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Parents magazine

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In the current issue of Parents magazine, they have an

article on " tough questions kids ask. " One of them is

" why do we eat animals? " The responses suggested by

" Parents " include the dubious idea that humans have

always eaten animals.


Has anyone else read this article? Is it worth a

letter-writing campaign? Or should it just be

disregarded as more nonsense from a magazine that's

geared towards selling products.






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It is probably worth some letters...doesn't hurt to let them know there are

people out here that don't agree.




PS Do you have an email or snail mail address for Parents?

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I haven't read the article, but I will be writing a letter. I have a

subsrciption to parents and just haven't read it yet. Thanks for the heads up!

I would think they could have provided a much better answer!




Make a great connection at Personals.


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A similar issue was brought up on a veg website a few months ago, also in

response to a Parents magazine article. Many people on that discussion board

decided to write to the magazine and express their outrage. By all means, write

to them (if you wish, or email them from their website) and express your views.

They obviously need to get the point that not all parents choose to raise their

children to eat animals.

I haven't read the article, but thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll be

sending them a letter.


bike n veg <bike_n_veg wrote: In the current issue of Parents

magazine, they have an

article on " tough questions kids ask. " One of them is

" why do we eat animals? " The responses suggested by

" Parents " include the dubious idea that humans have

always eaten animals.


Has anyone else read this article? Is it worth a

letter-writing campaign? Or should it just be

disregarded as more nonsense from a magazine that's

geared towards selling products.






Make a great connection at Personals.





For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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> In the current issue of Parents magazine, they have an

> article on " tough questions kids ask. " One of them is

> " why do we eat animals

+++Hi Jeff,

I got 2 years of this catalog, woops I mean magazine when my baby was born.

I hardly ever look at it but since you brought this to my attention I will

definitely read the article.


~*~Mitzi, who bought her own subscription to Mothering magazine and loves


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In a message dated 10/25/2001 5:30:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> got 2 years of this catalog, woops I mean magazine when my baby was born.

> I hardly ever look at it but since you brought this to my attention I will

> definitely read the article.



I got suckered into American Baby, it is horrible!!! We shouldn't be

surprised about the article, it is a mainstream magazine and they print what

they think the majority of their readers want to read. Personally, I think

that both magazines are garbage!! My favorite parenting magazines are

Mothering and The Compleat Mother.


Colin's Ap Mama

A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

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> > +++I got 2 years of this catalog, woops I mean magazine when my baby was


> > I hardly ever look at it but since you brought this to my attention I


> > definitely read the article.

> I got suckered into American Baby, it is horrible!!! We shouldn't be

> surprised about the article, it is a mainstream magazine and they print


> they think the majority of their readers want to read. Personally, I


> that both magazines are garbage!! My favorite parenting magazines are

> Mothering and The Compleat Mother.

++++Hi Sara,

I don't care for them either. I love Mothering but have had some delivery

problems but re-d anyway. A sub for The Compleat mother is going

to be a Christmas gift to myself.

Glad to hear you are a AP mom. Me too! I am very proud of nursing my 19

month old Dd, in spite of reduction surgery many years ago.


Mommy to Haley 3/00

PCO article in Newsweek:


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In a message dated 11/2/2001 5:18:40 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> Glad to hear you are a AP mom. Me too! I am very proud of nursing my 19

> month old Dd, in spite of reduction surgery many years ago.



Cool. I am proudly still nursing my 23 month old (man, he is almost two, boo

hoo!). What state are you in?






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In a message dated 11/2/2001 5:18:40 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> A sub for The Compleat mother is going

> to be a Christmas gift to myself.



Oh, I love The Compleat Mother, some of the stuff is a bit radical (but so am

I) and has to really be thought about after being read. I read an article on

infant potty training (elimination timing) in there and at first I thought

that it was insane, now I think that it sounds like something worth trying.






