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Connections Ecstatically Viewed

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Hi All-


Chris asked me to post one of my more pronounced K experiences for some

educational elucidation. I am not trying to teach with this tale

though. I am just presenting it as is.


This happened about a year ago. The entire experienced happened on two

separate days. I was at my lady friend's house in the morning, reading

a a text about spirit and healing with her sleeping next to me. I read

something about spirit being about intention which I usually feel

covers only half the issue. I know many good things have come to me

despite a very bad outlook and disposition and I can only attribute

this to pure grace. And not just mysterious grace but really the grace

of people in my life. And so I was considering a big part of grace is

that it comes from other people, that that is really divine grace.


I looked at my lady friend and touched her and it came in that ecstatic

way. The touch was filled with a great amount of activity. It was like

I could feel her, and I could feel her feeling me, and I could feel me

being her feeling me, and I could feel her being me feeling her. And

the thought was of God touching God.


A day or two later when I was in a food market a clerk collecting

baskets said " Bless you " to me me after I had sneezed. I said " Thank

you " , and then thought, she just blessed me, that is grace. I looked

down the aisle and I noticed that ecstatic way of seeing coming on.

Okay, time to relax and watch the show. I looked around me and saw

everyone in the store as vessels of grace to me and I could actively

feel all of their connections to me. Even the guy with the most dour

and closed expression was full of divine grace for me, which was kind

of funny. It was a very intense and I was on the verge of tears for a

few short minutes from feeling the strong connection between me and all

the others in the store. But the intensity soon subsided as I went to

look for my friend with whom I went to the store, easy come, easy go.



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Your experiences are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them with us. That

blessed state is what we all should strive to achieve--permanently!






, Bret Arenson

<bretarenson@i...> wrote:

> Hi All-


> Chris asked me to post one of my more pronounced K experiences for some

> educational elucidation. I am not trying to teach with this tale

> though. I am just presenting it as is.


> This happened about a year ago. The entire experienced happened on two

> separate days. I was at my lady friend's house in the morning, reading

> a a text about spirit and healing with her sleeping next to me. I read

> something about spirit being about intention which I usually feel

> covers only half the issue. I know many good things have come to me

> despite a very bad outlook and disposition and I can only attribute

> this to pure grace. And not just mysterious grace but really the grace

> of people in my life. And so I was considering a big part of grace is

> that it comes from other people, that that is really divine grace.


> I looked at my lady friend and touched her and it came in that ecstatic

> way. The touch was filled with a great amount of activity. It was like

> I could feel her, and I could feel her feeling me, and I could feel me

> being her feeling me, and I could feel her being me feeling her. And

> the thought was of God touching God.


> A day or two later when I was in a food market a clerk collecting

> baskets said " Bless you " to me me after I had sneezed. I said " Thank

> you " , and then thought, she just blessed me, that is grace. I looked

> down the aisle and I noticed that ecstatic way of seeing coming on.

> Okay, time to relax and watch the show. I looked around me and saw

> everyone in the store as vessels of grace to me and I could actively

> feel all of their connections to me. Even the guy with the most dour

> and closed expression was full of divine grace for me, which was kind

> of funny. It was a very intense and I was on the verge of tears for a

> few short minutes from feeling the strong connection between me and all

> the others in the store. But the intensity soon subsided as I went to

> look for my friend with whom I went to the store, easy come, easy go.


> Bret

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