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Vaccine Question

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I hate the thought of pumping my kids full of dead organisms that have to be

made with animal serums, but what about the risk of getting measles, mumps,

hepetitis, polio, etc.??


Today was eye opening for me. I planed on not further vaccinating my kids.

BUT today, I was at the place where i exercise in the babysitting room.

There was a little baby in her car seat/stroller thing, pretty close to

Autumn. She was fussy. I was looking at her and talking to her and reached

out to pat her and the babysitting lady said...she had her shots to day and

that is why she is fussing. I quickly withdrew my hand as if she was

plagued! I didnt want to transfer any of her vaccination germs to my

unvaccinated Autumn Brooke!! I left the building (after washing my hands and

my boys hands).


So, now what? do I avoid other kids like the plague, or vaccinate my kids?


What are the real risks on both ends of this spectrum?






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Jo-Ann wrote:


<<I was looking at her and talking to her and reached out to pat her and

the babysitting lady said...she had her shots to day and that is why she

is fussing. I quickly withdrew my hand as if she was plagued! I didnt

want to transfer any of her vaccination germs to my unvaccinated Autumn

Brooke!! I left the building (after washing my hands and

my boys hands).>>


Unless it was the oral polio vaccine, or some other

currently-seldom-used live vaccine, there's nothing to catch. The

fussiness doesn't mean the child actually had the disease or was in any

way contagious.


<<So, now what? do I avoid other kids like the plague, or vaccinate my



You would have to avoid other kids, and their parents...at school, work,

the playground, etc. You would also have to avoid any metropolitan

area. That would include Sacramento, Des Moines, and Charlotte, not

just NY and LA. And forget about travelling anywhere.


<<What are the real risks on both ends of this spectrum?>>


There are risks to some vaccines, and there has been quite a bit of

scientific research to help determine these things, although of course

much more needs to be done. For example, 30 or so years ago a doctor at

the Royal Free in London claimed that he found a correlation between a

certain vaccine and autism. There have been three bona fide studies

done since then (that I know of ) by researchers using required

scientific protocols, none of which were funded by drug companies, and

none of them were able to verify the original findings. In other words,

it's not proven. Since then, another researcher in London, I think also

at the Royal Free, is claiming a link between excessive testosterone

exposure during pregnancy and autism. Considering the amount of

steroids, etc., in animals raised for consumption, it's an interesting

theory to consider the possibility that eating meat is causing these

problems. That's just a conjecture, of course!


I have a friend who didn't vaccinate her daughter, thinking that she

would be safe because they never went into the " big city " . Well, the

daughter got whooping cough, spent nearly a week in the hospital, and

has permanent (hopefully minor) heart damage as a result. Still, the

parents are adamant that they did the right thing.


You need to do a lot of research to find out which are the few vaccines

that have caused problems. Most have been pulled at this point. There

are going to be people who make huge claims about safety or danger, but

in fact you need to look at the real research, not the claims of one or

two people (including me!), to help you make up your mind. It's not an

easy decision. There are certain personal factors, too, like whether or

not your particular children are highly allergic or otherwise



As for how to deal with the fact that vaccines are not vegan, well,

again, you've got to look at what is right in your own life. If there

were a situation where you had to choose between killing an animal or

possibly allowing your child to die, what would you choose? Your answer

to that question might not be the same as mine. The circumstances might

make all the difference. You may think the risk of serious harm or

death is minimal enough to take the chance. But please be aware that

the only disease that has been eradicated from the Earth is the one we

(therefore) no longer need to be vaccinated against: smallpox. In

other words, your child is at risk for contracting diseases that you

might not think exist in your part of the country any more. All it

takes is one plane ride from somewhere else to bring an infectious

disease to a new community.


This is one of the most serious questions every parent faces, made more

difficult by the fact that there is no vegan alternative. I guess what

I'm saying is, you're right to feel overwhelmed by the burden of making

this decision. There's no easy answer.



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I've seen so many bad things happen to children because they weren't

vaccinated...so i chose to get her vaccinated. For those parents who have

chosesn not to vaccinate their children what will you do when school time comes

around? there are several places that require shots to get into school...just

curious...I'm not saying one is better than the other just wondering about the

other pov...







