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Threefold message..... sorry so long....

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Thank you Tanya for the recipes you shared in your

message Healthy Homemade Halloween goodies. I have

tried one so far and it was/is a winner!!!





A letter to Tanya from my DD Nadia (4 3/4 wise

years old)....Dictated to me to be included in my

thank you... for the recipes message. I simply asked

her if there is anything that she would like to tell





Dear Tanya,


I like the crackers, and, they're really good.

Thank you for the recipe.


From Nadia




(Note: this is her final draft from a letter that

simply said " I like it, and it's really good. " I told

her you may want to know what the " it " she was

talking about. Who she was talking to and who it was







In explaination to the two above...( I hope that I

don't bore anyone with the lengthy lead up but I feel

that it is important get the impact of my heartfelt



Today, was a good day.


I was productive in my quest to give my children a

more complete education.. and to expand upon the

lessons that my daughter is " supposed " to be learning

in preschool.


Nadia is a bright enthusiastic learner... when you

can keep her attention. This is pretty typical for her

age, however, she is ...(let me find one of the more

compasionate terms ) .... " strong-willed " ( beyond the

" norm " I believe). I, with a degree in Early and

Elementary Education and several years of experience

as a teacher of young children, find it very hard to

keep up with her. On top of that, she is very

intelligent. She has learned in her short life so many

of lifes important lessons... and really challenges me

to " play my " A " game " in parenting on a daily basis. I

feel that these qualities that she has will really

benefit her in life and she can/will/ and already has

really made a difference in the world .....

hopefully... I can help her to channel them into

positive directions.


I fully expect that in the future somebody somewhere

is going to recommend that I have her tested for ADD

and or ADHD or somthing else of the like... and if I

do... I also anticipate a recommendation for

medication and/or therapy. Let's just say I am not yet

up to that challenge, however I do forsee it being at

least brought up to me in our future at some point in



Daniel, my two year old, is starting to follow (

though in his own ways) and at a much earlier age than

Nadia to show many of these same qualities, and other

equally challenging traits.


I am blessed to have them. And honored to be their

mother. That said... I truely am challenged daily...

and I really struggle to be positive with and to them

as often as possible. ( I fear that I am not as strong

as they are... and certainly not as self confident.)

Most of all I struggle to keep up with their energy!

But I persevere... and so when I say that it was a

good day I really mean it!


Beyond all of that... today was a good day!!!


We completed many educational activities. Nadia

finished her " homework " of practicing writing upper

and lowercase F's and some extra H's as well. She also

finished the last page of one of her " Barbie

workbooks " which she loves to do and by my work with

her I know that she knows and can easily complete most

the activities in all the books ( which vary by book

to be geared for children preschool thru first

grade)at least her " good days " when she can focus on

them. We watched most of a full length movie together.

We did puzzles. Everyone napped ( at least a little).

We all had fun playing games on the computer using our

Elmo's preschool software. Daniel earned five stickers

for his chart reinforcing his using the toilet.

Tempers did not rise all that often today. And both of

them only came out of their rooms a couple of times at

bedtime ( that really is a " good day " thing). I know

that there is more...


But... the highlight of our day was our cooking.


Nadia is having a brown day in school tomorrow. She is

supposed to bring in a " brown bag snack " . The teacher

suggested sending in few cookies and a drink. (I tend

to think healthier than that..) And.... she is also

studying the letter h this week so I was trying to

come up with a good healthy snack that reinforces all

of these things.


We came up with Tanya's CHEEZY CRACKERS. How does that

relate you ask? Well, we used this recipe and cut out

H's, horses, and hearts to create what we are calling

HEALTHY " H " CRACKERS. ( with the exception of a couple

of teddy bears which Daniel had epressed interest in)

We were limited to the cookie cutters that we had on

hand, but I regret that I have yet to buy the house,

hand, and heart in hand cutters I have been eyeing ...

now I feel that I must(lol). Nadia was also glad that

they were brown. We of course tasted many of them and

they are really one of those " can't stop eatin' them "

snacks. We have been inspired by them and have

brainstormed many other possible occasions for making

them in various shapes and adaptations to the recipe.

