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feeding baby

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«Hello to all, My husband and I have been lacto-ovo

vegetarians for about 5 1/2 years, and have a 6 1/2

month old infant. Now that he's started oatmeal and

fruits and veggies(and liking them very much, I might

add), I want to know what other foods to give him.

Most parents would start meat at this point. What

other protein source could I begin to feed my son?


I am still nursing him, even though occasionally I

need to give a mixed breastmilk-formula bottle, as my

milk supply is sometimes not adequate.


Any suggestions? Pam»


Hi Pam!


Most recommendations are to *start* solids after 6

months. Take it slow - no need to rush. The more

foods you feed your young baby the greater the chances

are of developing allergies and/or sensitivities to



Start with ripe, mashed bananas, avocados, rice

cereals sweet potatoes. Gradually add pureed apples,

spinach, potatoes and such. Closer to 9-12 months is

when you could add some tofu cubes, beans, lentils,

etc. Since you are nursing, your baby is getting all

the protein they need from the best source possible -



In addition, your breastmilk is based purely on

" supply and demand " . In order to increase your supply

you need to offer to nurse more often. When you

supplement with artificial baby milk you're actually

perpetuating the problem because your body thinks the

supply is just fine. Nurse more often for longer

periods of time, make sure you're drinking enough

water/juice/herbal tea (like blessed thistle,

fenugreek or red raspberry leaf) and eat well

yourself. This will all help to increase your supply

and you won't have to supplement at all.

For more info contact your local La Leche League group

or go to http://www.lalecheleague.org .


Best wishes!




Mama to Aydn 5/99

and 'Bean' edd 3/01


" Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a

clear conscience, I will sleep in peace " ~ Sinéad O'Connor




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<<a 6 1/2 month old infant. Now that he's started oatmeal and fruits

and veggies(and liking them very much, I might add), I want to know what

other foods to give him. Most parents would start meat at this point.

What other protein source could I begin to feed my son?>>


Just a quick reminder that peanuts can provoke a serious,

life-threatening allergy, so don't try them so early. Some

pediatricians even suggest waiting until after the kid is 2 years old.

I'd say, mimumum 12-18 months.


Liz (Anna, 2 1/2 -- and, yes, allergic to peanuts)

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bananas are a good first food. almost all fruits and veggies are good to

give a little one except those which are prone to allergies such as

tomatos or citrus fruits.

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In a message dated 1/9/2001 4:58:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, bbrtz writes:



bananas are a good first food


So are advacados, we started my son on bananas, he loved them! After a couple of weeks we gave him advacados and he loved those too!

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