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I'm an AP mom too! :) My kids are 9yrs, 6yrs and 6mos. I also help lead a

breastfeeding support group. I'm glad to hear that you could bf after reduction

surgery. I have had two moms in my group that were looking forward to bf but

could not due to damage from their reductions. They were just devastated. I

wish this would be brought up as a problem to young women before they have their

surgeries so that they could have the option of waiting until after they have



For me breastfeeding led to attachment parenting. Then I found a group of

likeminded individuals. In that group I got interested in whole foods and met a

couple vegetarians. From there I gained an interest in alternative medicine.

My naturopath suggested a vegan diet to improve my chronic asthma and from there

I did a lot of research on veg'nsm and decided it was best from an environmental

and ethical standpoint as well. So breastfeeding my babies, in short, brought

me to vegetarianism.




Dan & Mits

Thursday, November 01, 2001 7:48 PM

Re: Parents magazine




> > +++I got 2 years of this catalog, woops I mean magazine when my baby was


> > I hardly ever look at it but since you brought this to my attention I


> > definitely read the article.

> I got suckered into American Baby, it is horrible!!! We shouldn't be

> surprised about the article, it is a mainstream magazine and they print


> they think the majority of their readers want to read. Personally, I


> that both magazines are garbage!! My favorite parenting magazines are

> Mothering and The Compleat Mother.

++++Hi Sara,

I don't care for them either. I love Mothering but have had some delivery

problems but re-d anyway. A sub for The Compleat mother is going

to be a Christmas gift to myself.

Glad to hear you are a AP mom. Me too! I am very proud of nursing my 19

month old Dd, in spite of reduction surgery many years ago.


Mommy to Haley 3/00

PCO article in Newsweek:






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I'm a Mothing and Compleat Mother fan as well...never read the 'mainstream'

mags, but my husband's sister-in-law is having a baby any day now and I was

wondering if anyone has a parenting mag sub they suggest. They are VERY

mainstream (Southern Living is the mag I see around there house). They may

possibly get a sling or a Baby Bjorn though (we must be rubbing off on

them!) so I guess they aren't a complete lost cause. :-)




Linda (almost 30)

soulmate to Rob (39)

mom to Parker (born 2/00)

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>Oh, I love The Compleat Mother, some of the stuff is a bit radical (but so


>I) and has to really be thought about after being read. I read an article


>infant potty training (elimination timing) in there and at first I thought

>that it was insane, now I think that it sounds like something worth trying.






I have several friends who do EC (elimination communication) and we sort of

did it with our son. It really works well if you don't make it an issue.

Has anyone on the list read The Continuum Concept by Jean Leidloff? This

books talks about a tribe in South America and how they raise their

children. Very interesting and a lot of the people on the The Continuum

Concept list do EC. Hope this isn't too off topic.



Savoy, IL

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Hi Sara,

> Oh, I love The Compleat Mother

what is the Compleat mother?

I agree with Linda: you may like " the continuum concept " book by Jean

Liedloff and the mailinglists on continuum concept and elimination




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I've sent Mothering subscriptions to my main stream friends as baby

gifts thinking it might just open their eyes to some alternative ways of



Carmen in Switzerland


Linda Evans wrote:


> I'm a Mothing and Compleat Mother fan as well...never read the

> 'mainstream'

> mags, but my husband's sister-in-law is having a baby any day now and

> I was

> wondering if anyone has a parenting mag sub they suggest. They are


> mainstream (Southern Living is the mag I see around there house).

> They may

> possibly get a sling or a Baby Bjorn though (we must be rubbing off on


> them!) so I guess they aren't a complete lost cause. :-)


> Thanks,


> Linda (almost 30)

> soulmate to Rob (39)

> mom to Parker (born 2/00)




> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website

> at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families

> go to http://www.vrg.org/family.



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What's EC?




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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> > Glad to hear you are a AP mom. Me too! I am very proud of nursing my 19

> > month old Dd, in spite of reduction surgery many years ago.


> Cool. I am proudly still nursing my 23 month old (man, he is almost two,


> hoo!).

+++Do they grow fast or what?


What state are you in?

++++Washington, how about you?