( Nadia has expressed interest in creating our own

recipes for different kinds and flavors of crackers)

Oddly enough she suggested we come up with a recipe

for peanut butter crackers ( not the sandwich type we

are used to) and when we were done I was reading the

recipes again and found the PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE

CHIP COOKIES which sounds healthy as well and would

have also worked well. ( Maybe we will try them

thursday... her day off from preschool...so more



By the way, Nadia liked the crackers so much that she

wanted to share them with all of her classmates. She

later decided not to when she realized that the others

were only going to bring in a snack for

thenselves..not the whole class... but she still wants

to bring some for her teachers too.. and who knows by

tomorrow she may change her mind and give some to

everyone...I am prepared my just in case...

Soo.....TANYA, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! For giving us

the icing to our good day!


And to anyone who has managed to read through to the

end of this... thank you for giving us your time and





Debbie ^A^ ^A^ ^A^


( for any one not familiar ^A^ are angels flying over)






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I highly recommend the book, Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy

Kurchinka (sp?). It is excellent for kids who are " more " . My daughter was

definately in that category. It not only helped me see her traits as positive

and how to shape them in a positive way but it also explained my reactions to

the traits.




Abitof Mystique


Wednesday, November 14, 2001 2:01 AM

Threefold message..... sorry so long....




Thank you Tanya for the recipes you shared in your

message Healthy Homemade Halloween goodies. I have

tried one so far and it was/is a winner!!!





A letter to Tanya from my DD Nadia (4 3/4 wise

years old)....Dictated to me to be included in my

thank you... for the recipes message. I simply asked

her if there is anything that she would like to tell





Dear Tanya,


I like the crackers, and, they're really good.

Thank you for the recipe.


From Nadia




(Note: this is her final draft from a letter that

simply said " I like it, and it's really good. " I told

her you may want to know what the " it " she was

talking about. Who she was talking to and who it was







In explaination to the two above...( I hope that I

don't bore anyone with the lengthy lead up but I feel

that it is important get the impact of my heartfelt



Today, was a good day.


I was productive in my quest to give my children a

more complete education.. and to expand upon the

lessons that my daughter is " supposed " to be learning

in preschool.


Nadia is a bright enthusiastic learner... when you

can keep her attention. This is pretty typical for her

age, however, she is ...(let me find one of the more

compasionate terms ) .... " strong-willed " ( beyond the

" norm " I believe). I, with a degree in Early and

Elementary Education and several years of experience

as a teacher of young children, find it very hard to

keep up with her. On top of that, she is very

intelligent. She has learned in her short life so many

of lifes important lessons... and really challenges me

to " play my " A " game " in parenting on a daily basis. I

feel that these qualities that she has will really

benefit her in life and she can/will/ and already has

really made a difference in the world .....

hopefully... I can help her to channel them into

positive directions.


I fully expect that in the future somebody somewhere

is going to recommend that I have her tested for ADD

and or ADHD or somthing else of the like... and if I

do... I also anticipate a recommendation for

medication and/or therapy. Let's just say I am not yet

up to that challenge, however I do forsee it being at

least brought up to me in our future at some point in



Daniel, my two year old, is starting to follow (

though in his own ways) and at a much earlier age than

Nadia to show many of these same qualities, and other

equally challenging traits.


I am blessed to have them. And honored to be their

mother. That said... I truely am challenged daily...

and I really struggle to be positive with and to them

as often as possible. ( I fear that I am not as strong

as they are... and certainly not as self confident.)

Most of all I struggle to keep up with their energy!

But I persevere... and so when I say that it was a

good day I really mean it!


Beyond all of that... today was a good day!!!


We completed many educational activities. Nadia

finished her " homework " of practicing writing upper

and lowercase F's and some extra H's as well. She also

finished the last page of one of her " Barbie

workbooks " which she loves to do and by my work with

her I know that she knows and can easily complete most

the activities in all the books ( which vary by book

to be geared for children preschool thru first

grade)at least her " good days " when she can focus on

them. We watched most of a full length movie together.

We did puzzles. Everyone napped ( at least a little).

We all had fun playing games on the computer using our

Elmo's preschool software. Daniel earned five stickers

for his chart reinforcing his using the toilet.

Tempers did not rise all that often today. And both of

them only came out of their rooms a couple of times at

bedtime ( that really is a " good day " thing). I know

that there is more...


But... the highlight of our day was our cooking.


