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Organic dairy

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I belong to a few other veg lists that are mostly filled up with activism and

horror stories. I've stopped reading them because it's gotten me pretty upset.

My husband believes that it is all set up to be horrifing and that there is a

middle ground somewhere.


I guess my question is what's true and what isn't?


I have been buying organic dairy for a few years now because of the use of

growth hormones, ect. Does anyone know if organic dairy farms are more humaine

than 'regular' farms?


Thanks in advance.



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I have seen some things first hand that have shown me that animal rights group

do not exaggerate the horrors of the animal agriculture industry. It is as bad,

and often worse, than they report.


I have never visited an organic dairy farm however, so I can't say for sure what

the conditions are like there. However, before I would buy eggs or dairy from a

" humane " or " free-range " farm, I would ask some questions. For example, what

happens to a cow on

this farm when she no longer produces enough milk to make it economically viable

to pay for her upkeep (food, housing)? What happens to her male and female

calves, which she must deliver every year in order to keep up a milk supply? I

would only buy milk from a

farm if the cows were all kept in humane conditions from birth to natural death,

allowed to mix freely with each other, nurse their young instead of being

cruelly separated from them, and have their calves all live out full, humane,

natural lives. I doubt you

could ever find a farm like that, because unless the farmer were independently

wealthy, I doubt s/he could stay in business. Actually, I probably still

wouldn't buy milk from the farmer, because of the multitude of health problems

associated with milk

consumption. It really is not a good food for people, adults or children,

regardless of the presence of BGH.

I know it can get overwhelming, and you should only expose yourself to the

knowledge and information you're up for, but I think the term " organic " being

used to mean " more humane " is a gross misconception.



In children, drinking milk is linked to ear infections, asthma, autism,

intestinal bleeding and juvenile diabetes, a disease that can cause blindness.


" There's no reason to drink cow's milk at any time in your life. It was

designed for calves, not humans, and we should all stop drinking it today. " -

Dr. Frank A. Oski, former director of pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University,

author of the physicians'

textbook: The Portabl Pediatrician.


" I no longer recommend dairy products...there was a time when cow's milk was

considered very desirable. But research, along with clinical experience, has

forced doctors and nutritionists to rethink this recommendation. " - Dr.

Benjamin Spock

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