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IAMS - Pet Food Cruelty Exposed


This article appeared in the Sunday Express, 27 May 2001.

(national UK newspaper)


Exclusive By Lucy Johnston, Health Editor.


A major sponsor of Crufts dog show has carried out horrific experiments

on animals, it can be revealed today.


Thousands of weekend holiday visitors to the famous show at the NEC in

Birmingham will be shocked to learn the truth about IAMS, a pet food

made by Procter and Gamble.


The Sunday Express has uncovered damning evidence of gruesome tests

performed on dogs and cats during the development of the product, which

is being heavily promoted at the event. IAMS has also been backed by the


RSPCA - but after being told of our findings the animal welfare charity

said it would sever all ties.


Last night Crufts organisers launched their own investigation and were

considering removing a stand sponsored by Procter and Gamble. In

supermarkets and pet shops across Britain, IAMS is being marketed

as a breakthrough in animal health care and nutrition.


But our investigation as revealed that hundreds of animals suffered

incredible agony in experiments designed to perfect IAMS. A huge dossier


of research papers exposes how scientists deliberately induced kidney

failure and other conditions in dogs and cats. Some experiments involved


performing operations on healthy animals which were later killed.


Last night animal activists and MPs condemned the research.

Campaigner and comedy writer Carla Lane said:


" It is horrifying to think people are buying pet food that involves so

much experimentation. You don't have to harm animals to find out what's

good for them to eat. "


And Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker said:


" It's ironic to say the least that a company which purports to care for

animal is conducting abhorrent animal experiments behind closed doors.

Perhaps they should list their experiments on their labels and then see

how much they sell. "


Animal rights organisation Uncaged Campaigns is to stage a protest at

Crufts, distributing leaflets and waving banners highlighting " the

suffering behind the science " and urging a boycott.

Dan Lyons said:

" Even the people representing IAMS at the show are unlikely to know they


are promoting a company that inflicts pain and death on animals. Once

they see the evidence they will be as appalled as anyone else. "


The protest is likely to embarrass the show's organisers who boast a

star studded guest list, including Coronation Street's Roy Barraclough

(Alec Gilroy), actress Susan George and Eastenders Martin Kemp (Steve

Owen) and Pam St Clements (Pat Butcher).


Details of the experiments are buried in obscure scientific papers

uncovered by the Sunday Express and Uncaged Campaigns.

In one experiment, 24 young dogs had their right kidneys removed

and the left partly damaged to investigate how protein affects dogs

with kidney failure. Eight dogs were killed to analyse the kidney



Dogs which became sick were not treated because it would have

undermined the test results.

In another test, the stomachs of 28 cats were exposed so

scientists could analyse the effects of feeding them fibre. The

animals were operated on for at least two hours and then killed.


The research team sterilised 24 female cats, which were then over-fed

until they became obese. They were then starved on a crash diet and

when they had lost at least 30 per cent of their weight their livers


examined to investigate the link between weight loss and liver disease.

The company also sponsored research in which 14 husky puppies were

repeatedly injected with live virus vaccines and allergy-causing

proteins for the first 12 weeks of their lives. They developed permanent


illnesses in the test, which was designed to see how severely allergic

they could become.


Twelve huskies, 12 poodles and 12 labradors were regularly given chest

wounds to see if diet could affect fur regrowth. This was justified in

the study on the grounds that " dogs are enjoyable to touch and look

at... Dogs with coat problems are simply not handled as much. "


Dr Dan Cary, Director of technical communications for IAMS said

that his company cared about the welfare of animals. He justified

the scientific studies as being carried out to save pets from illnesses

and improve physical well-being. He said:


" Our mission is to enhance the health of dogs and cats. We take their

welfare extremely seriously during the studies and don't enter into

research lightly. All our studies have to be valid science and we have

to be sure they are never repeated as it is wasteful of animal time. "

--- end ---





Please contact IAMS to DEMAND that they STOP

the disgusting animal experiments immidiately. Or will advise

all of the friends and members to stop buying IAMS pet foods.





A: EMAIL: customer.service (@iams.com )

E-Mail: IAMS (@siberhegner.com )


In US, please call the Iams Company at :

7250 Poe Avenue - Dayton, Ohio 45414

Phone: (800) 525-4267

Fax: (937) 264-7264



B: Write to your local media and national media :

To tell them that IAMS experiment cruelly on animals:

http://capwiz.com/wa/dbq/media/ , then enter your zip code

if you live in USA.



More Important info on Animals Testing :


a: " Uncaged Campaigns " , Click here to get contact information :


Email: uncaged.anti-viv (@dial.pipex.com )


b: http://www.shacusa.net in U.S.A.

Then click left side " Calendar of Events " .

Please JOIN them , if you can. thanks.





Special recommendation on healthy Vegetarian Pet food :

Nearly all pet foods in the commercial stores contains randered

animals from cats, dogs , cattle, pigs etc. For more info, click:

http://www.vegancats.com/ ,

Then , please click left side " FAQ " to get more info on pet foods.


To order healthy vegetarian pet foods or questions, please contact:

(if you mention PETA refered, they may have small donation to PETA).


Tel: 1-800-659-0104 or 1-877-376-9056

Email: vegancats (@home.com )


Please recommend Veggie pet foods to your members, friends and

let your local media know the problems with commercial Pet Foods

on the shelf. You may just copy some articles from above

Vegancats.com and email to ALL of your local media :

http://capwiz.com/wa/dbq/media/ , (enter your zip code in USA.)