Nadia is having a brown day in school tomorrow. She is

supposed to bring in a " brown bag snack " . The teacher

suggested sending in few cookies and a drink. (I tend

to think healthier than that..) And.... she is also

studying the letter h this week so I was trying to

come up with a good healthy snack that reinforces all

of these things.


We came up with Tanya's CHEEZY CRACKERS. How does that

relate you ask? Well, we used this recipe and cut out

H's, horses, and hearts to create what we are calling

HEALTHY " H " CRACKERS. ( with the exception of a couple

of teddy bears which Daniel had epressed interest in)

We were limited to the cookie cutters that we had on

hand, but I regret that I have yet to buy the house,

hand, and heart in hand cutters I have been eyeing ...

now I feel that I must(lol). Nadia was also glad that

they were brown. We of course tasted many of them and

they are really one of those " can't stop eatin' them "

snacks. We have been inspired by them and have

brainstormed many other possible occasions for making

them in various shapes and adaptations to the recipe.

( Nadia has expressed interest in creating our own

recipes for different kinds and flavors of crackers)

Oddly enough she suggested we come up with a recipe

for peanut butter crackers ( not the sandwich type we

are used to) and when we were done I was reading the

recipes again and found the PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE

CHIP COOKIES which sounds healthy as well and would

have also worked well. ( Maybe we will try them

thursday... her day off from preschool...so more



By the way, Nadia liked the crackers so much that she

wanted to share them with all of her classmates. She

later decided not to when she realized that the others

were only going to bring in a snack for

thenselves..not the whole class... but she still wants

to bring some for her teachers too.. and who knows by

tomorrow she may change her mind and give some to

everyone...I am prepared my just in case...

Soo.....TANYA, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! For giving us

the icing to our good day!


And to anyone who has managed to read through to the

end of this... thank you for giving us your time and





Debbie ^A^ ^A^ ^A^


( for any one not familiar ^A^ are angels flying over)




Find the one for you at Personals




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Loved your long message, especially the message from Nadia...very cute! I

just had a couple thoughts and please realize this is coming from someone

who is going to 'unschool' at home and not send her son to any formal

schooling until he asks...I just mention this because it seems we may come

from different angles and I think you should know my bias.


That said there are a couple books that might help out with your day-to-day

trying to keep up with your wonderful children. 'Raising Your Spirited

Child' by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. I'm sure you are familiar with John Holt

since you have an education background, but I always like to reread 'How

Children Learn' by John Holt when I feel the need to direct my son's learning.


Also, I want to add...what makes you feel like you have to keep up with

your children? It is natural for them to have more energy so don't be too

hard on yourself. I find my best days are when I do my thing and my son

does his and we come together when we need to, but I don't expect him to

put his energy into my work and he doesn't expect me to put all my time

into his pursuits. We are together 24 hours a day 7 days a week, but we

still have our own lives. The days I try to keep up with him just end up

making me feel tired and old (I just turned 30). Just reading your post

made me tired! :-)


Thanks again for sharing your experiences!


Linda 30

ds Parker 21 mo.

dh Rob 39

Savoy, IL

vegan, AP/CC, unschoolers, organic gardeners, AR activists

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I second that recommendation. About a year and a half ago I ordered

that book from Amazon when my then just 5 year old son was more than I

could bear. It helped me so much...



US citizen living outside of Zurich, Switzerland

SAHM of Sam 6 1/2 and Aleksander 2 1/2


Jacqueline wrote:


> I highly recommend the book, Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary

> Sheedy Kurchinka (sp?). It is excellent for kids who are " more " . My

> daughter was definately in that category. It not only helped me see

> her traits as positive and how to shape them in a positive way but it

> also explained my reactions to the traits.


> Jacqueline




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In a message dated 11/15/2001 9:24:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jacq writes:



> I highly recommend the book, Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy

> Kurchinka (sp?). It is excellent for kids who are " more " .


I totally agree. I love this book. My son fits in with this book as well. I

still refer to it as he just turned 6 yrs. on the 6th!






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My daughter is 9yrs old and it is still relevant. :)





Friday, November 16, 2001 1:32 AM

Re: Threefold message..... sorry so long....



In a message dated 11/15/2001 9:24:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jacq writes:



> I highly recommend the book, Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy

> Kurchinka (sp?). It is excellent for kids who are " more " .


I totally agree. I love this book. My son fits in with this book as well. I

still refer to it as he just turned 6 yrs. on the 6th!





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