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Children, vaccines and peds

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I live in Greece where vegetarianism is a very rare thing. I don't take any

medicines myself, except an aspirin once or twice a year when I have let a

headache get out of hand because I didn't have the time to treat it with

Reiki or Silva method (they only work if you catch it early). And I was

totally against vaccines.

I found a homeopathic paediatrician who usually does vaccines, although not

all, and really and earnestly told me that she advises me to do some. I was

adamant, and I told her that my naturopath knows what to do in case they do

get some of these illnesses. So she finally said that in order not to have

problems with school, army etc..., she would just say that my kids got all

the compulsory ones. In brief, she lied. She said all her homeopath

colleagues with children do the same thing. I thought it was super from her,

and it saved me from a lot of hassle when school actually came. Because,

even for the swimming pool you need a certificate that the child has done

all his/her jabs!

I like this woman a lot. My children only take homeopathic things, and then

not for every illness. Usually I try to get them well with no help other

than rest, fruit fast, warm baths and compresses (I don't know the English

term: when you put a towel in cold water, then squeeze it, then apply on the

forehead, and change it when it gets warm) in case of fever, herb teas and

Vicks rubs in case of coughts etc... Again, we do discuss. I mean, she knows

I'm more extreme than her (she sometimes gives child aspirin, while I've

never given it to my children) and when she knows I may not do some of her

suggestions, she offers alternatives that will be acceptable to me, while

still saying that in her opinion this and that would be best. I think I was

lucky to find her. My osteopath told me about her.


Generally, if you are looking for a paediatrician with the same ideas as

you, it's best to search in areas with similar minded people (adult

homeopaths, osteopaths, yoga schools, Reiki shares etc etc... and ask if any

of those people are parents themselves and can guide you to a suitable




Mother of Tancredi (9) and Lavinia (5)


Towards_health_and_beauty/ Friendly support

and guidance to everyone struggling with weight and wellness problems.

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, " Irene Maradei " <shantima@o...> wrote:they do

> get some of these illnesses. So she finally said that in order not

to have

> problems with school, army etc..., she would just say that my kids

got all

> the compulsory ones. In brief, she lied. She said all her homeopath

> colleagues with children do the same thing. I thought it was super

from her,

> and it saved me from a lot of hassle when school actually came.


> even for the swimming pool you need a certificate that the child

has done

> all his/her jabs!


Wow. Remind me not to swim with your children next time I'm pregnant,

or have any other kind of immune deficiency. Do you keep them away

from old people and people with immune diseases? Having a physician

lie about such a thing is no less than shocking IMHO, and would be

grounds for her losing her license in Canada.




> Again, we do discuss. I mean, she knows

> I'm more extreme than her (she sometimes gives child aspirin, while


> never given it to my children)


Aspirin is counter-indicatd for children in North America because it

may lead to a life-threatening situation called Reyes' Syndrome. I am

staggered that a physician of any kind would give aspirin to children

in this day and age. Is there no acetaminophen (in Northern Europe it

is called paracetamol) in Greece?


Be well, Hadass in Winnipeg.

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