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Clear DayI am so proud of my son - I can't believe this. Last night we were

at his grandpa Santo's house and Santo was heating up something in the

microwave. Jack, being curious as always, said " Papa, what are you

cooking? " And Papa said " I'm cooking some fish " and Jack said " WE DON'T

EAT FISH! " Papa said " Yes, I know " and Jack said " Why are you eating

fish? " and Papa said " Because I like it " . Jack didn't say another word. I

heard all of this from the living room and I was beaming. At three years

old, my son is getting it. He's soooooooo smart! I just love my son. Can

you tell?????


So, keep it up with your kids, everyone! It'll sink in - they're smart -

they'll learn! They'll make you proud!!!!! The main thing we tell our son

at this age is that animals are our friends and we don't eat our friends.

He was at his 3 year checkup the other day and the doctor asked him what his

favorite food was and I just assumed he'd say peanut butter and jelly (which

he asks for every day!) but he looked right at the doctor and said,

VEGETABLES!!!! Thatsa my veggie boy!!!!!!




Lynne Stornello









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Wow!!! I hope my daughter will get that too!!! Unfortunately dh eats sausages

and deli meat and likes to keep them in the house, and she's tempted by them

every now and then. Hopefully by next year she'll get as far as your son (she's





" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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