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Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians: Encourages Faithful Vegetarianism

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They surely seem to like to keep things secret until their LAUNCH date,

but this is EXACTLY the type of thing that I was trying to develop at


Apparently they prefer the Faithweb portal, which IMO is excellent.



IMO, too, this is where Stephen Kaufman belongs, in a movement standing BETWEEN

the ethical and religious movements, where I personally find myself.


Maynard S. Clark


Elaine <bchpiggies wrote:

Thanks for the responses on the targeted message... Maynard, I am still sifting

through all the good info you passed along!






The Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV), an interfaith coalition

of religious groups and activists, has launched an international campaign

encouraging religious communities to address diet-related concerns.


Their goal is to make religious communities aware that the realities of

animal-based diets and agriculture are inconsistent with basic religious

teachings, such as those to preserve our health, treat animals with compassion,

protect the environment, conserve natural resources, reduce hunger, and pursue

peace and nonviolence. SERV believes that applying spiritual values to

scientific knowledge encourages plant-based diets that will lead to a more

humane, just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world.


SERV does not aim to replace any religious vegetarian groups, but hopes to help

all such groups and promote the strong teachings in every religion that point to

vegetarianism as the ideal diet today. Speakers and publications will be

available to explain why a shift toward plant-centered diets is both a spiritual

and a societal imperative. SERV has prepared a bibliography that includes

vegetarian writings from all the major faiths and will use it to further their



" People do not recognize how our diets impact the world around us, as well as

our own health, " says SERV co-founder Richard Schwartz.


" Religious leaders need to understand the importance of plant-based nutrition,


they need to teach their congregations how to eat healthy diets that use less

resources and are better for the environment. "


Carol J. Adams, a SERV spokesperson, agrees. " You are what you eat, " she says.

" Our meat-based culture is killing us, as well as the world around us.


It's also not helping animals, our sense of ethics, or our spirituality. "

Among the initial leaders of SERV are the following vegetarian and animal rights

authors and activists: Carol J. Adams (Author, The Sexual Politics of Meat and

The Inner Art of Vegetarianism (trilogy)), Keith Akers (Author, Vegetarian

Sourcebook and The Lost Religion of Jesus), Nathan Braun (Founder, Christian

Vegetarian Association; Co-author, Good News for All Creation: Vegetarianism as

Christian Stewardship), Bruce Friedrich

(vegetarian coordinator, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Roberta

Kalechofsky (Founder and Director, Jews for Animal Rights and Micah Books;

author, Vegetarian Judaism), Stephen R. Kaufman (Co-author, Good News for All

Creation: Vegetarianism as Christian Stewardship), Reverend Andrew Linzey

(author of many books on Christianity and vegetarianism), Norm Phelps (Author,

Love For All Creatures: Frequently Asked Questions About the Bible and Animal

Rights), Lewis Regenstein (Author of Replenish the Earth: A History of Organized

Religion's Treatment of Animals and Nature), Richard H. Schwartz (Author,

Judaism and Vegetarianism and Judaism and Global Survival), and Richard Young

(Author, Is God a Vegetarian? Christianity,

Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights). SERV expects to add many more leading


vegetarian activists, as it strives for a very diverse group, involving

representatives of all the major religions.


While vegetarianism has long been associated with New Age, Buddhist, and Hindu

beliefs, increasingly Christians, Jews, and Muslims are also embracing

plant-based diets. For example, an International Jewish Vegetarian Society has

existed since 1964, and maintains Jewish Vegetarian Centers in Jerusalem and

London. There is also a recently formed Christian Vegetarian Association, with a

campaign asking " What Would Jesus Eat...Today? " Increasingly, religious leaders

are recognizing diets' role in health, hunger, and environmental problems.


SERV's initial efforts include (in addition to the bibliography of

religion-based writings) compiling a list of web sites with religious teachings

on vegetarianism, compiling a set of religious vegetarian-related quotations,

and setting up a web site (a start has been made at http://serv.faithweb.com).

They are also respectfully challenging religious establishments to seriously

consider putting vegetarianism squarely on their agendas.


