment I can't seem to think of what else there is, but I know

there have been other candies we purchased for trick-or-treaters. I

usually end up making spooky cut out cookies, popcorn, pumpkin

bars/bread, gingerbread cookies, or other fall type sugary foods for


My attempt at making popcorn balls last year was not a good one.

Anyone have tips?





, angelasei@a... wrote:

> Hi,


> Does anyone have any good ideas for vegan halloween treats?


> Angela

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Hi all! I know that you mean well in trying to pass

out " healthy " treats at Halloween, but in truth, if we

ever came home with popcorn balls, fruit, ziplock

baggies of *anything* my mother promptly threw it in

the trash for fear of " some kook making poison

treats " . Which, now as a mother, I can completely

understand. I wouldn't let my kids keep/eat it

either. Just thought I'd throw my two cents in so

you're not wasting your time/money to make stuff that

probably won't be eaten. =)



Odrade ~ Mama to Aydn 5/99 and 'Bean' edd 3/01


" Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a

clear conscience, I will sleep in peace " ~ Sinead O'Connor




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Hi -


I agree that homemade treats will likely get thrown out, unless all of your

trick-or-treaters are known neighborhood kids who know you. I have offered

stickers, colorful erasers, pennies, & mardi gras necklaces, but I know that

most kids really just want the candy.


I have to say that, unlike many vegans, I think that sugar has a worse

reputation that it deserves. I don't feel bad about occasionally giving my

children candy, & Halloween is special to kids because of trick-or- treating

for the candy. Some candy is obviously worse than others - strange

consistencies & ingredients & artificial colors (the real villains of candy)

should of course be avoided. Someone I know has given out small packs of

sugarless gum for Halloween, but I'd rather have sugar candy than all the

artificial stuff in sugarless gum. I guess we all have to decide which things

we want to avoid most & then do the best we can.


Happy ( & safe) Halloween!!


>>> Odrade <odrade7 10/25/00 06:39AM >>>

Hi all! I know that you mean well in trying to pass

out " healthy " treats at Halloween, but in truth, if we

ever came home with popcorn balls, fruit, ziplock

baggies of *anything* my mother promptly threw it in

the trash for fear of " some kook making poison

treats " . Which, now as a mother, I can completely

understand. I wouldn't let my kids keep/eat it

either. Just thought I'd throw my two cents in so

you're not wasting your time/money to make stuff that

probably won't be eaten. =)



Odrade ~ Mama to Aydn 5/99 and 'Bean' edd 3/01


" Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a

clear conscience, I will sleep in peace " ~ Sinead O'Connor




Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE.





For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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I'm from Australia were we don't really have trick or treating. But an idea for something small and healthy that kids like could be the small boxes of sultanas that come in multipacks. I assume you have them there. Anyway, just a thought.






Odrade [odrade7]

Thursday, 26 October 2000 0:40


Re: halloween treats



Hi all! I know that you mean well in trying to pass

out " healthy " treats at Halloween, but in truth, if we

ever came home with popcorn balls, fruit, ziplock

baggies of *anything* my mother promptly threw it in

the trash for fear of " some kook making poison

treats " . Which, now as a mother, I can completely

understand. I wouldn't let my kids keep/eat it

either. Just thought I'd throw my two cents in so

you're not wasting your time/money to make stuff that

probably won't be eaten. =)



Odrade ~ Mama to Aydn 5/99 and 'Bean' edd 3/01


" Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a clear conscience, I will sleep in peace " ~ Sinead O'Connor



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For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.


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In a message dated 10/25/00 8:42:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

odrade7 writes:


<< " some kook making poison

treats " . >>

You know that it does not even need to be a kook but just someone that was

not as clean as they should have been.I have been a veggi Mom for 12 yrs . I

would not let my girls eat any home make treats from any house and I would

not waste my time and money making good food for trick or treaters that are

just junk food eater. I do let my girls go out ,they love it but they know

right up front that they will be able to eat and keep 5 pieces and the junkie

trash food.We then repass out the stuff that they bring home.If we have to we

will put handfuls in the bags to get rid of it .I have even thown it in the

trash can.


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One way to make the kids happy without giving out sugary treats is to use up

loose change. We always throw our pennies, nickels, and dimes into jars.

Usually, we bring these

to the bank to trade in, but for halloween, we toss the coins into a bowl/box

and let each kid reach in and take a handfull. Because treats, especially

healthy vegan treats in

fun sized packaging, can be pretty expensive, this probably saves us money...

but we've never kept track.


clarkepf wrote:


> In a message dated 10/25/00 8:42:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> odrade7 writes:


> << " some kook making poison

> treats " . >>

> You know that it does not even need to be a kook but just someone that was

> not as clean as they should have been.I have been a veggi Mom for 12 yrs . I

> would not let my girls eat any home make treats from any house and I would

> not waste my time and money making good food for trick or treaters that are

> just junk food eater. I do let my girls go out ,they love it but they know

> right up front that they will be able to eat and keep 5 pieces and the junkie

> trash food.We then repass out the stuff that they bring home.If we have to we

> will put handfuls in the bags to get rid of it .I have even thown it in the

> trash can.

> Felice



> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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