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Trying to FORM a Children's Community Veggie Group

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<P> VIVA is a longstanding group in Vegetarians In

Vancouver Island.<BR>Check out <A

href= " http://www.NAVS-Online.org " >www.NAVS-Online.org</A>

for local contacts. & nbsp; (It was long Marcia Pearson,

a longtime vegan fashion model.)<BR><BR>Meanwhile, why

not do the following:<BR>(a) join the various PARENTS'

e-mail lists and post your announcement, encouraging

OTHER parents to start similiar groups in their

regions, and offer to COLLABORATE with them on the

HOW's of setting up such a group.<BR>(b) tell NAVS

(North American Vegetarian Society) that you are doing

this and ask for their help (<A

href= " NAVS " >NAVS</A>)<BR>©

Prepare a quick flyer and send out to all the

vegetarian-friendly groups in your area (animal

rights, natural foods, health food stores, Adventist

churches, Hindu and Jain and Buddhist temples and

groups, meditation groups) and children-heavy

organizations (daycare sites, elementary schools,

etc.)<BR><BR>You might also wish to study EarthSave's

" Healthy School Lunch Program " and link parents with

some kind of healthy school activism around the HSLP.

<P>IMO the COST would be very worthwhile and would pay

you back richly.<BR><BR>I've heard of this being

ATTEMPTED in the UK and in the US Northeast. & nbsp;

Probably others elsewhere have tried it, but we've not

heard of it because they've not tried to communicate

with us or with others more widely.<BR><BR>Maynard S.

Clark<BR>Vegetarian Resource Center

<P> & nbsp;

<P> & nbsp; <B><I>mtenile

& lt;mtenile & gt;</I></B> wrote:


5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid " ><TT><BR> & nbsp; I

am hardpressed and have depleted all of my resources

to find out <BR>that there is no community kid's

veggie group in Vancouver? I can not <BR>be the only

one looking for a group of parents/kids that meet once

a <BR>week/month, playdates, organized functions. The

demograhics & nbsp; of <BR>veggie kids in my area is

very low. For my child and I am sure for <BR>many of

you, the association of the same lifestyle as other

children <BR>is very important. If anyone can post me

in the right direction, <BR>please do so. Otherwise I

will be beginning the long process to form <BR>a

group. Charmaine..Vancouver<BR><BR></TT><BR><!--

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