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Some differences in approach

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--- chrism <> wrote:

Hi cris, i have a question regarding the whole entity

conversation that has recently been in the forum. I

don't have " sight " abilities but I am able to feel

energies and taking your suggestion to work on

establishing a relation with the divine in working

with my recently activated K energy I have been asking

questions to my guides. What happens when i do this is

my head quite forcefully shakes either yes or no, or

sometimes just goes back with eyes towards celing. I

have noticed that sometimes i get well completely

contridictory answers. a Yes and then a No, so to

speak. So I was suspecting entitities fooling around

so when I ask a question to my guide, I use the name

Gloria that you told me of and focus my intention on

that energy, ask my question, and get an answer, Of

ten it feels like another energy then slips in

sort of under that, and gives a different answer.

Besides the shaking of my head, also sometimes I just

feel propelled like in walking like something is just

carrying me along with no effort, then BAM it drains

out and go to a stand still. Also sometimesi will be

sitting in a chair at a desk and some thought i had my

head it seems will instigatejust my head forcefully

start going forward and back like YES YES> Or

sometimes I can be sitting there and my body will

become very straight and weave in a small couple of

circles like energy is circleing up and out my head.

So my question in all of this are these just all

entities do you think messing with me, is some of it

genuine K experienece or communication and might some

it be my guides trying to speak with me, and then HOW

DO I TELL THE DIFFERENCE. and how do I establish a

divine connection without confusing it with these

other energies. I have been asking a lot of questions

some trivial such as whats best to eat and some

profound regarding life paths. I mainly have been

doing this not with the intent of giving up my power

but seeing what that experience of not having a strong

preference self directing every minute feels like. I

havent been " told " to do anything harmful nor would I,

but I really don't want to be " thinking " I am working

with higher energies and in fact Im just giving some

entities a ride. Any thoughts on this.




> On this list communication with entities or spirit

> is not denied or demeaned. This is not to say that

> all discarnate communication is indicative of the

> truth. We in the human body are able to experience

> the full range of communications with entities and

> spiritual groups and this includes the high self and

> the hungry ghost phenomenon.




> Not all entity interaction is without subterfuge and

> deceit. Many, understanding our need for being

> special or in some way different, will attach to a

> person and insist that they are God or another

> powerful divinity and control the physical

> experience of the person by issuing edicts and

> pronouncements about others that person comes in

> contact with or, in worst case scenario, controlling

> the everyday aspects of the person ie what to eat or

> drink or wear, or how to interact with others, what

> job to have


> what person to have relationship with or not , etc.

> This can develop into a form of addiction, and a

> loss of conscious control and responsibility of our

> lives as spirit in matter. Not all entities do this

> and some can be very beneficial. I am speaking of

> discernment here.




> Within the parameters of the Kundalini experience

> this can become pronounced as much consciousness is

> attracted to the power of the Kundalini and knowing

> and taking advantage of the persons innocence inside

> the early aspects of the experience they can swoop

> in with offerings of control. Anything that takes

> way your choice or is directed towards the hurting

> of another or the self is to be released immediately

> and allowed to heal elseware of those traits. Any

> group or single consciousness that is requiring you

> to become subservient to it or to have others become

> subservient to you is to be released immediately

> from your space. Any consciousness that intrudes

> itself upon you declaring itself as " the God " is

> vying for control of your choices.




> You are a powerful entity and not in need of being

> controlled by other spirit or groups of spirits.

> These entities often are of the more unevolved

> variety and still in the process of being afraid of

> having their own body, as it is a fearful

> proposition to become blind and forgetful of ones

> true spiritual self and abilities and to plunge into

> an awareness where they can be taken advantage of as

> easily as they are doing so. The very fact that you

> are in a body is a statement too your power and

> fearlessness.




> Being in a body and being in the state of veiled

> humanity is typically difficult as we all know. As

> the K comes up the veil begins to lose its capacity

> for blocking the true reality and this is were being

> in control of your choices is very important and why

> I'm even writing this.




