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> Olivia Merithew said: " I agree with you that true vegetarianism is a diet

completely free of animal products, but we all have different paths to

vegetarianism. I believe that those who choose to still eat fish and chicken

are on the right path and are in need of our non-judgmental support to continue

onward towards a

> healthy diet and lifestyle. "


Oh, ABSOLUTELY! However, they should not call themselves vegetarians. If I had

$1 for every time I've heard, " Oh, but you eat fish, don't you? " , I'd be

rich.... Anyone hear about the " vegetarian " Kimmi on " Survivor " ? I was

thrilled until I learned that she eats seafood. Wonderful. A semi-celebrity

saying it's OK to eat

seafood and call yourself a vegetarian..... It just makes it difficult for the

rest of us.


> Jo-Ann said: " I live in Florida and would love to know what a coop is! "


It is short for Co-operative. It's a store where you pay to be a member and

sometimes work there for no pay. This entitles the group of members to buy

large quantities of food at a discount.


> Jo-Ann also wrote: " BTW, is Amy's cheeseless pizza " cheezzy " ?? Meaning,

does it have actual white stretchy stuff on it that tasts like cheese with out

casien??? If so, you made my day !!! LOL!!<


No, unfortunately. It's just pizza without any cheese at all.


> Also, I found a line of products by newvision that my mom just started selling

that claim to be cruelity free. does that mean that they dont contain animal

products too usually?? I may email them to make sure.<


That's probably a good idea. I've found that " cruelty-free " doesn't necessarily

mean so. Bath & Body Works is notorious for deception in this area. Their

products say, " This finished product not tested on animals. " The *ingredients*

may be tested on animals and it may contain animal products.



I'm proud to say I finally got my meat-eating mother-in-law to taste tofu! You

would have thought I was giving her poison! She made a face, had to smell it

beforehand, and had to " get ready psychologically " before eating it. Sheesh. I

kept saying, " It's just a PLANT! " I wanted to say, " You eat DEAD BODIES, but


scared to try a plant product???? " She ended up eating a tiny bite; her comment

was, " It's not bad. "



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