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In a message dated 6/1/01 6:49:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

bakwin writes:


<< I have a friend who didn't vaccinate her daughter, thinking that she

would be safe because they never went into the " big city " . Well, the

daughter got whooping cough, spent nearly a week in the hospital, and

has permanent (hopefully minor) heart damage as a result. Still, the

parents are adamant that they did the right thing. >>

I know 4 families that the kids had whooping cough this last 6 months the

kids did have a bad cough for about 5 or 6 weeks but no damage to any of the

kids and many of them still did some of their activities.


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In a message dated 6/2/01 8:45:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Clarkepf writes:


<< vr >>



The chair of the House Government Reform Committee today (April 26,

2001) blasted federal science and health officials for not recalling MMR

vaccine that he says may be causing autism, and for allowing some lots

of DTaP vaccine that contain thimerosal to be distributed.




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I know that vaccines have been discussed before in the group, but I have

been unable to find the information that I am looking for. I have two

children, son 3 yrs. and daughter 3 months. I personally am okay with some

of the vaccines that have been around a while like MMR and polio and thought

that Liz's comments were well stated, but am not sure what to think/do about

chickenpox and pneumoccocal conjugate. Since they seem to be newer, where

do I find relatively reliable and unbiased information about how long they

last, etc. I thought that chickenpox was worse for you if you catch it when

you are an older adult. This may be a dumb question, but can the chickenpox

vaccine " wear out " ? Also, the pneumonia vaccine wasn't around when my son

was an infant. It is my understanding that this shot comes in four doses or

rounds, and that it is mainly for preventing pneumonia in children under 2.

That seems like a lot of shots for a couple years. I don't have any friends

or family that have ever had pneumonia and my son is very healthy. Giving

my daughter the pneumonia vaccine doesn't seem like it would be helping

much. I have looked some on the AAP and CDC web sites, but didn't find

anything helpful or that was in " layman's " terms. Can anybody help on where

to find reliable, unbiased (at least as unbiased as I can get) information

on these two vaccines in particular so that I can be prepared for the next







E. R. Bakwin [bakwin]

Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:48 PM


Re: Vaccine Question



Jo-Ann wrote:


<<I was looking at her and talking to her and reached out to pat her and

the babysitting lady said...she had her shots to day and that is why she

is fussing. I quickly withdrew my hand as if she was plagued! I didnt

want to transfer any of her vaccination germs to my unvaccinated Autumn

Brooke!! I left the building (after washing my hands and

my boys hands).>>


Unless it was the oral polio vaccine, or some other

currently-seldom-used live vaccine, there's nothing to catch. The

fussiness doesn't mean the child actually had the disease or was in any

way contagious.


<<So, now what? do I avoid other kids like the plague, or vaccinate my



You would have to avoid other kids, and their parents...at school, work,

the playground, etc. You would also have to avoid any metropolitan

area. That would include Sacramento, Des Moines, and Charlotte, not

just NY and LA. And forget about travelling anywhere.


<<What are the real risks on both ends of this spectrum?>>


There are risks to some vaccines, and there has been quite a bit of

scientific research to help determine these things, although of course

much more needs to be done. For example, 30 or so years ago a doctor at

the Royal Free in London claimed that he found a correlation between a

certain vaccine and autism. There have been three bona fide studies

done since then (that I know of ) by researchers using required

scientific protocols, none of which were funded by drug companies, and

none of them were able to verify the original findings. In other words,

it's not proven. Since then, another researcher in London, I think also

at the Royal Free, is claiming a link between excessive testosterone

exposure during pregnancy and autism. Considering the amount of

steroids, etc., in animals raised for consumption, it's an interesting

theory to consider the possibility that eating meat is causing these

problems. That's just a conjecture, of course!


I have a friend who didn't vaccinate her daughter, thinking that she

would be safe because they never went into the " big city " . Well, the

daughter got whooping cough, spent nearly a week in the hospital, and

has permanent (hopefully minor) heart damage as a result. Still, the

parents are adamant that they did the right thing.


You need to do a lot of research to find out which are the few vaccines

that have caused problems. Most have been pulled at this point. There

are going to be people who make huge claims about safety or danger, but

in fact you need to look at the real research, not the claims of one or

two people (including me!), to help you make up your mind. It's not an

easy decision. There are certain personal factors, too, like whether or

not your particular children are highly allergic or otherwise



As for how to deal with the fact that vaccines are not vegan, well,

again, you've got to look at what is right in your own life. If there

were a situation where you had to choose between killing an animal or

possibly allowing your child to die, what would you choose? Your answer

to that question might not be the same as mine. The circumstances might

make all the difference. You may think the risk of serious harm or

death is minimal enough to take the chance. But please be aware that

the only disease that has been eradicated from the Earth is the one we

(therefore) no longer need to be vaccinated against: smallpox. In

other words, your child is at risk for contracting diseases that you

might not think exist in your part of the country any more. All it

takes is one plane ride from somewhere else to bring an infectious

disease to a new community.