> Keep your ability of choice intact. Always. This is

> primary. If you encounter this negative type of

> entity interaction say to them and say to yourself

> (silently) " You are NOT welcome in MY energy and

> you must go NOW. " Then say a prayer to your high

> self or God (who can hear you by the way) indicating

> this " God I call upon you in my heart and soul to

> clear away this consciousness ( or group) that is

> forcing itself upon me and place it somewhere else

> where it can receive a healing of love. " This will

> work. For those of you unused to interaction with

> divinity, this will be more difficult, but no more

> so then hearing or seeing a creature or human speak

> or appear to you out of thin air eh? Remember this

> is energetic or spiritual reality. Things are

> different. Always be love based and fear resistant,

> I know easier said then done. With practice it

> becomes much easier. So practice.




> Once again not all entity contact is this way much

> is positive and love based and you will not have to

> worry about these as they will protect your choice

> and control. They may offer you options but it is

> you who will make the decision as it should be. Your

> consequences not theirs. They can be very helpful.

> Just remember love based and not insist ant with

> control. By their actions should you judge them or

> by the actions they request of you.




> Other K lists are more pseudo-scientific based and

> will label this communication from or with spirit as

> part of the Kundalini syndrome and marginalizing you

> as a bit disturbed. Or operating in the lower

> areas. Many in the Kundalini community are not

> comfortable with entity interaction as it implies a

> causality that is outside of their awareness and

> therefore outside of their comfort zones. Some will

> tell you to be consumed by these forces. Some will

> say that these are archetypes, falling back on

> Jungian terminology for explanations, which is

> partly true, but requires more explanation for

> swimming in these waters. Many list owners have had

> limited or no experience with this as their

> activation to awakening hasn't yet included this.

> Enlightenment is biological AND spiritual AND

> emotional AND inclusive of many other aspects of

> dimensionality.




> The best place to begin is by knowing with every

> aspect of your being that you have a right to be

> here. That you are a living example of divinity in

> body and as that there is really nothing to fear.

> Period.




> If you have issues about this let me know -

> blessings chrism

























































[Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


=== message truncated ===






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Please read below


Georgeann Muntin <gmuntin wrote:

--- chrism <> wrote:

Hi cris, i have a question regarding the whole entity

conversation that has recently been in the forum. I

don't have " sight " abilities but I am able to feel

energies and taking your suggestion to work on

establishing a relation with the divine in working

with my recently activated K energy I have been asking

questions to my guides.




@@ How are you feeling the identification of your guides? @@






What happens when i do this is

my head quite forcefully shakes either yes or no, or

sometimes just goes back with eyes towards celing. I

have noticed that sometimes i get well completely

contridictory answers. a Yes and then a No, so to

speak. So I was suspecting entitities fooling around

so when I ask a question to my guide, I use the name

Gloria that you told me of and focus my intention on

that energy, ask my question, and get an answer, Of

ten it feels like another energy then slips in

sort of under that, and gives a different answer.




@@ Let us be clear that there is a difference between Divinity guiding and

itinerant discarnate guidance. Having a communication with a guide is fine as

long as the guidance received is given with the integrity of a love based

compassionate and unforced wisdom. Keeping your choice intact and allowing

answers that are not in conflict.




If you have, by your intense light, and varied interests, attracted others to

your being, which I feel you have, then more management of your space is going

to be required of you. Use the Diamond body to filter out impurities. For the

time being focus on Divinity as you choose but select from the strongest belief

system, for you, the Divinity that works best within your comfort zones, ie

Christ or Buddha, God, Allah, Krishna etc. But there is more to say about your

experience below.......@@




Besides the shaking of my head, also sometimes I just

feel propelled like in walking like something is just

carrying me along with no effort, then BAM it drains

out and go to a stand still. Also sometimesi will be

sitting in a chair at a desk and some thought i had my

head it seems will instigatejust my head forcefully

start going forward and back like YES YES> Or

sometimes I can be sitting there and my body will

become very straight and weave in a small couple of

circles like energy is circleing up and out my head.

So my question in all of this are these just all

entities do you think messing with me, is some of it

genuine K experience




@@ Yes Georgeann you are experiencing the " Snake Dance " . This is Kundalini

expression upon the physical body. As the energy is circulating up now following

the undulating path of spiral movements, your body is responding to this new

pattern by the involuntary movements in sync with this phenomenon.




