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Myths of Vegetarianism article

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Thanks for forwarding the link to this article. The

author does identify some genuine myths relating to

vegetarianism, but for the most part the rantings of

" Dr. Byrnes " * are not very credible.


He lost any real credibility at the very beginning of

his article by claiming that a vegetarian diet causes

miscarriages, which he says is due to vegetarians'

chronic deficiency in vitamin A. I'd like to see the

study that supports that claim. To his credit, " Dr.

Byrnes " * has a link to a rebuttal of his various



For a much better debate on nutrition issues, take a

look at the transcript of the " Great Nutrition Debate "

sponsored by the USDA:




The debate included such polar opposites as Dr. Atkins

and Dr. Ornish. In fact, for real rebuttal of " Dr.

Byrnes' " * article, read Dean Ornish's comments

beginning at page 87 of the transcript.




* It appears that " Dr. Byrnes " is not an M.D. He has

a Ph.D. (not clear in what) and calls himself a

" Natural Therapist & Registered Nutritional Consultant. "




Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!


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