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Aaargh! (sorry, a little long)

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Hi There,


I actually joined this group some time ago, but have been a bit absent

for a while during home renovations. Anyway, here is my dilemma...


I have a 13 1/2 month old son who we are raising as a vegetarian

(lacto-ovo); my DH and I have been vegetarians for 6 1/2 years. He did

quite well at first with a variety of foods, but now (of course, he is a

toddler) he is quite picky it seems, and refuses to try anything new. He

eats almost 100% finger foods (with the exception of yogurt and some

jarred dinners when he is REALLY picky, just to get something in him),

and likes things like beans (kidney beans, buttter beans, cannelini

beans, garbanzos, you name it), broccoli, brussel sprouts, peas, veggie

dogs, (sometimes) soy " meat " balls, and, of course, cheerios, graham

crackers, and just about any fruit.

I guess most parents would be thrilled beyond belief that a toddler

would eat veggies and fruit (and even eat the small variety that he

does). My concern is that he isn't getting enough grain and, therefore,

not enough iron (he has been diagnosed with anemia, treated with

supplements, and now he's off the supplements since the anemia has been

" cured " ). We give him nutritional yeast once a day (he loves it

actually), and occasionally he'll eat a sliver of bread (in the form of

french bread or soy butter toast). We give him a little juice diluted

with water in a cup with every meal to help with iron absorption, but

I'm also concerned that giving him so many beans and other high-fiber

foods are just filling him up too much. He doesn't get much fat in his

diet either (except for the milk and yogurt and soy butter). He is a

little slim for his age (between 25 and 50th percentile), but not

horribly so. But, being a first-time mom, I can't help but be



So, we're coming upon the 15-month mark when he will be going into

daycare 2 days per week and I have to worry about other people dealing

with his pickiness (and his propensity to catapult food far from his

tray if he disapproves). Otherwise, I would spoonfeed him more often to

get some more nutrition into him. Any suggestions for fun, tasty finger

foods that might appeal to a picky toddler? I've tried many methods to

get him to try new foods, and mix up all sorts of concoctions for him to

try (my DH calls me the mad veggie scientist). But I'm very open to

suggestions (BTW he has this aversion to certain white foods, such as

pasta, cheese, and tofu; and can't stand the texture of avocado --



Thanks in advance!


Pam, mommy to Ian Maxwell (13 1/2 months and counting!)

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