Head bobbing and weaving, body moving sinuously in harmony with the energy. Once

again, no resistance to this. Just allow this sacred event to flourish and

thrive. What is happening now Georgeann is that as you have experienced the

primary vertical movements of the Kundalini it is now weaving itself into your

body, expressing itself in the pattern of the double helix.




By doing this it is constructing new energetic sheaths around and within the

body. You are growing your new body vivified with the creative force and light

of Kundalini. Everything is going well Georgeann. This will continue for some

time, just allow it to happen and know that you have entered the second physical

phase. @@






or communication and might some

it be my guides trying to speak with me, and then HOW





@@ By what you are given is how you should determine the differences. For



Should I hurt that person for cutting me off in

traffic? - If answered " yes " then it is unwanted guidance and releasing this to

heal elsewhere is called for. Out of your energetic space. If answered " no " then

this is possibly good guidance and can be allowed to continue within those





It is not required that a person use entities for guidance, just going to the

high self can accomplish as much, or GOD.




High self and GOD have not received very much positive press here in our society

and so people don't understand the real power these aspects of the Divine really

posses. Mostly because the art and sacredness of prayer is not understood and as

prayers are not answered to the supplicants desires well then GOD isn't

effective; and how could GOD allow this or that to happen and so on.




Many folks enjoy going to entity first, then moving on upwards through the bands

of awareness. @@






and how do I establish a

divine connection without confusing it with these

other energies. I have been asking a lot of questions

some trivial such as whats best to eat and some

profound regarding life paths. I mainly have been

doing this not with the intent of giving up my power

but seeing what that experience of not having a strong

preference self directing every minute feels like. I

haven't been " told " to do anything harmful nor would I,

but I really don't want to be " thinking " I am working

with higher energies and in fact I'm just giving some

entities a ride. Any thoughts on this.


@@ Well, as you admit to a certain lack of sincerity in the the " testing " of

your guidance it should not come as a surprise that you receive guidance as

diminished in sincerity. Trust.




To truthfully ask for guidance on a given subject is to really need and or want,

with sincerity, guidance on that subject. Quite a bit of what a person thinks is

displayed in the outer bands of a persons energetic sphere. It can be viewed by

whatever or whomever is looking. Integrity is very important.




If you do not need or want or require guidance then do not ask for it as you

will attract what your INTENT is indicating. Not your desire but your intention

is what will be followed. So I will suggest that you Georgeann go straight to

high self or God and be inquiring of these sources with all the strength and

integrity of your being. Ask them the most important questions that you are

working on and remember the " Snake Dance " may cloud the physical response, so

put more importance upon how you " Feel " the response is given.




Georgeann you have a great amount of wisdom and experience. This is clear. Why

ask of things to which you already know? Your practice and skill far outshine

almost all of your contemporaries. Bless us and them by asking the hard

questions and informing us of those rich and hard sought jewels that only you

can bring. I await your findings - blessings to you and all your journeys -





































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Chris, I thought I would share with you what I heard during the watching of

the new movie

" Proof " tonight from the Divine. The movie is about a mathematical genius

(Anthony Hopkins) whose brilliance surpasses many in academia. Unfortunately

the scope of his

brilliance drives him to insanity. His daughter (Gwenyth Paltrow) inherits

his mathematical

genius but is perceived by some to also be " crazy " and in fact is unbelieved

when she

writes a proof of a mathematical query. The Divine spoke to me near the end

of the movie saying that unfortunately when men are able to begin to tap

into the infinite wisdom that is the true essence of their being it overwhelms

the body's capacity to perceive it and can

truly drive men crazy. What is the solution? Greater enlightenment before

the connection

takes place? I don't know.


Another interesting and " enlightening " night for me. Every day is a

blessing and a teaching

of one sort or another.



Diane Freeman





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thank you chris for your quick and helpful reply. Yes

I am sure my attitude could use more trust and

cetainly more reverance ill be more conccious of that.

