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my exsperiences as you requesred to share with the group

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I hope you don't mind me re-posting of my experiences this for your group to

read in such an un touched form as you have read before. I put the same

statement here for your groups assimilation and discussion rather than re right

it out from scratch it gets bore to hear myself over again.

Thanks again for the invitation



Dear Chris

I believe I am lucky in that I believe the key first occurred in me at the young

age of 4 at this my dreams or nightmares rather was of number of little black

snakes with red glowing eyes that lerked outside of my childhood home. they

would snatch me on the perineum and cause me to loose my ability to run from

them. It was difficult for me to know what was the real world between awake-ness

and dreaming. I would day dream allot I remember walking past a group of

children playing in the sand. I was thinking loudly to myself oblivious to the

other children. The other children rudely irrupted my thinking by teasing that I

am mad because the caught me talking to myself. I was contemplating reality.

when I think back that sounds scary for a little boy. After this I got sick

alot. i think it had a lot to do with my older sisters going though puperty with

there hair polish, hair spays and smoking as well as ddt fly sprays.


I began practicing shirshana at about 8 against the bedroom wall at 13 my father

bought home a book on asanas

I was enthralled though it wasn't till I was 16 I freaked myself out buy sitting

in lotus and fearful that I could not get myself out :-) Also around about that

age I was experiencing OBE's.these were quite frightening as at that time the

movie The Exorcist left an impression on my physic.I have watched it since it is

hard to believe that such a lame movie compared to todays standards would have

such an effect.Once I got my car I got the courage and reason to begin yoga

classes. In those days in Australia it was not a bloke thing to do. And I was a

bloke tough as nails and I needed to talk a girl into doing it with me.

She dropped out I continued to study and practiced for a couple of years before

given a Hari Krishna book I think it was the first one in the series they call

the trilology. this opened a samskara to seek a master. at the same time a

notice went up on the notice board of the yoga school I was attending. About an

international yoga fellowship retreat at mangrove mountain with Swami Satyanada


It is unnerving when you sit in a crowed and the guru points you out to his

shakti disciple and the people in the audience ahead of you look behind them.

2 years later when he returned to mangrove and I took mantra diksha. I asked him

what I should do. he replied what ever you want, I looked back at him with

concern, he looked at his shakti disciple looked back at me and said practice

yoga, you understand yoga don't you. I replied yes.

Whilst I was there at his ashram in met up with a siddha that I had met several

times before he become my tutor in esoteric teachings for the next seventeen

years. I am not a teacher in yoga and have never really desired to be come one

though I have stood in for teacher's from time to time. I have helped a friends

young daughter get over an experience that might have been attributed to

kundalini. then again I believe AHDD, schizophrenia, epilepsy has to do with

kundalini shakti as well. I have experienced these conditions at differing times

and due to differing circumstances and have aided people to get over difficult

times some realise it none of them admit on purpose nor do I wish them to.

Freedom is what I long for. Satyananda surely new this when he said do as I


I must admit I do smoke tobacco in its worst form I also drink coffee as if it

is going out of fashion. I know it holds me back from expressing my potential.

Though at the same time it keeps me earthed, people would not be able to handle

me if I stopped smoking. at times even now I feel I can almost fly. Reality is

but a state of mind. freedom is an expression of soul. though I should sit and

awaken mother shakti again soon. I feel it stirring I hear it howling and all I

believe I need do is surrender. freedom and reality will combine and divine

oneness will be born.

When I took initiation into Karma Sannyass, Satyananda explained karma

sanyassins may do any thing they wished smoking drinking though one thing he

instructed us not to do is to suffer the illusion and delusion of guilt

this he said is the biggest hurdle of spiritual development that leaves untold

samskaras and mental problems.

