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OT: Yeast Overgrowth

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I just finished typing up all this info about candidia for another list and

thought I would pass it on in the hopes that it could help your or someone

you know.

The book that I am referring to for the information is called: The Yeast


Handbook ISBN# 0-933478-24-0 by William G. Crook, MD, recommends: " A

sugar-free special diet and nonprescription antiyeast agents may help

control yeast overgrowth if your health problems are mild and of short

duration. Yet, if you're troubled by a moderate to severe yeast-related

disorder, I strongly recommend a therapeutic trial of one or more of the

prescription medications. " He recommends Nystatin oral powder the most due

to it's safety and effectiveness along with diet and other therapies to

rebuild your health.

From the book:

Everyone should get this book if their health problems are yeast connected:

If you:

*feel " sick all over "

*Have taken many antibiotic drugs

*are bothered by fatigue, headache, or depression

*often feel spaced out

*are bothered by muscle aches and digestive problems

*crave sugar

*are unusually sensitive to tobacco, perfume, and othe chemicals

*are bothered by food sensitivities

*have sought in vain for help from many different physicians

*your health problems are probably yeast connected.


Women between 20 and 50 are especially apt to develop yeast related

problems. Common symptoms include:

*Recurrent vaginal yeast infections


*Recurrent urinary tract infections

*Sexual dysfunction

*Dyspareunia (pain on intercourse)

Other problems that affect many women also may be yeast-connected,


*Vulvodynia (burning vulva)


*Interstitial cystitis


Men and children also develop yeast-related problems, especially those who

take many antibiotic drugs or steroids.

Common symptoms in Male adults:



*digestive symptoms

*muscle and joint pains


*chemical sensitivities

*food sensitivities

*sugar cravings

*memory loss

*sexual dysfunction

Common symptoms in infants and young children:

*Constant colds


*Sleep problems

*digestive problems

*attention deficits

*skin rashes

*ear problems


Common symptoms in older children and teenagers:


*poor school performance


*food and chemical sensitivities



Other complaints and illnesses in adults of both sexes that sometimes may be

yeast-related, include:


*Crohn's disease


*Myasthenia gravis


*Lupus erythematosus


*Multiple sclerosis


*rheumatoid arthritis




*chronic hives

" I'm not saying that the common yeast, candida albicans, is *the* cause of

all of these problems. Yet, candida may be one of the causes-even a major

cause- of these and other health problems. "

This book also has a yeast questionnaire, case studies, and a 10 step

program to regain your health. Info on diets, medications, other therapies

that may help and even sugar-free, yeast-free recipes. He also goes into

each of the above symptoms in greater depth with a separate chapter for

women; men; young children and infants; and older children and teens.

Well, I gone this far...I might as well tell you what the steps are:

1. Believe in yourself. Say to yourself, " I can and will regain my health. "

2. Take charge. " If it's going to be, it's up to me. " Read, study, and

learn. Be responsible.

3. Control chemical exposures

4. Nutritional supplements

5. Change your diet- He includes a list of food you can eat, one to limit,

and ones to avoid the first 3 weeks and to avoid until you are


6. Take yeast-control medications- prescription (i.e.: Nystatin oral powder,

Nizoral, Diflucan, Soranox, etc. Don't use Nystatin topical powder or

Nystatin suspension) and nonprescription (i.e.: Lactobacillus


and Bifidum bacterium. Herbs i.e.: Caprylic acid, Citrus seed extract,

Garlic, Tanalbit, ParaCan, Goldenseal, Aloe Vera, Colloidal Silver, Pau

d'Arco, etc)

7. Exercise

8. Change your lifestyle

9. The Mind/Body Connection

10. Food Allergies and Sensitivities- how to find out what they are.

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