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Let me preface this by saying that I'm a single mom and my daughter's

father took off before she was born...so day care is not optional for

us if we want to eat, veg or otherwise. That said...

<rant> I picked up my daughter yesterday and one of the assistant

teachers slipped up and told me she had chicken noodle soup for lunch.

When I asked the head teacher, she acted like it wasn't that big of a

deal... she " just didn't really think of chicken as meat. " I thought

my head was going to explode and I let her know I was angry and I was

perhaps a trifle more sarcastic than the situation called for.

(Something along the lines of " well, when you want eggs do you pick

them off of your chicken plant? " ) I was torn between yelling and

crying. I want her to understand that in my mind she fed my child a

decomposing animal carcass and it's no different than if they had gone

out to the highway and picked up some road kill for lunch. Lucky for

her I'm non-violent because my impulse was to shake her until her

neurons made the dead animal= meat connection. And now I feel like a

terrible mom because I'm not around to protect my two-year-old (she's

just not old enough yet to say, " hey, this is a dead animal you're

giving me for lunch " ) and then I feel like a terrible mom because I'm

making her be different from all the other kids at pre-school. But I've

been veg for around 10 years and I did not make the decision lightly to

have a veg pregnancy and raise my daughter veg. I genuinely think it's

the healthiest thing for her and I think it's morally the right way to

go and fits in best with the values I have and want her to learn. And I

know, I'm preaching to the choir but I really needed to VENT! </rant>





Mom to Lucia, almost 2

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