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Vegan Nipple Cream

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Hi Tera,


I've nursed three babies (still nursing the last one, he's 4mos). The best

cream is actually no cream at all. Just express a little breast milk and spread

it around your nipple. That will take care of it. You also might want to check

the babies latch and positioning. The baby's lips should be flanged outward and

he should have some areola in there too, not just the nipple. For positioning

baby should be tummy to tummy with his ear, shoulder and hip all in line. Feel

free to email me directly if you want to talk about breastfeeding as what I

wrote is pretty simplified. I was a La Leche League Leader for 5yrs and have

been volunteering with the local breastfeeding support group here (there is no

LLL here) for the past 2yrs.






Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:57 AM

Vegan Nipple Cream



I had a 9 lb 3 oz vegan baby on Friday. He's amazing and healthy and likes to

eat alot and has made me sore, but all the nipple creams I have seen are made

from lanolin. Does anyone know of a vegan kind or any solutions?





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First of all, Congratulations! There are lots of ways to ease your discomfort.

First make sure that you are positioning baby correctly. He should be held close

and taking all of your areola into his mouth. If he's only taking part you may

need to pull down his bottom lip after he's latched on and push more in. Try

different positions like side lying and football holds to ease discomfort as

your nipples adjust. Try expressing a little milk and rubbing it onto your

nipples then letting them air dry (sounds like a laundry tip, but it is helpful)

I've also read tea bags and cabbage leaves can help. You're bound to have some

discomfort in the first days, but it should be easing up very soon. If it

persists or is really unbearable check with your local la leche league for more

help--don't give up.


My second son weighed 11 pounds at birth and was an eager eater (gained a pound

a week for the next 12 weeks) and I was also incredibly sore in the beginning. I

found positioning to be the most helpful. I'd put a couple of pillows on my lap

and put him on top to make it easier to hold him in tight. That was two babies

ago, but as I recall the soreness eased within the first couple of weeks.


I hope that helps.




Wednesday, September 19, 2001 10:57 PM

Vegan Nipple Cream



I had a 9 lb 3 oz vegan baby on Friday. He's amazing and healthy and likes to

eat alot and has made me sore, but all the nipple creams I have seen are made

from lanolin. Does anyone know of a vegan kind or any solutions?




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Tera asked:


<<all the nipple creams I have seen are made from lanolin. Does anyone

know of a vegan kind or any solutions?>>


The only one I found had peanut oil in place of the lanolin (forgot the

name, sorry, but it was relatively easy to find in stores....something

like " Masse " ). BE WARNED....my daughter developed a peanut allergy. I

cannot prove it came from early exposure while nursing (they say to

clean the cream off with soap and water before nursing, but of course

that's in some other world where one has time for such luxuries), but

that doesn't mean I'm willing to take the chance with my second baby.

And no, there's no prior record of food allergies in our gene pool. So,

I do suggest caution about using peanut oil for such a purpose.



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I had extremely sore cracked nipples no matter what position my daughter was

in or how she latched on (I have really pale sensative skin). My mother

recommended Vitamin E. If you can find those capsules that filled with Vit

E you can crack them open on the nipple. (Some of these I believe are not

vegan). But as I got more used to it expressed milk did help a lot.






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Congratulations. My midwife suggested St. John's Wort oil. I just looked

on the bottle and the only ingredients are the herb and olive oil. I

believe I found it at the health food store. It does have a warning to

nursing or pregnant women so check with your doc/midwife although my midwife

said that it was fine for baby to nurse even with the oil on the breast as

long as he didn't mind the taste and it wasn't too slippery. She was German

and said it was a very common cure there. Also, cabbage leaves helped

around the time my milk came in (just stuffed a few in my bra) but that

advice is probably too late. My real advice is that if the problem persists

do see a lactation consultant. I had bleeding and cracked nipples for

months (I did do all the repositioning, checking for a proper latch, etc.)

and nursing wasn't as enjoyable as I feel it would have been otherwise. I

have often kicked myself for not having gone to a lactation consultant right

off... Good luck to you.







> Vegan Nipple Cream

>Wed, 19 Sep 2001 23:57:40 EDT


>I had a 9 lb 3 oz vegan baby on Friday. He's amazing and healthy and likes


>eat alot and has made me sore, but all the nipple creams I have seen are


>from lanolin. Does anyone know of a vegan kind or any solutions?




>Visit: http://didi-mao.tripod.com, www.peta.com, www.fight4choice.com




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Dear tera,

A (pleasant) vegan remedy is to get some sun on your nipples. Also

when you wear a bra you should use for a while the disposable breast

pads: this is because the non-woven tissue is way better against your

nipple than the fabric (which makes little cuts and bruises), because

they keep the nipple dryer, and of course, because being disposable

they're sterile. when you dont need to wear a bra, leave them in the

open air. Also in the first weeks change the latching position as

much as possible (I mean, cradling position, football position, baby

over you, you over baby...) This will allow your nipple to be taken

in many orientation - thus reducing a lot the stress on any single

spot and making cracks very unlikely. You probably won't even need

any cream. email me if you wish more info.




> I had a 9 lb 3 oz vegan baby on Friday. He's amazing and healthy

and likes to

> eat alot and has made me sore, but all the nipple creams I have

seen are made

> from lanolin. Does anyone know of a vegan kind or any solutions?

> tera

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