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I'm just checking in with all of you who gave me

advice on my weight loss and cholesterol. Since I cut

out the processed carbs and really watched what I ate

AND upped (is that a word?) my exercise to 2 hours a

day. I have been losing 1-2 pounds a week. I

sometimes miss my breads and starchy pasta, but if

really reducung my intake of it helps me lose this

weight, I am all for it.


So thanks for the advice, and maybe one day I can help

one of you!


By the way, I just had my cholesterol re-checked on

Sat., but don't have the results yet...








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Hi Karen!


Wow, 2 hours a day? What do you do? My aerobics sessions usually last 30-45

minutes, while I can definitely take longer for toning sessions.


Did you eliminate all bread and pasta, or only the white ones? What else? Could

you tell me what a typical daily menu is for you? I am also working on losing

weight and any input is appreciated.





" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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My workout schedule is pretty close to the

following...One thing you should note is before I had

my son I was running marathons and doing triathlons,

so the workingout part is easy..infact if I don't do

it I feel lousy.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday

5:30-6:30am Swim on Master's Swim Team

9:00-9:15am 15 minute abs

12:00-1:00pm TaeBo (I know sort of corny, but I enjoy


8:00-8:30 or 9:00pm run on treadmill


Tuesday, Thursday

5:30-6:00am Stairmaster

9:00-9:15am 15 Buns workout

12:00-1:00pm Weights (I try to hit every major muscle


8:00-9:00pm run on treadmill (I would like to get up

to a two hour run, but I am just not there yet.)



6:00am-7:00am run on treadmill

1:00-1:45pm Pilates video tape


I do work full time, but luckily they have a workout

room here, so I can workout over lunch and on 15

minute breaks (that one I need to sneak in)


A typical days meals looks something like this...



Smoothie (tofu, 1c juice, 1c frozen strawberries, 1

banana, protein powder)



Cliff bar or fruit



Leafy green salad

source of protein (I try to get about 20g for lunch)




celery and peanut butter

veggies and dip...whatever I have on hand



depends on the day, but for sure a salad and steamed

veggie, and then the main course (could be stew or

stir fry...)


I do not eat anything after supper (I have an active

two year old, so I am quite busy with him until he

goes to bed) Yes, I did give up starchy carbs, bread,

pasta, etc. I know people would disagree, but I have

not been able to make the weight budge until now when

I cut them out. I also drink plenty of water.

Basically I am trying to follow the 40-30-30 rule. I

have a friend who is a exercise physiologist, and she

told me the body does not begin to burn fat stores

until after 40 minutes of cardio, therefore I try to

get in at least 45 minutes at any one time.


Sorry this is so long, I didn't mean for it to be this

long. Good luck, and believe me I know how hard it

can be to lose weight. I am still hoping I continue

to lose, even if it's slow going.











Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!


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Thanks Karen, that's very helpful! I actually should be following a similar

schedule, except I am not a big eater in the morning so I'll have fruit in the

morning and salad and some protein for lunch. Thanks again!




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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