This is one of the most serious questions every parent faces, made more

difficult by the fact that there is no vegan alternative. I guess what

I'm saying is, you're right to feel overwhelmed by the burden of making

this decision. There's no easy answer.








For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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In a message dated 6/5/2001 7:56:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

dinner_fairy writes:



> For those parents who have chosesn not to vaccinate their children what

> will you do when school time comes around? there are several places that

> require shots to get into school...just curious...I'm not saying one is

> better than the other just wondering about the other pov...



I started to vacciante my son when he was two months, I was terrified and

couldn't sleep for like two days after every round of shots, because I was

worried about something happening. I have recently decided to stop all of

his vaccines. I have done the research and just can't bring myself to

subject him to them anymore. I work a couple of hours a week at our gym's

child care center and there is a mother there who has a four year old boy who

is autistic, she says that it was from the MMR. The doctors think that she

is nuts but she insists that he was developing normally and his speech was

even advanced for his age until he had the MMR. He stopped talking within

days and stopped holding eye contact and has bursts of dancing. He still

doesn't talk. I was kind of on the fence about vaccines, with one leg over

on the side of not doing it until I met her and talked to her at length, then

I jumped on over! As for the school issue, I think that it is forty-eight of

the fifty states have exemptions, either, religious, medical or

philosophical, all you have to do is file your exemption with the board of

education. That doesn't really matter to us anyway as we are climbing over

the fence to homeschooling now too.



Colin's Ap Mama

A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

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In a message dated 6/5/01 10:56:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

dinner_fairy writes:


> For those parents who have chosesn not to vaccinate their children what



My son is 5, vegan since birth and we have chosen not to vaccinate him.

We have been in the public school system for the last 2 yrs. in the state of


The schools can not force you to immunize your children. There is a waiver

that you can sign if you do not vaccinate your children. The schools get

money from the state and fed'l gov't for having certain percentages of

children enrolled who are vaccinated.

The school has given us a little flack about not vaccinating, but not enough

to have us get him vaccinated. We are trying to change the laws in this

state to allow exemption for other than religious reasons.

Feel free to email me privately if you have any more specific questions.






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In a message dated 6/5/01 11:03:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

rleo writes:

> Can anybody help on where

> to find reliable, unbiased (at least as unbiased as I can get) information

> on these two vaccines in particular so that I can be prepared for the next



I have found Mothering magazine an invaluable resource for unbiased

vaccination information.

You can get back issues of the magazine with this info.






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<<I have found Mothering magazine an invaluable resource for unbiased

vaccination information.>>


I have to disagree. I also read the magazine, because it is the closest

to my own parenting views, and I've found it to be a highly biased

publication -- which usually works well enough for me because I happen

to agree with the bias to a large extent!


On vaccination, in particular, the most recent article had quite a bit

of wrong information that was easily checked through other sources.


I appreciate the magazine, and highly recommend it to others, but I

would never accept anything they write as completely accurate without

checking elsewhere as well.


If you're looking for unbiased info, you really need to go for

quantity: get info from as many different sources as possible, and be

sure to find out the personal/professional biases of the authors.



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In a message dated 6/6/2001 10:18:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

LamourDelaVie writes:



> ...I feel like fliping a coin

> sometimes in a way!




that is how I felt, damned if you do, damned if you don't.



Colin's Ap Mama

A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

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All I know is, my baby was fussy today and I got nervous. She is

fine, but she usualy never fusses and I first

thought...vaccinations! I better get them! I just dont want my

neglegence to cause her harm...nor do I want my kindness of

vaccinating her to hurt her either...I feel like fliping a coin

sometimes in a way!


For the love of life,



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, " E. R. Bakwin " <bakwin@s...> wrote:

> <<I have found Mothering magazine an invaluable resource for


> vaccination information.>>


> I have to disagree. I also read the magazine, because it is the


> to my own parenting views, and I've found it to be a highly biased

> publication -- which usually works well enough for me because I


> to agree with the bias to a large extent!


> On vaccination, in particular, the most recent article had quite a


> of wrong information that was easily checked through other sources.


