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children's lunch suggestions

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<PRE>I pack hummus in a little container - and have my children dip carrots,

celery and pita bread into the hummus. Also, peanut butter inside the celery

is good. Peanut butter with sliced bananas rolled up inside a flour tortilla

as one of my sons favorites. Cubes of baked tofu (since I am forever busy, I

buy the packaged baked tofu) are tasty and delicious. My kids also will eat

soup in their lunches. Good luck. Tracy

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My three-year-old (well, almost) takes lunch to pre-school every day. They have

the advantage of being able to heat things up, but cold pasta salad is a big hit


you can pretty much put any vegetables in it that you happen to have leftover or


around. I use different shapes and different colors of pasta and different


dressings. The only thing that's a must is olives:)


You can also use brown rice or whole wheat couscous.


And of course there's always the classic cold pizza.



Mom to Lucia, 2 yrs, 11 months

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Hi --


We LOVE the tofu-salad as a replacement for egg salad, which I used to

love... tofu (pressed) mashed with soy mayonaise, cumin, pepper, salt,

turmeric, celery... yum... all to taste.


For lunches, we usually take sandwiches but try to be creative with

different breads, wraps, pockets, and crackers. Fillings are anything from

roasted red pepper with tomato and soy cream cheese to leftovers from

dinner -- pasta or grain dishes in a wrap. For kids, peanut butter goes with

almost anything: apple or banana slices, grated carrots, celery, honey,

fruit spread. Avocado mashed on crackers is good, cucumbers or tomatoes and

soy cream cheese with sprouts in a wrap. Have fun...





Karen Detling [kdetling]

Thursday, September 05, 2002 9:39 AM


Re: Children's Lunch suggestions



Hi Karen -


Here are some suggestions. I'm sure that others will be more creative.


1. Peanut Butter. It can be in sandwich form or as a dip or spread on

other things. We like peanut butter on apple slices. Peanut butter spread

on whole wheat crackers.


2. Hummus. I don't know if her son likes it, but mine (3 and 1) inhale

the stuff. My daughter eats it straight out of the bowl with a spoon, and

my son likes it made into little sandwiches on whole wheat bread. Whole

wheat pita is good for scooping, as well as fresh veggies.


3. Tacos/nachos, etc. This can get sloppy, but she could pack taco

shells, chopped tomatoes, guacamole, shredded cheese and other toppings he

might like.


4. Tofu. My daughter eats it cold right out of the package. It gives me

the creeps, but she loves it. I'm not sure your friend's son will do that,

but maybe others will have ideas on how to make it more appealing for him.


5. Pasta. My kids like pasta cold as well as hot.


6. Fresh fruit and veggies.


7. I've never done this, but some kids like ants on a log. Put peanut

butter or cream cheese in celery and place raisins on top.


8. Egg salad sandwiches or presented in some other way. Some people make

it using tofu instead of eggs. BTW, if anyone has a good recipe for that

I'd like to try it.


9. Beans. If he likes beans, like kidney, black bean, etc., those can be

sent in cold, either plain or in some sort of salad. I make a black bean

salad that my daughter loves.


I hope that helps.




Karen Butler

Wednesday, September 04, 2002 1:32 PM

Children's Lunch suggestions





I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine, not a vegetarian yet, but she

did eliminate red meat from her and her family's diet. Anyway, her son just

started kindergarten, and she would like to pack his lunch for him everyday.

She showed me the school lunches and I was in shock. Not only are they

disgusting, but there is not much nutritional value in them. I know this

question has been posted before, but does anyone have any good lunch

suggestions for her son? They have to be cold lunches, as there is no way

to heat them up. She will try anything and is open to all suggestions. She

just doesn't want to keep giving him sandwhiches. I know alot of you will

have great suggestions as this is a great list!

Thanks in advance.






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, Karen Butler <kbutlerjr> wrote:


> Hi-

> I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine, not a vegetarian yet,

but she did eliminate red meat from her and her family's diet.

Anyway, her son just started kindergarten, and she would like to pack

his lunch for him everyday.


Here are some things my kids take to school/daycare (we are not



1. Sandwiches with various spreads - cream cheese, honey, hummus. Both

school and daycare are nut-free, so peanut butter, etc., are out.

2. Soy products - cold tofu dogs, veggie bologna.

3. Fruit (apples, bananas, even strawberries in a plastic container).

4. Yoghurt in a little container.

5. Little bags of dried fruit - raisins and/or apricots.

6. Little chunk of cheddar cheese in a ziploc bag (or it dries out).

7. Little bag of pretzels or crackers for snack.


That's all I can think of right now ...


Be well, Hadass in Winnipeg (catching up).

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