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OT: IPT really EC

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Thanks for the link. My husband and I are trying to follow

attachement parenting toilet training of our three-year old son and

didn't know about this site by Dr. Sears. I am pregnant with our

second and have been researching IPT. I found a with

website resources that explained this very well. The term infant

potty training is really inaccurate. The is titled

elimination communication. This describes much better what is

actually going on than potty training. I have included the website as

well as an explanation from that site below.

Hope this explains it to everyone.



From http://seafish.freeyellow.com/index.html :



" Well, its a way of not putting your kids in diapers. When a baby is

born it signals its needs to eliminate just like it signals its needs

to eat, be held and to sleep. It is a normal part of mammal behaviour

to keep the nest clean - otherwise diseases may have a place to grow.

I don't know when European peoples started putting kids in diapers,

but communicating with children about elimination is the norm in most

of the world - China, Africa and Japan. Unfortunately this is

probably changing as western culture spreads. Elimination

communication involves a combination of noticing your baby's cues,

keeping track of how recently the baby eliminated and when the most

and least frequent times are. When the baby cues, you take the babe

to the best spot for you (we've use the sink, grass, a Baby Bjorn

potty, assorted shrubbery.....) and hold babe under the thighs in a

squat. Easy as that! "

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