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Well, I'm glad to " meet " all those who answered my question about whether

or not anyone is married to a vegetarian. THere are a lot of you! In

our case, I went vegetarian very suddenly (and no, I " d never read *Diet

for a New America*...but I am making up for that now!) after some

enlightening experiences. My husband ate whatever I made, but he

continued to eat meat away from home and occasionally bought coldcuts for

himself for maybe a year. THen, we werre moving to a new town and

starting a new job and I mentioned that maybe we ought to be consistant

if we're going to be eating at new collegues' homes, etc... and at that

point he quit eating meat altogether. I consider myself lucky. I had no

idea what I was embarking upon the day I decided to quit meat.


I stick to a vegan diet 98% of the time, but he hasn't been willing,

which is why the kids favor cheese (microbial enzymes!) on their pizza

and vanilla icecream on occasion.


I do wonder why it is so much more common for the wife to be the

instigator for a vegetarian lifestyle change...I suppose I should read

*The Sexual Politics of Meat*--can't remember if I read it long ago, and

I'm sure it would address this issue. Susan



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