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Homeschool, playdates, family fun

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Hi all,


I am looking for some likeminded people, families in or near Orland Park IL .


My children Nadia 5 3/4yrs old and Daniel (will be 3yrs old on Nov 3rd). and I (

and perhaps dh as well although I haven't asked him..lol ) are looking for some

veggie friends.


We homeschool, and are vegan ( except dh who is vegan at home, but not

nessasarily so away from home) . The problem is that my children and I do not

know anyone else who do the same, and I really want them to know that we are not

the only ones, therefore we are looking for others that we can have playdates,

field trips, vegan meals, etc. with.


Does anyone on this list live near us or have any sugesstions as to how to

network with others near us. I've searched the web for what seems like ages to

no avail! And I'm starting to feel hopeless.


Please help,








New DSL Internet Access from SBC &



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Sorry we're not really close to you, but I just

started the Vegetarian Society of East Central IL and

we have monthly potlucks and are going to have at

least monthly playgroups, etc. You are more than

welcome to come down to the Champaign-Urbana area and

join us any time! Sorry I can't be of more help...I

know how tough it can be!



--- Abitof Mystique <a_bit_of_mystique



> Hi all,


> I am looking for some likeminded people, families in

> or near Orland Park IL .


> My children Nadia 5 3/4yrs old and Daniel (will be

> 3yrs old on Nov 3rd). and I ( and perhaps dh as well

> although I haven't asked him..lol ) are looking for

> some veggie friends.


> We homeschool, and are vegan ( except dh who is

> vegan at home, but not nessasarily so away from

> home) . The problem is that my children and I do not

> know anyone else who do the same, and I really want

> them to know that we are not the only ones,

> therefore we are looking for others that we can have

> playdates, field trips, vegan meals, etc. with.


> Does anyone on this list live near us or have any

> sugesstions as to how to network with others near

> us. I've searched the web for what seems like ages

> to no avail! And I'm starting to feel hopeless.


> Please help,


> Debbie






> New DSL Internet Access from SBC &


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








New DSL Internet Access from SBC &


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Have you searched for a vegetarian society in your area? DO you have

any vegetarian restaraunts, food coops, natural food stores? If so,

any of them might be a good resource as to finding people or groups.

If your search finds nothing how about starting a veg society

yourself? I bet there are others in your area in the same place.

Put up fliers in stores or the library and maybe people will come





, Abitof Mystique <a_bit_of_mystique>



> Hi all,


> I am looking for some likeminded people, families in or near Orland

Park IL .


> My children Nadia 5 3/4yrs old and Daniel (will be 3yrs old on Nov

3rd). and I ( and perhaps dh as well although I haven't asked

him..lol ) are looking for some veggie friends.


> We homeschool, and are vegan ( except dh who is vegan at home, but

not nessasarily so away from home) . The problem is that my children

and I do not know anyone else who do the same, and I really want them

to know that we are not the only ones, therefore we are looking for

others that we can have playdates, field trips, vegan meals, etc.



> Does anyone on this list live near us or have any sugesstions as to

how to network with others near us. I've searched the web for what

seems like ages to no avail! And I'm starting to feel hopeless.


> Please help,


> Debbie






> New DSL Internet Access from SBC &



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Debbie asked:


<<I am looking for some likeminded people, families in or near Orland

Park IL .>>


People don't move to Orland Park to live in a like-minded community of

vegetarians. Perhaps if you were willing to drive into the city you'd

have better luck. I know that there's a Chicago-based vegetarian

society which holds putlucks and such, but having never been to any of

their activities I can't say anything more than that. You could find

out their contact information, I'm pretty sure, by picking up a free

" Conscious Choice " magazine. In fact, that publication is probably your

best bet for finding any " local " vegetarian support. Have you only

looked on the Web, or are you investigating print sources as well?

Because your local paper, the Reader, Conscious Choice, etc. are

probably better resources than the Web for local information.



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> Does anyone on this list live near us or have any sugesstions as to how to

> network with others near us. I've searched the web for what seems like ages

> to no avail! And I'm starting to feel hopeless.



