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Baby Formula

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Smarte Baby!!! No Soy! <br>Pureed: bananas,

soaked oatmeal, any fruits, pureed veggies which don't

cause gas. Also, soaked oatmeal pureed with fruits.

<br>Get ideas from ingredients in baby food jars sold

commercially and make 'em all yourself!<br>Sue

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Amy,<br><br>Best advice is to put him back on

breast milk. There is no substitute that comes close.

Why not express milk into bottle and feed baby from

bottle? If you could do that until he is one it would be

so great for him.<br><br>Don’t feed him soymilk. If

you have to substitute another “milk” type product

try making your own “nut milk”. In an earlier post I

wrote at length on how to make “almond milk”. I can’t

find it now but when moves us from “clubs” to

“groups” we will have a search method to find text in old

posts. I found almonds the best but you can also make

from sunflower seeds.<br><br>To make Almond

Milk:<br>Soak 1 cup of whole organic almonds in water

overnight. That gets rid of the enzyme inhibitors which you

don’t want. The next morning drain the almonds. Bring a

small pot of water to a boil and take off the heat.

Throw all the almonds into the hot water for about 45

seconds and then drain. While the almonds are hot remove

all the almond skins one by one but pinching each one

between your thumb and forefinger. When you do it right

the almond will jump right out of it’s skin. It only

takes a second to do each one. Throw out the skins. Now

put the cup of skinless almonds into a good blender

and add 6 cups of water. Turn the blender on high for

about 2 minutes. Pour out the milk through a fine

strainer to remove the nut meal. What you have left is

about 6 cups of almond milk. Good idea to strain AGAIN

because the bottle’s nipple hole gets easily clogged.

Best to use organic nuts and distilled

water.<br><br>See? It’s more work making almond milk than breast

milk and it is in no way as good but my little guy

sure liked it as did we. We never gave my infant son

formula. I forget when it is appropriate but at some point

you can give your son “highly” diluted fruit or

vegetable juices you prepare at home with a good

juicer.<br><br>Personally, I would stay away from feeding him oatmeal,

soaked or otherwise. It’s constipating. I know… everyone

will tell you to feed him oatmeal and it sounds like a

perfectly sensible thing to feed him but I’ve read enough

hygienic books to indicate otherwise. I love oatmeal. But

since I’m so in touch with my health at this point I

can tell that the oatmeal is not good for me and

likewise it is not good for anyone.<br><br>As far as your

son being sick often there is so much to consider

beyond what you are feeding him. <br><br>Is he sleeping

enough?<br>Is he kept adequately warm but not too warm?<br>Are

you over feeding him?<br>Are you combining foods

correctly?<br>Are you vaccinating him?<br>Are you giving him ANY

medications?<br>Is he getting adequate sunshine and fresh

air?<br>Etc.<br><br><br>Closing points:<br>See post #179 in this club about the

book “Raw Kids”.<br><br>Try to find a copy of “The

Hygienic Care of Children” by Shelton (and good luck with

that task).<br><br>Avoid cow’s milk at all costs. If

you want your child to have lots of problems give him

cow’s milk. We tried fresh goat’s milk but twice he

broke out over his whole body during that time so we

ended that experiment. Feeding your child any animal

milk other than human milk is not a good


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I have read articles on raw babies, that say they

should be breast fed for 2 years. The problem with nut

milks is that they might be too high in protien. Breast

milk is only, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2% protien. I would go with

what sue says, fruits, and keep trying breast milk(of

course I don't have a hungry baby on my hands.)


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  • 2 months later...
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To the best of my knowledge, no, all vegan formula is soy. May I ask what

you need it for? I might have some suggestions.




> Does anyone know if there is a vegan non-soy baby formula? What about


> formulas in general?

> tera

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, drgnldyrcd@a... wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a vegan non-soy baby formula? What

about vegan

> formulas in general?

> tera




Um......how about breastmilk? :-)



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There is rice formula out there. It was formulated for those with soy and

dairy allergies. I am giving my baby soy formula and it's vegan. It's Enfamil

Prosobee. The thing that I don't like about it is that " corn syrup solids " is

the first ingredient. But the benefits outweigh the sugar problem.

- Sonia


In a message dated 4/11/02 3:54:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,



> To the best of my knowledge, no, all vegan formula is soy. May I ask what

> you need it for? I might have some suggestions.

> Sandra

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