He said if man lived in a more natural environment with out guilt there is no

need of yoga the natural awakening of kundalini would take place. I know in that

way hatha does help one to perfect physical composition though the understanding

of the workings of mind stuff is much more important. Thus is the importance of

Raja Yoga for removing the seeds of incorrect thinking that leads to the misuse

of thought. Kriya yoga is a mixture of both hatha and raja yogas very powerful

indeed. Tantra is the expression of love and gratitude Krishna incarnate, I thus

believe it is the Dharma of the Karma Sanyass to remove any trace of fear and



Agni is of fire, mental will between bindu chakra and agni charkra as well as

vishudhi or anahata this is the bakti of will or the juani of will

respectively. There is no place for guilt here although Tantra may allow a

little, raja a little more, hatha a lot more. Before one is established in agna

charkra there were three kundalini awakenings Though times now are a changing.

In as much as the three higher centres are much more easily accomplished though

the etheric web needs to be strengthened Hatha yoga does help in this though

kriya is better because the imagination begins to take flight at a quicker pace.

It was through the study of advanced hatha and preparatory kriya that I learnt

of amoroli and the benefits of soma in strengthening the etheric web.

When I am composing an email and thinking of spirituality my tongue naturally

goes to the roof of my mouth and against my teeth. though when I am physical it

does other things :-) it has a mind of its own depending what I am doing.

I know of three types of kechari mudra although I am not sure that you are

implying kechari when you speak of the tongue at the roof of the mouth and

against the teeth one is the hatha method cutting the skin below the tongue to

elongate it the kriya method allowing nature and imagination take its coarse.

The third type is Tantric and not suitable here also as yet I need to have it

verified. the first two are to stimulate lalani thus bindu chakra

Bindu is not a chakra of initiation one of those in between chakras it is in

fact when worked with agna it is a claytons saraswara. Because saraswara does

not allow for physical existence An example of this is that humans needed to

evolve muladhara to establish a physical body before this we were senseless

spiritual emanations

when we are ready for saraswara we will return back to the spiritual plane

though with full consciousness

In reality that is quite a few turns of the wheel to come. That is another story

and vast and is a argument that I cannot stand by nor do I care to. though I am

sure that saraswara will bring death to the physical body. For the jiva it has

no more value of this life. this belongs to the realm of the Maha Samadhi.


Please forgive me as would like to correct you and also give you something to

think about hatha yoga did not have its original birth in India. India is the

cradle of Aryan civilisation. the Himalayan yogis kept and preserved it for

humanity. India duly and rightly inherited it though I believe it is much older

than the Aryan civilisation just as the giants of Easter island and Madagascar

was destroyed during the flood of what we now understand the Poseidon of

Atlantis were previous civilisations that run amuck and were destroyed due to

unholy wars that caused injustices that bruised the natural evolution process.


It has been many year since I read the song Celeste and I do need to read the

mahabrata to detail. I do believe they talk about these times.


the aboriginal dreamtime stories would to have a degree of truth to them as the

same to the Knower and his arch though I beg to imagine that the arch housed DNA

rather than live animals as the flood extended for about 80000 years that is 40

days and 40 nights I day in the life of the lord is said to equal 1000 years.

Scientist equate the shifting of the axis and have claimed the possibility of

such a flood lasting 80,000 years. Before Noah there was total cloud cover A

green house that promoted longer life. After the flood the sun shined through

creating the rainbow effect. The sad thing is these times have left many a

samkara that projects themselves into our unconscious mind it will be only when

we have true knowledge of the archetypal memories that we will understand the

problems of today.


Patanjali was and probably is still k awake. I have read the hatha yoga

pradipika I did not know him to be the original author. I always associated him

with the yoga sutras for what I have read of them I have but microscopic doubt

in my mind he was K awake. I have said in a previous posts I have studied three

commentaries. They differ a little depending on the author of the commentary to

what they understand or choose to reveal

about hatha yoga pradipika in the version I read I could not find any reference

to shankaprank shalana. That did disappoint me as a person on another list did

ask for advise on it. it would have saved me a lot of typing and trying to

research notes of the practice.



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