How I feel the energy or identification with my guide

is at the top of my head when I sort of " talk " or

direct my thoughts to it is like with eyes closed ,

and looking up, a swirling or like someone is fluffing

my hair at the very crown but its not just on the

outside top of my head its like through the top

section of my head as if that part is no longer solid

and the sensation is a dissolving particles moving,

then comes the head shaking in a yes or no BUT its

like there are several or more than one energy that

are there, and Im not always sure what is connecting

with me. So just simply based on the fact that you

identified a guide for me as being named gloria, i

will say that name as a way of focusing the energy and

intent like this question is only for you. Often I get

an immediate shaking of the head but then recently

with more often now i feel like another energy comes

(the dissolving sensation has a differnt quality)and

then comes a differnt answer then the first.

I also almost always feel a pulsing moving around my

body and its that energy which makes my hands rise

above my head in prayer hands resting on my skull off

center of the top, and it makes me sway in circles

like i described, i sort of think of that as the K

energy. and the other energy well I was hoping it was

my guide but you know i dont really know. Like you

said what is my intent, well I think based on our last

workshop was to try and listen to my guide(s)

something I have not done and this was a way I thought

I was doing that. My overwall intent is to become

stronger and clearer in the knowing of that phrase

" Lord make me a messanger of thy peace. " and what it

is to be that in an everyday everywhere sense. I hear

you say go right to the higher source and I will focus

more on that in my meditaitons. I will work with the

diamond, i must admit i have not used it and even have

forgotten about it. I am not sure i even remember who

was where or exactly how it goes. I have the notes

though somewhere from the questions you asked me . As

for picking a favorite divinity, i guess there don't

have as much clarity as I could have, my buddhist

practice for the last 14 or so years has steeped me in

that tradition and practice but my christian roots

have a familiaity to it that is also powerful. My

recent studies of esoteric use the chirst

concciousness as descending and my bent is to include

and recognize a wide variety of images. Right now I am

using the christian symbology and energy but I am

uncomfortable with using the " big guns " saints and

christ like its presumptious or something, and hey i

know thats my problem and a place where I can do some

work. I have though been very inspired recently though

by how it seems to be working thorugh me, I'm feeling

less highs and lows, and have been getting feedback

that people seem to be expressing receivng benefit

from being with me. (the energy coming through me)

Diane thank you for your response your experinece of

working with the divine in your life and I am sure I

would find interesting if you care to share you

experiences. What type of healing methodlogy do you



thanks for the responses





--- chrism <> wrote:


> Please read below


> Georgeann Muntin <gmuntin wrote:

> --- chrism <> wrote:

> Hi cris, i have a question regarding the whole

> entity

> conversation that has recently been in the forum. I

> don't have " sight " abilities but I am able to feel

> energies and taking your suggestion to work on

> establishing a relation with the divine in working

> with my recently activated K energy I have been

> asking

> questions to my guides.




> @@ How are you feeling the identification of your

> guides? @@






> What happens when i do this is

> my head quite forcefully shakes either yes or no, or

> sometimes just goes back with eyes towards celing. I

> have noticed that sometimes i get well completely

> contridictory answers. a Yes and then a No, so to

> speak. So I was suspecting entitities fooling around


> so when I ask a question to my guide, I use the name

> Gloria that you told me of and focus my intention on

> that energy, ask my question, and get an answer, Of

> ten it feels like another energy then slips in

> sort of under that, and gives a different answer.




> @@ Let us be clear that there is a difference

> between Divinity guiding and itinerant discarnate

> guidance. Having a communication with a guide is

> fine as long as the guidance received is given with

> the integrity of a love based compassionate and

> unforced wisdom. Keeping your choice intact and

> allowing answers that are not in conflict.




> If you have, by your intense light, and varied

> interests, attracted others to your being, which I

> feel you have, then more management of your space is

> going to be required of you. Use the Diamond body to

> filter out impurities. For the time being focus on

> Divinity as you choose but select from the strongest

> belief system, for you, the Divinity that works best

> within your comfort zones, ie Christ or Buddha, God,

> Allah, Krishna etc. But there is more to say about

> your experience below.......@@




> Besides the shaking of my head, also sometimes I

> just

> feel propelled like in walking like something is

> just

> carrying me along with no effort, then BAM it drains

> out and go to a stand still. Also sometimesi will be

> sitting in a chair at a desk and some thought i had

> my

> head it seems will instigatejust my head forcefully

> start going forward and back like YES YES> Or

> sometimes I can be sitting there and my body will

> become very straight and weave in a small couple of

> circles like energy is circleing up and out my head.


