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Digest Number 318

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I took prenatal vitamins with both my children.

With my second child I took a multi-vitamin with

folic acid before I was pregnant because we were

trying to conceive. I had one ultrasound with

each child and did only the basic tests that only

called for a sample of my blood. I skipped the

amnio, no needles going near my unborn children.

Both my children were born healthy and continue

to be healthy. Just eat well and remember that

no matter what you will love your child. Also

see a doctor that you are comfortable with and

that understands your lifestyle.


--- wrote:


> Mon, 7 Jan 2002 14:46:12 +0000

> Jakqui Remec <jak.remec

> Introduction


> I wanted to ask the group members, especially

> vegan ones, whether they took

> folic acid and B12

> during pregnancy, especially before pregnancy

> and during first 12 weeks. The

> reason I ask is because in first 12 weeks I had

> ongoing nausea and my

> nutrition wasn't amazing (although had a lot of

> fruit) because I went off

> nearly all foods. I had the B-complex vitamin

> tablets, but to even put one of

> those yucky tasting pills in my mouth for an

> instant was too much to bear

> most of the time, so I didn't take them that

> often. I wanted to know if any

> of you (or if you know of others similarly) had

> a similar experience where

> you didn't take the folic acid and B12 during

> those first weeks and whether

> your babies were healthy? I'm a bit paranoid

> that because of not taking the

> vitamins I might now have a baby with

> disabilities, like a NTD. It would be

> reassuring to know that babies coming from a

> similar scenario were born

> healthy, but equally I would like to hear if

> that wasn't the case. I'm due to

> have my 20 week scan next Thursday, I was going

> to try and avoid having it,

> like I did the 15 week scan (due to hearing of

> suspected risks to babies from

> ultrasound) but now am feeling so nervous about

> the above that I'm

> considering having it.


> Kindest Best Wishes,


> Huria



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Hi! I'd like to respond to Huria regarding the B12 and Folic Acid during

the first few weeks of pregnancy. With my second child, I was vomiting

several times a day so I'm sure my nutrition was very lacking. I think, as

long as you are not showing any signs of deficiency, you will have enough

stored to provide for a tiny fetus. My OB/GYN was awesome (he's from

Belgium) and told me (when I asked him about being vegan and pregnant) to

think of the baby as a " parasite " . Not a pleasant thought, exactly, but his

point was that the baby will get everything he/she needs first. Any

nutritional deficiencies would manifest in the mother first. He also

reassured me that my diet was healthier than the alternative. Consequently,

I have two healthy, strong vegan daughters (ages 5 1/2 and 3) and I've been

a strict vegan for 12 years. I don't know that our situations are exactly

the same but I would think your baby is fine. I would consider getting the

ultrasound, though, if you're going to be really worried. I remember being

a little worried too because I didn't know of any other vegan pregnancies.

Now it seems like no big deal. Hope this helps a little :)






> Digest Number 318

>8 Jan 2002 18:31:05 -0000


>For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

>http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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Arnold's is located in Lansdale, PA. I live in Columbia and it takes me around 2 1/2 hours to get up there depending on traffic. I think Arnold's website has directions - but don't have time to find it right now. It should be listed on some old posts.




Nancy Parlette Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator (410) 531-2410 pnparlette



Mike Wesson [wessonmj] Monday, November 08, 2004 10:08 PM Subject: Re: Digest Number 318

....the conference sounds nice...where is arnolds's (what town/city)...the price seems steep, but where there's a will....




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