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low iron and anemia

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Do any of you out there suffer from low iron and/or anemia? If so, would

you mind sharing with me your experiences with it? I have had problems for

as long as I can remember with low iron but now twice in two years I have

become anemic. When I went in for some blood work last week related to my

flu, it showed anemia. I am going back the week after next when I am truly

well for another check as the doctor said it can be lower when the body

is fighting an infection - and then we will discuss iron sumplements (which

as tired as I am now are well needed). I will also bring in a stool sample

to check for blood as I don't want to worry that that could be a cause -

it is better to just know. The other thing the doctor said is that I am

a menstruating vegetarian woman and that can be a cause.


Thanks in advance!



US citizen in Thalwil (Zurich), Switzerland

SAHM of Sam almost 7 & Aleksander 3

ml@h=US English, ML=Swiss & High German


" Tolerance is withstanding people on our terms. Acceptance is embracing

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First, when I was vegetarian I was often anemic. My

doctors unfortunately always blew it off and even when

I took iron I still showed signs of anemia. When I

went vegan over seven years ago I never suffered from

anemia again. Since my doctors were pretty lame and I

didn't push it I will never know for sure why going

vegan changed things.


Second, doctors tend to advice iron supplements and

blame vegetarianism on anemia...this is very scary

since anemia can be a sign of more serious problems

(not to scare you, but it sounds like you know this

since you are taking in a stool sample). I would have

a complete blood work up, etc. to look for other

things. My mother's cancer went undetected for who

knows how long because her doctor kept blaming her

anemia and lack of energy on her vegetarian diet. By

the time they found the cancer (when she was in for an

misdiagnosed gallbladder surgery) it was too late and

she died a month later. If you are feeling tired,

etc. take your health into your own hands...see

another doctor, read medical books, etc. to help find

the source of the problem. Sometimes taking

supplements can just mask the underlying issue.


That said, I would take an honest look at your diet

and see if you are eating a balanced varied diet.

Sometimes we get into ruts and don't eat a lot of

different foods. I would try eating vitamin C-rich

fruits and vegetables since C helps with absorption.

Dairy products inhibit iron absorption per 'Heathly

Eating for Life for Women' by PCRM. This book also

suggests these blood tests:


1. Serum ferritin (normal values are 12-200 mcg/l)

2. Serum iron and total iron binding capacity (TIBC).

When the serum iron measurement is divided by TIBC,

the result should be 16 to 50 percent for women and 16

to 62 percent for men.


Results below these norms indicate too little iron.

If the result suggests iron deficiency, your doctor

may request an additional test called a red cell

protoporhyrin test for confirmation. A result higher

than 70 mcg/dl of red blood cells suggests

insufficient iron. To diagnose iron deficiency, at

least two of these three values (serum ferritin, serum

iron/TBC, or red cell protoporhyrin) should be



It sounds like you've already had the test, but some

doctors do a hemoglobin test that is said to be less

accurate than the ones above.


Good luck! I hope you feel better soon!!!!






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Linda Evans wrote:

First, when I was vegetarian I was often anemic. My

doctors unfortunately always blew it off and even when

I took iron I still showed signs of anemia. When I

went vegan over seven years ago I never suffered from

anemia again. Since my doctors were pretty lame and I

didn't push it I will never know for sure why going

vegan changed things.


Dairy products inhibit iron absorption per 'Heathly

Eating for Life for Women' by PCRM.




It seems like you answered your own question. Could giving up dairy be the

reason you no longer have a problem with anemia? I know I had problems with

anemia as an omni, but since becoming vegan (and becoming more conscious of my

vitamin C intake as well), it hasn't been an issue.







- We Remember

9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost



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> - and then we will discuss iron sumplements (which

> as tired as I am now are well needed). I will also bring in a stool sample

> to check for blood as I don't want to worry that that could be a cause -

> it is better to just know. The other thing the doctor said is that I am

> a menstruating vegetarian woman and that can be a cause.



your menstration has a little to do with some anemia, but the dr. might not

have a clue about being vegan either. I suggest taking the herb yellow dock

in tincture form. I reccomend it to all my clients who are pregnant. Feel

free to email me if you have questions about it.






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Thankyou everyone for your responses! I will be going back in next week

with my stool sample and another blood test - I am going to ask specifically

that they check my B-12. I do want to know WHY my iron is low and why twice

I have become anemic. I have struggled with low iron since my teenage years,

way before I became a vegetarian. But I have no idea if I was anemic and

for years I took iron supplements, so who knows. I went in in April and

had my blood checked, the iron was low and I was supposed to take Floradix,

but I realize now that I only took 1/4 of the bottle.


I know all about misdiagnosed things. My doctor in Norway missed my roundworms,

basal cell carcinoma on my face, and my anemia the first time (I had to

request that she check my iron because I was feeling so run down and depressed).


Anyway, I am dreading next week, but I know that it is indeed better to





US citizen in Thalwil (Zurich), Switzerland

SAHM of Sam almost 7 & Aleksander 3

ml@h=US English, ML=Swiss & High German


" Tolerance is withstanding people on our terms. Acceptance is embracing

people on their terms. "


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