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losing too much weight ATTN:LINDA EVANS

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Linda, thanks for responding.My son just turned a year old.It has been a

constant downslide with my wieght, I though it had tapered off around Christmas

time but I've lost 8 more lbs since then.I don't feel ill, tired, yes, but I

assume that's just normal new mom tiredness.I feel like my milk supply has

droppped for a few reasons, one my overall breast size is considerably

smaller,I don't get full or engorged feeling after even 5-6hrs without my son

nursing, and when I pump if I think I have some milk there, I never get more

than 4 ounces total.Again, thanks for your help!I'd love to hear anything else

you have to say.I wanted to go vegan but now I'm afraid to now for fear I'll

lose more weight.





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I pumped for a week when my son was first born, then I

pumped several times for different friends who were

having trouble with breastfeeding. I've never been

able to pump much since that first week. My son was

exclusively breastfed for nine months and grew

wonderfully. He still nurses at 2 yr old and seems to

get plenty. I nursed a friend's newborn two months

ago while she was on meds and he acted full, but I was

unable to get much at all pumping. I would say how

much you get pumping doesn't mean a lot about your

supply. Pumping is very different than a one year old

nursing. You could contact your local LLL group if

you need more info on this.


As far as your breast size changing...this happened to

me too. If my toddler goes a long time (8 hours or

so) without nursing they get full again, but most of

the time he is pretty thorough. :-)


I'm vegan and was for years prior to my pregnancy. I

never used a stroller so I was always carrying my son

in a sling...this really burned a lot of calories as

well. When my son started walking on his own more (he

still gets in the sling once in a while) I noticed I

wasn't burning the calories as I did before.


When I originally went vegan I gained 10 lbs and I

have lots of friends who are vegan who are not

overweight, but certainly they could stand to lose a

couple pounds. Going vegan doesn't mean you'll lose

weight automatically.


If you feel healthy and you know you are eating a

variety of whole foods then I wouldn't worry too much

about your weight. I'm a big believer in listening to

your body. You're body will tell you if something is

wrong. Has your hair gotten dry or brittle? Have

your nails changed? Do you gums bleed? Is your

circulation poor? Are you suffering from lack of

appetite? These are all things you can ask yourself

to se if you might deficient in some nutrients.


There are lots of changes your body goes through

during pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, etc. Your milk

changes as your child grows. Your body really is

amazing if you think about it. I don't think you

really need to worry, unless you feel unhealthy.


Take care,







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