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IAMS - Pet Food Cruelty Exposed


This article appeared in the Sunday Express, 27 May 2001.

(national UK newspaper)


Exclusive By Lucy Johnston, Health Editor.


A major sponsor of Crufts dog show has carried out horrific experiments

on animals, it can be revealed today.


Thousands of weekend holiday visitors to the famous show at the NEC in

Birmingham will be shocked to learn the truth about IAMS, a pet food

made by Procter and Gamble.


The Sunday Express has uncovered damning evidence of gruesome tests

performed on dogs and cats during the development of the product, which

is being heavily promoted at the event. IAMS has also been backed by the


RSPCA - but after being told of our findings the animal welfare charity

said it would sever all ties.


Last night Crufts organisers launched their own investigation and were

considering removing a stand sponsored by Procter and Gamble. In

supermarkets and pet shops across Britain, IAMS is being marketed

as a breakthrough in animal health care and nutrition.


But our investigation as revealed that hundreds of animals suffered

incredible agony in experiments designed to perfect IAMS. A huge dossier


of research papers exposes how scientists deliberately induced kidney

failure and other conditions in dogs and cats. Some experiments involved


performing operations on healthy animals which were later killed.


Last night animal activists and MPs condemned the research.

Campaigner and comedy writer Carla Lane said:


" It is horrifying to think people are buying pet food that involves so

much experimentation. You don't have to harm animals to find out what's

good for them to eat. "


And Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker said:


" It's ironic to say the least that a company which purports to care for

animal is conducting abhorrent animal experiments behind closed doors.

Perhaps they should list their experiments on their labels and then see

how much they sell. "


Animal rights organisation Uncaged Campaigns is to stage a protest at

Crufts, distributing leaflets and waving banners highlighting " the

suffering behind the science " and urging a boycott.

Dan Lyons said:

" Even the people representing IAMS at the show are unlikely to know they


are promoting a company that inflicts pain and death on animals. Once

they see the evidence they will be as appalled as anyone else. "


The protest is likely to embarrass the show's organisers who boast a

star studded guest list, including Coronation Street's Roy Barraclough

(Alec Gilroy), actress Susan George and Eastenders Martin Kemp (Steve

Owen) and Pam St Clements (Pat Butcher).


Details of the experiments are buried in obscure scientific papers

uncovered by the Sunday Express and Uncaged Campaigns.

In one experiment, 24 young dogs had their right kidneys removed

and the left partly damaged to investigate how protein affects dogs

with kidney failure. Eight dogs were killed to analyse the kidney



Dogs which became sick were not treated because it would have

undermined the test results.

In another test, the stomachs of 28 cats were exposed so

scientists could analyse the effects of feeding them fibre. The

animals were operated on for at least two hours and then killed.


The research team sterilised 24 female cats, which were then over-fed

until they became obese. They were then starved on a crash diet and

when they had lost at least 30 per cent of their weight their livers


examined to investigate the link between weight loss and liver disease.

The company also sponsored research in which 14 husky puppies were

repeatedly injected with live virus vaccines and allergy-causing

proteins for the first 12 weeks of their lives. They developed permanent


illnesses in the test, which was designed to see how severely allergic

they could become.


Twelve huskies, 12 poodles and 12 labradors were regularly given chest

wounds to see if diet could affect fur regrowth. This was justified in

the study on the grounds that " dogs are enjoyable to touch and look

at... Dogs with coat problems are simply not handled as much. "


Dr Dan Cary, Director of technical communications for IAMS said

that his company cared about the welfare of animals. He justified

the scientific studies as being carried out to save pets from illnesses

and improve physical well-being. He said:


" Our mission is to enhance the health of dogs and cats. We take their

welfare extremely seriously during the studies and don't enter into

research lightly. All our studies have to be valid science and we have

to be sure they are never repeated as it is wasteful of animal time. "

--- end ---





Please contact IAMS to DEMAND that they STOP

the disgusting animal experiments immidiately. Or will advise

all of the friends and members to stop buying IAMS pet foods.





A: EMAIL: customer.service (@iams.com )

E-Mail: IAMS (@siberhegner.com )


In US, please call the Iams Company at :

7250 Poe Avenue - Dayton, Ohio 45414

Phone: (800) 525-4267

Fax: (937) 264-7264



B: Write to your local media and national media :

To tell them that IAMS experiment cruelly on animals:

http://capwiz.com/wa/dbq/media/ , then enter your zip code

if you live in USA.



More Important info on Animals Testing :


a: " Uncaged Campaigns " , Click here to get contact information :


Email: uncaged.anti-viv (@dial.pipex.com )


b: http://www.shacusa.net in U.S.A.

Then click left side " Calendar of Events " .

Please JOIN them , if you can. thanks.





Special recommendation on healthy Vegetarian Pet food :

Nearly all pet foods in the commercial stores contains randered

animals from cats, dogs , cattle, pigs etc. For more info, click:

http://www.vegancats.com/ ,

Then , please click left side " FAQ " to get more info on pet foods.


To order healthy vegetarian pet foods or questions, please contact:

(if you mention PETA refered, they may have small donation to PETA).


Tel: 1-800-659-0104 or 1-877-376-9056

Email: vegancats (@home.com )


Please recommend Veggie pet foods to your members, friends and

let your local media know the problems with commercial Pet Foods

on the shelf. You may just copy some articles from above

Vegancats.com and email to ALL of your local media :

http://capwiz.com/wa/dbq/media/ , (enter your zip code in USA.)






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