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Heifer International

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Dear group members,

Heifer International is a Christian organization that " helps "

impoverished people by giving them animals to use for agriculture. To

date they have " donated " 4 million animals -- including cows, goats,

chickens, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits, ducks, llamas, and buffalo --

to people in 115 countries. Their program has attracted high praise

from influential publications such as The Washington Post, The

Houston Chronicle and TIME Magazine, as well as support from a host

of celebrities, including Jimmy Carter, Susan Sarandon, and Ed Asner.


Potential supporters are encouraged to browse through Heifer's " Gift

Catalog " for an animal or animals to " purchase " , or, if they're super

keen, to organize a " Living Gift Market " (see below).


Anyway, given that animal agriculture (even small scale) is notorious

for contributing to soil erosion, soil degradation, deforestation,

desertification, water contamination, water depletion, ozone layer

depletion, global warming, a host of degenerative diseases, and, last

but not least, the exploitation, suffering and death of animals, I

find the Heifer initiative one of the most digressive, misinformed,

and misdirected " charitable " programs I have ever seen. For this

reason I am asking you, if you also find this program disturbing, to

contact Heifer International and let them know how you feel.


URL: www.heifer.org

Email: info

Phone: (800) 422-0474


Thanks for your consideration..





From their web site:



Living Gift Market


Celebrate the True Meaning of Christmas with One!


A Living Gift Market is an alternative way for members of your

congregation to shop for friends and family & #8249; while helping to end

world hunger. At the Market, shoppers " buy " alternative gifts of

animals, such as chicks, goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs, fish, bees and

heifers. These animals, along with training in their care, are then

given to low-income families around the world.


A typical Market is held in a large room, such as the fellowship

hall, or outside. Tables or booths representing different animals are

prepared by various groups or classes. Some folks have dressed as

rabbits; others bring in live animals such as goats, sheep and

chicks. Imagination is the only limit!


Shoppers " buy " an animal in honor of a friend or relative and send

the recipient an attractive card describing the gift of hope being

given in his or her name.




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Has anyone done any research on Heifer International?

I was recently added to their database and now receive

their catalog on a quarterly basis. I'm conduting

several experiments involving the sale of personal

information. Utne Reader sold my name to several

database companies, most of which turn around and

sell my name to even more database companies. I'm

certain that Heifer was in the loop.


The catalog is full of photos of animals and smiling

kids in third world countries.





> --- Claudia Delman <cdelman wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > > Please forward...

> > >

> > >

> > > Their default message: " I invite you to join me

> > in fighting famine in

> > > Afghanistan. Go to Oxygen.com and learn how you

> > can make a difference. "

> > >

> > > My message: " Go to Oxygen.com and voice your

> > disgust with this

> > sponsorship. "

> > > ---------

> > > Send A Chick To Afghanistan

> > >

> >



> > >

> >

> >

> >





> Send FREE video emails in Mail!

> http://promo./videomail/






Send FREE video emails in Mail!


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> I don't think complaining to Heifer will accomplish much -- I would focus on

> trying to enlighten any companies/media outlets that support them.


Animal rights activists have been contacting heifer to tell them that animal

agriculture is not sustainable for many years.


Activists should be aware that some animals can be fed scraps and inedible

plant matter that humans can't use which makes small-scale animal

agriculture more sustainable. In the U.S. (and in much of the world), not

much animal ag is done this way. Instead, animals are fed grains that humans

could either eat directly or upon land which humans could grow other food.


When people contact them, they shouldn't just assume that animal ag in any

form isn't sustainable, or your comments probably won't be taken seriously.

If anyone has analyzed what Heifer Project does in detail, I'd be interested

to see more about it.


It does seem that there could be a better way to feed people. Instead of

shipping them animals, you could ship them food, but that would mean

shipping them food on an ongoing basis which could be very expensive. It

doesn't seem like their land can grow enough food for them to eat or they

wouldn't be in their situation to begin with.





4622 Cowell Blvd

Davis, CA 95616






Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test, consists of its attitude

towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect humankind

has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others

stem from it.

- Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

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I've heard stuff 'bout Heifer before, but never bothered to look too much

into it -- i'm not sure how much misinformation I can handle all at once without

getting too frustrated. But I did take a look at their website, which

prettymuch confirmed my preconceptions. It looks like these people could really

use a lesson in sustainable agriculture. Their time would be better spent

helping these people learn to harvest their own fruits, nuts and vegetables.

There's plenty of evidence that a plant-based diet can support a lot more people

and is far healthier, so why waste valuable resources feeding livestock?


I don't think complaining to Heifer will accomplish much -- I would focus on

trying to enlighten any companies/media outlets that support them.



- Carla Brauer


AIM: Herbivore 4 Life


" You must be the change you want to see in the world. " (Gandhi)

.... so, what are you waiting for?


caft.org | vegan.org | idausa.org | envirolink.org | animalliberation.net |

indymedia.org | earthfirst.org | purefood.org | kpfa.org | living-foods.com |

projectcensored.org | ran.org | gwbush.com | thehactivist.com | infoshop.org |

adbusters.org | primatefreedom.com | bankofamericaKills.com | furkills.org |




Vegan Dolphin

Tuesday, January 22, 2002 7:49 PM

Re: Heifer International



Has anyone done any research on Heifer International?

I was recently added to their database and now receive

their catalog on a quarterly basis. I'm conduting

several experiments involving the sale of personal

information. Utne Reader sold my name to several

database companies, most of which turn around and

sell my name to even more database companies. I'm

certain that Heifer was in the loop.


The catalog is full of photos of animals and smiling

kids in third world countries.





> --- Claudia Delman <cdelman wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > > Please forward...

> > >

> > >

> > > Their default message: " I invite you to join me

> > in fighting famine in

> > > Afghanistan. Go to Oxygen.com and learn how you

> > can make a difference. "

> > >

> > > My message: " Go to Oxygen.com and voice your

> > disgust with this

> > sponsorship. "

> > > ---------

> > > Send A Chick To Afghanistan

> > >

> >



> > >

> >

> >

> >





> Send FREE video emails in Mail!

> http://promo./videomail/




Send FREE video emails in Mail!



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