Mommy to Haley 3/00

PCO article in Newsweek:


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> Oh, I love The Compleat Mother, some of the stuff is a bit radical (but so


> I)

+++Me too.


I read an article on

> infant potty training (elimination timing) in there and at first I thought

> that it was insane, now I think that it sounds like something worth


++++Is this where infants can be taught to use the toilet?


Mommy to Haley 3/00

PCO article in Newsweek:


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but my husband's sister-in-law is having a baby any day now and I was

> wondering if anyone has a parenting mag sub they suggest.

++++I don't have a mag to suggest but I think Dr Sear's The Baby Book makes

a great gift. I wish someone had bought it for me when I was pg. I later

found it at Goodwill for 55 cents...a steal. I will be giving this book to

a pg friend in Dec.


They may

> possibly get a sling or a Baby Bjorn though (we must be rubbing off on

> them!) so I guess they aren't a complete lost cause. :-)

+++LOL, before you know it they will be considering the family bed and

extended bf'g.


~*~Mitzi, who got her Maya Wrap late in the game and is trying to get Dd

used to it.

Mommy to Haley 3/00

PCO article in Newsweek:


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In a message dated 11/6/2001 5:20:24 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> +++Do they grow fast or what?


Boy, do they ever!!!




> What state are you in?

> ++++Washington, how about you?


I am in Michigan, pretty far from Washington.






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In a message dated 11/6/2001 5:21:06 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> ++++Is this where infants can be taught to use the toilet?



Kind of, but not the same. It is when the mother starts to become in tune

with the infant's cues as to when it needs to " eliminate " , the mother is then

supposed to take the infant and hold them over a sink or something and let

them go in it. It isn't real potty training, but it does get the infant used

to not being in a wet diaper and I read that it is also supposed to make

formal potty training easier. It is really fascinating. I am planning on

learning more and perhaps trying it with number two. Of course there is more

to it, what I described is just the short version.






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1 - the Maya is worth the adjustment period, I swear! I cuoldn't imagine

parentin w/o it!


2 - IMO, Mothering is ok for a ms parent. Great ídea!


Sandra, sah tandem bf ap mom,

Eva, hb on 11/15/98 AND

Raffi, hb on 5/21/01!!!


(please forgive typos, this message was composed on a palm pilot!)

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Here is a link to a website that explains it, we don't practice this but I

got this link through a cloth diapering list that I am on.








colinsapmama [colinsapmama]

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 12:52 PM

Re: Parents magazine



In a message dated 11/6/2001 5:21:06 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> ++++Is this where infants can be taught to use the toilet?



Kind of, but not the same. It is when the mother starts to become in tune

with the infant's cues as to when it needs to " eliminate " , the mother is


supposed to take the infant and hold them over a sink or something and let

them go in it. It isn't real potty training, but it does get the infant


to not being in a wet diaper and I read that it is also supposed to make

formal potty training easier. It is really fascinating. I am planning on

learning more and perhaps trying it with number two. Of course there is


to it, what I described is just the short version.





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Two great websites to read for Infant Potty Training/Natural Infant Hygiene

are: www.timl.com/ipt/ and www.natural-wisdom.com.

There is also a great egroup (called Elimination Communication) with about

100 parents discussing their daily sucesses and not so successes.


We started this method when our daughter was 5 months and she is now 16

months. This is the true answer to cloth vs. disposible and if everyone did

it it would save countless resourses and space in our landfills.


Good Luck!




Down to Earth Nomads in Quest of Future Civilization -





colinsapmama [colinsapmama]

Fri, November 02, 2001 3:25 PM


Re: Parents magazine



In a message dated 11/2/2001 5:18:40 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vegibrgr writes:



> A sub for The Compleat mother is going

> to be a Christmas gift to myself.



Oh, I love The Compleat Mother, some of the stuff is a bit radical (but so


I) and has to really be thought about after being read. I read an article


infant potty training (elimination timing) in there and at first I thought

that it was insane, now I think that it sounds like something worth trying.






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