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Thanksgiving rules

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This was in Dear Abbey and I thought it was pretty good!


"It was brought to my attention Thanksgiving Day that I hadfailed to teach you, my children, certain rules of tablemanners. Lest you go through life in such a state, I willnow try to rectify my gross error by setting down for you afew simple rules:"Remember, table manners, as all other kinds of manners,have as their basis consideration for others."1. Come to the table promptly when the hostess calls you.Food tastes better when it is hot."2. Sit at the table with the four legs of the chair flat onthe floor. Sit straight, with your feet in front of you."3. Sit quietly with your hands in your lap until after theblessing or until the hostess starts passing the food."4. Wait for the food to be passed to you."5. As soon as the food is passed to you, take some and passit on. Never leave a serving dish beside your plate. Waituntil all of the food has been offered before you begin toeat."6. Never butter your bread directly from the butter dish.Put butter on your butter plate, break the bread apart, andspread."7. Do not talk with your mouth full."8. Do not make biological noises or blow your nose at thetable."9. Keep your elbows off the table and one hand in your lap."10. Never wave silverware around while you're eating."11. Do not use your finger to push food onto your utensil."12. Do not lick your fingers or wipe your hands on thetablecloth."13. Don't stuff your mouth with food. Make use of yournapkin so you don't offend others with half-chewed foodoozing out the corners of your mouth and down your chin."14. Keep the conversation pleasant."15. Allow your hostess plenty of time to finish her mealbefore serving dessert."16. After the main meal is over, help clear the tablebefore dessert is served. Leave the water glasses, cups andsaucers."17. Never pick up a dessert dish and hold it in your handwhile you eat."18. Never eat and run. Remain at the table until thehostess suggests you go elsewhere. Children may ask to beexcused."19. Offer to help with the dishes. In a very formalatmosphere this would not be true, but in most cases it'sacceptable. Don't insist on helping if the hostess doesn'twant help."20. Always thank the hostess for the invitation. If you canhonestly do so, compliment her on the cooking."Love, Mother."

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