> So my question in all of this are these just all

> entities do you think messing with me, is some of it

> genuine K experience




> @@ Yes Georgeann you are experiencing the " Snake

> Dance " . This is Kundalini expression upon the

> physical body. As the energy is circulating up now

> following the undulating path of spiral movements,

> your body is responding to this new pattern by the

> involuntary movements in sync with this phenomenon.




> Head bobbing and weaving, body moving sinuously in

> harmony with the energy. Once again, no resistance

> to this. Just allow this sacred event to flourish

> and thrive. What is happening now Georgeann is that

> as you have experienced the primary vertical

> movements of the Kundalini it is now weaving itself

> into your body, expressing itself in the pattern of

> the double helix.




> By doing this it is constructing new energetic

> sheaths around and within the body. You are growing

> your new body vivified with the creative force and

> light of Kundalini. Everything is going well

> Georgeann. This will continue for some time, just

> allow it to happen and know that you have entered

> the second physical phase. @@






> or communication and might some

> it be my guides trying to speak with me, and then






> @@ By what you are given is how you should determine

> the differences. For instance:


> Should I hurt that person

> for cutting me off in traffic? - If answered " yes "

> then it is unwanted guidance and releasing this to

> heal elsewhere is called for. Out of your energetic

> space. If answered " no " then this is possibly good

> guidance and can be allowed to continue within those

> parameters.




> It is not required that a person use entities for

> guidance, just going to the high self can accomplish

> as much, or GOD.




> High self and GOD have not received very much

> positive press here in our society and so people

> don't understand the real power these aspects of the

> Divine really posses. Mostly because the art and

> sacredness of prayer is not understood and as

> prayers are not answered to the supplicants desires

> well then GOD isn't effective; and how could GOD

> allow this or that to happen and so on.




> Many folks enjoy going to entity first, then moving

> on upwards through the bands of awareness. @@






> and how do I establish a

> divine connection without confusing it with these

> other energies. I have been asking a lot of

> questions

> some trivial such as whats best to eat and some

> profound regarding life paths. I mainly have been

> doing this not with the intent of giving up my power

> but seeing what that experience of not having a

> strong

> preference self directing every minute feels like. I

> haven't been " told " to do anything harmful nor would

> I,

> but I really don't want to be " thinking " I am

> working

> with higher energies and in fact I'm just giving

> some

> entities a ride. Any thoughts on this.


> @@ Well, as you admit to a certain lack of sincerity

> in the the " testing " of your guidance it should not

> come as a surprise that you receive guidance as

> diminished in sincerity. Trust.




> To truthfully ask for guidance on a given subject is

> to really need and or want, with sincerity, guidance

> on that subject. Quite a bit of what a person thinks

> is displayed in the outer bands of a persons

> energetic sphere. It can be viewed by whatever or

> whomever is looking. Integrity is very important.




> If you do not need or want or require guidance then

> do not ask for it as you will attract what your

> INTENT is indicating. Not your desire but your

> intention is what will be followed. So I will

> suggest that you Georgeann go straight to high self

> or God and be inquiring of these sources with all

> the strength and integrity of your being. Ask them

> the most important questions that you are working on

> and remember the " Snake Dance " may cloud the

> physical response, so put more importance upon how

> you

=== message truncated ===





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Chris, I found your comments here to georgeann interesting because this

energy swirling around the body has happened to me since l997. The nodding


a Jewish man at the wailing wall syndrome I have experienced forever

particularly when doing meditation or yoga.

Sometimes the energy swirls so much it pushes me back onto my heels. My son


actually reached over before and put his hands on my shoulders to stop it.






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Your long overdue for activation then. Do it. - chrism


dianeforgiven wrote:Chris, I found your comments here to georgeann

interesting because this

energy swirling around the body has happened to me since l997. The nodding


a Jewish man at the wailing wall syndrome I have experienced forever

particularly when doing meditation or yoga.

Sometimes the energy swirls so much it pushes me back onto my heels. My son


actually reached over before and put his hands on my shoulders to stop it.






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