Richard H. Schwartz

Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, College of Staten Island

2800 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10314, Room 1S-106

Author of Judaism and Vegetarianism, Judaism and Global Survival, and

Mathematics and Global Survival

Phone: 718-761-5876 FAX: (718) 982-3631

Over 100 articles on the Internet at http://jewishveg.com/schwartz


" We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. "

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)



December 29, 2001

Contact person: Richard H. Schwartz (rschw12345)

Phone (718) 761-5876; Fax: (718) 982-3631.

Web site: http://serv.faithweb.com






The Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV), an interfaith coalition

of religious groups and activists, has launched an international campaign

encouraging religious communities to address diet-related concerns.


Their goal is to make religious communities aware that the realities of

animal-based diets and agriculture are inconsistent with basic religious

teachings, such as those to preserve our health, treat animals with compassion,

protect the environment, conserve natural resources, reduce hunger, and pursue

peace and nonviolence. SERV believes that applying spiritual values to

scientific knowledge encourages plant-based diets that will lead to a more

humane, just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world.


SERV does not aim to replace any religious vegetarian groups, but hopes to help

all such groups and promote the strong teachings in every religion that point to

vegetarianism as the ideal diet today. Speakers and publications will be

available to explain why a shift toward plant-centered diets is both a spiritual

and a societal imperative. SERV has prepared a bibliography that includes

vegetarian writings from all the major faiths and will use it to further their



" People do not recognize how our diets impact the world around us, as well as

our own health, " says SERV co-founder Richard Schwartz. " Religious leaders need

to understand the importance of plant-based nutrition, and they need to teach

their congregations how to eat healthy diets that use less resources and are

better for the environment. "


Carol J. Adams, a SERV spokesperson, agrees. " You are what you eat, " she says.

" Our meat-based culture is killing us, as well as the world around us.

It's also not helping animals, our sense of ethics, or our spirituality. "


Among the initial leaders of SERV are the following vegetarian and animal rights

authors and activists: Carol J. Adams (Author, The Sexual Politics of Meat and

The Inner Art of Vegetarianism (trilogy)), Keith Akers (Author, Vegetarian

Sourcebook and The Lost Religion of Jesus), Nathan Braun (Founder, Christian

Vegetarian Association; Co-author, Good News for All Creation: Vegetarianism as

Christian Stewardship), Bruce Friedrich (vegetarian coordinator, People for the

Ethical Treatment of Animals), Roberta Kalechofsky (Founder and Director, Jews

for Animal Rights and Micah Books; author, Vegetarian Judaism), Stephen R.

Kaufman (Co-author, Good News for All Creation: Vegetarianism as Christian

Stewardship), Reverend Andrew Linzey (author of many books on Christianity and

vegetarianism), Norm Phelps (Author, Love For All Creatures: Frequently Asked

Questions About the Bible and Animal Rights), Lewis Regenstein (Author of

Replenish the Earth: A History of Organized Religion’s Treatment of Animals

and Nature), Richard H. Schwartz (Author, Judaism and Vegetarianism and Judaism

and Global Survival), and Richard Young (Author, Is God a Vegetarian?

Christianity, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights). SERV expects to add many more

leading religious vegetarian activists, as it strives for a very diverse group,

involving representatives of all the major religions.


While vegetarianism has long been associated with New Age, Buddhist, and Hindu

beliefs, increasingly Christians, Jews, and Muslims are also embracing

plant-based diets. For example, an International Jewish Vegetarian Society has

existed since 1964, and maintains Jewish Vegetarian Centers in Jerusalem and

London. There is also a recently formed Christian Vegetarian Association, with a

campaign asking " What Would Jesus Eat...Today? " Increasingly, religious leaders

are recognizing diets' role in health, hunger, and environmental problems.


SERV's initial efforts include (in addition to the bibliography of

religion-based writings) compiling a list of web sites with religious teachings

on vegetarianism, compiling a set of religious vegetarian-related quotations,

and setting up a web site (a start has been made at

http://serv.faithweb.com). They are also respectfully challenging religious

establishments to seriously consider putting vegetarianism squarely on their



Richard H. Schwartz

Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, College of Staten Island

2800 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10314, Room 1S-106

Author of Judaism and Vegetarianism, Judaism and Global Survival, and

Mathematics and Global Survival

Phone: (718) 761-5876 FAX: (718) 982-3631

Over 100 articles on the Internet at http://jewishveg.com/schwartz






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