> I appreciate the magazine, and highly recommend it to others, but I

> would never accept anything they write as completely accurate


> checking elsewhere as well.


> If you're looking for unbiased info, you really need to go for

> quantity: get info from as many different sources as possible, and


> sure to find out the personal/professional biases of the authors.


> Liz

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I COMPLETELY empathize with you. Check out http://www.909shot.com. This group

is a pretty trustworth info source, as far as I can tell. My 3 month old has

had her 2 month

check, and was supposed to get 4 shots: prevnar, polio, DTaP, and a conjugate

HIB and HepB. I do not feel that the vaccine question has to be an all-or-none

issue. You can

choose to give some and not all of the vaccines, or give them on an altered or

delayed schedule. As for your chickenpox question, no it's not dumb, there is

some question as to

how long the immunity lasts. As a matter of fact, the New England Journal of

Medicine just had a couple of studies about the effectiveness of the varicella

(chickenpox) vaccine,

and it does seem to be a legit concern that if your kid's immunity from vaccine

wears off over time, they may be vulnerable as adults, when it is more

dangerous. The vaccine was

shown to be 85% effective overall, but somewhat less effective in kids younger

than 5. I think in the end, since the research is not definitive either way,

it's going to come

down to: what are you more scared of - the vaccine or the disease? This can

vary vaccine to vaccine. For example: HIB. That's a pretty scary disease -

bacterial meningitis,

and can kill little babies quickly. But Hep B? Sexually transmitted or through

transfusions or injected drug use. Unless you the mother were at risk for it

while pregnant (and

they typically test for that) your little baby is unlikely to catch this

bloodborne illness until it's old enough to have sex or do drugs. So, in my

opinion, it was an easy

decision to forego that vaccine until she's required to have it for school

entry. I would evaluate each vaccine in turn like that. And don't be afraid to

ask for monovalent

versions of vaccines either, for example if you decide you want HIB but not

HepB, don't be pressured just because they're packaged together. Also, ask

whether your doc's office

uses any vaccines with the preservative thimerosol, which contains mercury.

This is being phased out, and no longer manufactured, but by law, they can still

be used until the

existing supply runs out.

Hope this helps!





" You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed

in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1870


" How long will people go on eating animals, and then experimenting on animals to

find the " cure " for the resulting diseases? " Carol Barnett


Please don't shut the truth out. Be a witness. They only have our voices to

end their suffering: http://www.slaughterhousecam.com


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I'm glad i'm not the only one on here who feels this way...There are many ideas

to both sides of the fence, all of which are credible but what if my daughter

caught whooping cough and had severe brain dammage or menningitis and had to

have her legs amputated...the knowledge that i could have stopped those, or had

a better chance of stopping them from occuring would plague my concience

forever. Some people might say that the chances of that actually happening are

slim, but in this case i'd rather be safe than sorry.


LamourDelaVie wrote: All I know is, my baby was fussy today and I got

nervous. She is

fine, but she usualy never fusses and I first

thought...vaccinations! I better get them! I just dont want my

neglegence to cause her harm...nor do I want my kindness of

vaccinating her to hurt her either...I feel like fliping a coin

sometimes in a way!


For the love of life,









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In a message dated 6/12/2001 11:13:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

LamourDelaVie writes:



> That was a great story, thanks for sharing it. I hear so much about

> autism and MMR! Not only a few cases, but a lOT! Which is the

> vaccine that is responsible for many cases of SIDS...is it the Hep

> vaccine? I think it is. There just isnt too much good about them.



I am glad that you liked the story. I have heard of cases of hep b causing

sids. Even before I decided to rule out all vaccines, I knew that we weren't

going to do that one because there was no way that Colin would be at risk, he

isn't having sex yet and the only bodily fluids that he comes into contact

with are mine. It was still a really hard decision to make and I honestly

respect any parents informed decision on this matter.



Colin's Ap Mama

A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

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The FDA doesnt care to recall any vaccinations from what I see...It

is just a money pit!


For the love of life,



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, clarkepf@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 6/2/01 8:45:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

Clarkepf writes:


> << vr >>



> The chair of the House Government Reform Committee today (April 26,

> 2001) blasted federal science and health officials for not

recalling MMR

> vaccine that he says may be causing autism, and for allowing some


> of DTaP vaccine that contain thimerosal to be distributed.