I'm not in your area, but I know many home schoolers. Try a letter to the

editor of Mothering Magazine. Also notices in a food co-op or Health Food

Store work well.






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Liz wrote:

People don't move to Orland Park to live in a like-minded community of



*** They don't? Gee, I don't see why not? LOL... I'm going to assume that you

mean it's not a place known for progression in vegetarianism. (correct me if

I'm wrong as I'm not sure what you meant)


But none the less our reasons for moving here were not based on that either, and

we aren't expecting a " community of vegetarians " , we are just trying to find a

few. I am hoping that the trend to move out of the city ( Orland Park is

actually one of the fastest growing suburbs of Chicago) and the newer " health

oriented " stores poping up will help bring out some of the others who were

hesitant before, or are (like us ) already in the area and finally able to shop

closer to home for healthier choices. We have also joined a co-op, however it

is small and there are only two families in it who are " close " to being vegan as

they put it. ( one says she is almost vegan but occasionally eats fish and

poultry : she says she is following some sort of raw food diet. The other was

once vegan but said she didn't eat healthy at the time and became sick and so

went back to eating meat...I don't understand that personally but they are at

least semi-supportive of the idea of veganism. The problem though here is that

neither of these people have younger children and my kids don't relate to them.


Also dd knows the difference and wants to know people who " eat like us " . Finding

out that a boy in her preschool class was vegetarian just wasn't good enough for

her becuase he ate cheese. whew... sorry for the rambling I'm just getting worn

out trying to convince dd that we aren't the only ones (since I haven't been

able to give her the physical evidence that she wants), and even if we were that

it's ok because we believe in the choices we are making. (and that's only half

of the battle as she is now " officially " schoolaged this year and we are

homeschooling as well).


And to add to the stress... we suddenly decided this summer that it was time to

move into a different house ( we have already closed and will be physically

moving in within about two weeks). It's not far and not exactly country like,

but it is no longer in a subdivision like dd is used to living in. Although she

is not extremely close to them she just made several new friends in our

subdivision after the decision was made and it isn't very likely that we will be

keeping in touch with them. The girls said they may be moving soon as well, (

not verified info) and right now they come over basically because the parents

let them wander around unsupervised ( they are aged 6 & 9) but, I'm pretty sure

the parents wont drive them over to see us and I " will not " allow my young child

to come stay with them knowing that they will not be properly supervised.


Sorry for venting..... I'm just desperate to find a place where my daughter

feels like she " fits " in and it hasn't been easy. :(




thanks for the suggestions but where would I find " Conscious Choice " magazine?

(perhaps a health food store)



I have checked some local papers also but so far I haven't seen anything in

them, perhaps I should put out a want add or something. I also haven't seen any

public bulletin boards or anything to post at ( maybe city hall could tell me if

there are any) I'm planning on now asking the clerks/owners of my favorite HFS

as well. They don't typically keep any local flyers or anything like that on

hand so I don't want to impose, but they may know some people to contact or

allow me to post somthing... it can't hurt to ask I guess.



Again sorry to vent... thanks for the help.... and if anyone has any other

suggestion... please let me know...







For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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Debbie wrote:


>>>People don't move to Orland Park to live in a like-minded community

of vegetarians.


>>*** They don't? Gee, I don't see why not? LOL... I'm going to assume

that you mean it's not a place known for progression in vegetarianism.


Glad to see you got my dry sense of humour there. Yeah, Orland Park

seems to be more based on the joys and excesses of capitalism than on

anything progressive. But you're there, which proves that it's not

totally carnivorous. There have to be other people who find themselves

there for work or family reasons, but who desperately want to have a

more like-minded community to turn to.


I hadn't read " Conscious Choice " for a while, so I picked one up, and

actually it probably isn't all that helpful. There isn't any bulletin

board section, or anything like that. I think your idea to talk to the

local HFS staff makes the most sense.


Also, maybe if there's a bulletin board at the local bookstore?



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