> http://pediatrics.medscape.com/37199.rhtml?srcmp=ped-050401



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That was a great story, thanks for sharing it. I hear so much about

autism and MMR! Not only a few cases, but a lOT! Which is the

vaccine that is responsible for many cases of SIDS...is it the Hep

vaccine? I think it is. There just isnt too much good about them.


Good news though...my kids had caught a bug the othr day and they had

fevers and everything. Since we became Vegan, they are better

already! Only 2 days from start to finish! In times of our non

vegan days, it would have been at least a week or more!


For the love of life,



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, colinsapmama@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 6/5/2001 7:56:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> dinner_fairy writes:



> > For those parents who have chosesn not to vaccinate their

children what

> > will you do when school time comes around? there are several

places that

> > require shots to get into school...just curious...I'm not saying

one is

> > better than the other just wondering about the other pov...

> >


> I started to vacciante my son when he was two months, I was

terrified and

> couldn't sleep for like two days after every round of shots,

because I was

> worried about something happening. I have recently decided to stop

all of

> his vaccines. I have done the research and just can't bring myself


> subject him to them anymore. I work a couple of hours a week at

our gym's

> child care center and there is a mother there who has a four year

old boy who

> is autistic, she says that it was from the MMR. The doctors think

that she

> is nuts but she insists that he was developing normally and his

speech was

> even advanced for his age until he had the MMR. He stopped talking


> days and stopped holding eye contact and has bursts of dancing. He


> doesn't talk. I was kind of on the fence about vaccines, with one

leg over

> on the side of not doing it until I met her and talked to her at

length, then

> I jumped on over! As for the school issue, I think that it is

forty-eight of

> the fifty states have exemptions, either, religious, medical or

> philosophical, all you have to do is file your exemption with the

board of

> education. That doesn't really matter to us anyway as we are

climbing over

> the fence to homeschooling now too.


> Sara

> Colin's Ap Mama

> A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

> Come see us at <A

HREF= " http://www.sos.state.mi.us/election/elecadmin/2000web/index.html

" > </A>h<A

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You definately dont want something like that to be on your consious

for ever, but you really cant stop menengitis anyways, can you? If

so, how? I never heard of a menengitis vaccine before.



For the love of life,



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, Jessica Alvarado <dinner_fairy> wrote:


> I'm glad i'm not the only one on here who feels this way...There

are many ideas to both sides of the fence, all of which are credible

but what if my daughter caught whooping cough and had severe brain

dammage or menningitis and had to have her legs amputated...the

knowledge that i could have stopped those, or had a better chance of

stopping them from occuring would plague my concience forever. Some

people might say that the chances of that actually happening are

slim, but in this case i'd rather be safe than sorry.

> jessica

> LamourDelaVie@a... wrote: All I know is, my baby was fussy today

and I got nervous. She is

> fine, but she usualy never fusses and I first

> thought...vaccinations! I better get them! I just dont want my

> neglegence to cause her harm...nor do I want my kindness of

> vaccinating her to hurt her either...I feel like fliping a coin

> sometimes in a way!


> For the love of life,


> Jo-Ann







> Mail Personal Address - Get email at your own domain with




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The menningitis vaccine is new i believe. My daughter got it recently and i am

planning on getting it. ( i also hope to do some international traveling and i

want us both to be safe). I have known about it for about 2 yrs...


LamourDelaVie wrote: You definately dont want something like that to

be on your consious

for ever, but you really cant stop menengitis anyways, can you? If

so, how? I never heard of a menengitis vaccine before.



For the love of life,



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, Jessica Alvarado <dinner_fairy> wrote:


> I'm glad i'm not the only one on here who feels this way...There

are many ideas to both sides of the fence, all of which are credible

but what if my daughter caught whooping cough and had severe brain

dammage or menningitis and had to have her legs amputated...the

knowledge that i could have stopped those, or had a better chance of

stopping them from occuring would plague my concience forever. Some

people might say that the chances of that actually happening are

slim, but in this case i'd rather be safe than sorry.

> jessica

> LamourDelaVie@a... wrote: All I know is, my baby was fussy today

and I got nervous. She is

> fine, but she usualy never fusses and I first

> thought...vaccinations! I better get them! I just dont want my

> neglegence to cause her harm...nor do I want my kindness of

> vaccinating her to hurt her either...I feel like fliping a coin

> sometimes in a way!


> For the love of life,


> Jo-Ann







> Mail Personal Address - Get email at your own domain with




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